Don't Hurry to Judge

Submitted into Contest #5 in response to: Write a story about two unlikely people falling in love.... view prompt



Early morning of a clear March day. The central street of the city is busy and crowdy as always. People crossing the street, hundreds of cars on the roads in a rush.           

Kaden is getting ready to go to his office at his family house as usual. He is a young businessman who values decency and morality above everything. He just cannot stand people who lead low lifestyle, prefer the easiest ways to earn for life and so on.

On another busy street, a young and pretty girl is preparing her cameras for filming a short film. Her name is Bree. Bree is a student in a university and unlike Kaden, she values humanity above everything. She doesn’t care about the social status of the people. Every human being is the most precious for her. And she tries her best to be helpful for everyone who needs help. Bree has to give a presentation about the possible methods and strategies to prevent drug addiction among people as well as saving those who are already drug addicts for the formation a drug-free open society on her midterm exam. As usual, she is going to make a perfect presentation backed with video and documental files. And today is the day she will take that supplementary film for her presentation. There is also a young male helping her with that. He is a student, too. They study together and they are just friends. The film they are going to shoot will be a social experiment which in turn, will demonstrate the attitude of the society to drug addicts. According to the script of this short film, a young lady will be playing a drug-addict street hooker who will stop people and ask for money. They have already arranged an actress who is supposed to play this role beforehand and she should come in a minute. Time is ticking but she is still not here. Bree starts calling her. After long calls, the actress picks up the phone and refuses to come at the last moment. Bree was not ready for that. She has already everything ready for filming the film and doesn’t have enough time to find another actress. So, she has to play the drug-addicted hooker herself. There is no other way. She changes her clothes and starts playing her roleç roaming on the street and asking people for money. Every person she sees, she asks for money with the words:

“Please, sir, can you help me? I haven’t eaten for days. Can you give me 10 dollars, please?”, “Please, ma’am, please help me. I haven’t eaten for days. Please give me 10 dollars, please?”

Ironically or accidentally, Kaden, on his way to the office, is driving through the same street where Bree is shooting her film. He is in his car with his driver. They stop at the traffic lights and at this moment he sees a girl looking like a drug addict in a hooker outfit on the street. He sees how she is stopping people to ask for money. But of course, he doesn’t know Bree and doesn’t know that they are making a social experiment video. Accordingly, he takes it as a real situation and he thinks Bree is a real drug addict and prostitute. The kind of people he cannot stand.

In the evening of the same day, Kaden and his friend go to a bar to have some drinks together after work. After some time, he sees Bree once again. He kind of recognizes the girl he saw on the street in the morning. This time, Bree is walking out with an old man from the bar. Once again, he thinks she is a prostitute. But actually, Bree was escorting an old tenant back to the care home where she volunteers.

Ironically once again, Bree is a good friend of Kaden’s sister, Olivia. They study together. And Olivia loves Bree. She invites her to a party in a restaurant that was organized by their family company. Unfortunately, Bree won’t be able even enter the party hall as Kaden asks the security not to let her in. Bree does not know that Kaden is Olivia’s brother. They have not met ever before. She thinks he is just another swaggering rich man who didn’t like her poor appearance. On weekend Olivia organizes a home party she again invites Bree. And once again Kaden meets Bree at their own house. He doesn’t know his sister has invited her. He gets so angry to see her at their house that he doesn’t let her say a word and just kicks her out. Olivia doesn’t see anything as she is in the kitchen with other friends at this time. Kaden turns Bree out of the party as well as their house because he thinks she is not a proper person to be around them. Bree is confused and humiliated. She thinks she is being treated this way only because she is poor and he is rich.  

Bree needs a job to earn for her life and ironically, she starts a part time job in the company where Kaden is the manager. Of course, Kaden fires her from the job too, as soon as he sees her there. He also warns her to stay away from his sister.

But later Kaden finds out the truth about the scenes he saw on the street. Olivia finds out everything that is going on between her brother and her friend. She tells Kaden the truth about Bree and her real story. He realizes his big mistake and his conscience starts tormenting him. So, he decides to work hard to earn Bree’s forgiveness. But it is not so easy. He hurt Bree so bad that she does not even want to see him. But Kaden won’t give up.

In the beginning, it was only about earning Bree’s forgiveness. But in the process, Kaden falls in love with her as he sees her real lifestyle. Now he works hard to earn her heart. And he eventually achieves his goal. But unfortunately, Bree hears his phone conversation with his friend where they discuss some business-related matter and, Bree misunderstands their conversation. She thinks they are talking about her and Kaden was around her pretending to care for her just because he made a bet with his friend. She immediately cuts all the relations with him and she even does not let Kaden explain the situation.

           But Kaden decides not to give up and to earn her heart back again. His best friend and sister help him with that. In the end of the movie, Kaden, his friend and Olivia arrange a trip where all the dark points become clear and Bree realizes her misunderstandings, too. And there we have the happy ending.

September 02, 2019 03:59

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