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Fiction Kids

Today is Dec 31, 2020 aka the last day of the year. I'm heading off to Aunt Felica's place, where I will be spending the New Year with people, yup, people. I've been alive for 14 years, or so I think I have been living for 14 years. I'm one of those students who don't ever finish their homework, but still manages to stay at the top of the class for tests (I know I'm a prodigy). My favourite subjects are "AP Physics 2" and "AP Calculus BC" and my least favourite subjects are "Visual Arts” and "PE". At school, you could typically see me hanging out with my bestie, Anaya. Although she hasn't come to school in forever, what if she moved schools? Anyways, at home, I am usually with my cat, Coco, since my parents aren't usually home. Coco doesn't like people. Neither do I. I was actually quite terrified when Mom had called, telling me the news that I will be surrounded by people, by my relatives for a whole night. Let's get this straight, I have only ever met Aunt Felicia once? Maybe twice? And damn does she have so many kids. Tonight will be so chaotic. I'm so worried now, why did I even say yes to her invitation? I just don't know what the day will be like. Maybe I'm the loner that just stares at everyone. Maybe I'm the talker who talks nonstop so everyone thinks I'm crazy. Maybe I'm the eater who finishes every plate of food. Anyways, I have arrived at Aunt Felicia’s house. She greeted me with a great big motherly hug. Ewww. I’m certainly not fond of hugs. She walks me over to the huge table that will later be filled. My cousin (?) Trisha, walks over and compliments my outfit: bright red ombre dress along with a pair of glittery heels and a pair of matching earrings and necklace. Aunt Felicia decided that we will be eating pizza as the last thing we'll ever consume in 2020. Yum. She asked everyone to choose a particular pizza flavour, and me being me, chose BBQ Chicken. C’mon BBQ Chicken is the best flavour ever. Then, it was the wait for our pizza to arrive. I was so bored so I started to count the number of present uh, relatives. There are 20 of us, in total. Trisha switched seats with my other cousin (?) and is now sitting next to me. Uh oh. If she talks, this is gonna get very awkward.

“Hey Catherina, how’s your day been?”

“Uhhh, alright, you?”

“I’m doing fine, thank you:)”

“So how’s school?”

“It’s alright, although I haven’t seen my bestie Anaya in a really long time:( How about you?”

“School’s going good. Not too much homework yet, thankfully.”

Silence. Tic. Toc. Tic.

“Do you have any siblings?”

“No, it’s just me and my cat. You?”

“I have 3 siblings. I’m the second youngest child.”

Toc. Tic. Toc. Tic. 

“Pizza’s here!!!” Everyone and everything around me was like a tornado, twirling beside me, at dashing speed to get their pizza, cause they were hungry and so was I. After getting pizza, I had hoped that Trisha would’ve gone back to her original spot, to avoid any unnecessarily awkward conversations, but nope, she’s back. TBH I really like talking to her, it’s just that I am horrible at talking with people. 

“How’s your BBQ Chicken pizza?”

“It’s really delicious! Which flavour did you end up getting?”

“I got Maple Bacon + Mushroom! Cause I loove bacon.’”


“Hahah I see that your BBQ sauce is dripping off from your pizza!”

“Itsh soooo yuammy!”

Then we stopped talking, not because she had left or I didn’t wanna talk to her, it was just that we were so crammed with our pizza, that our mouths had no more space to talk!!! This continued for a solid 5 minutes. Occasionally we’d smile and laugh at each other, but we were soo into our pizza. Trisha and I talked to each for a long time, but only seemed like a few minutes. After, Aunt Felicia brought up desserts and chips. I got the tiramisu cream pudding. It was my first time trying tiramisu and I enjoyed it so much! Trisha got pistachio so we scooped some from each others. There were a huge variety of chips so I poured some from each flavour. I especially liked the Ruffles All Dressed, I mean, who doesn’t? Sadly, I accidentally poured too much of the ketchup chips, so it got really sour. Trisha and I talked and talked while eating chips and drinking some bubble tea. When it was time to go home, I didn’t wanna leave. Not because I didn’t wanna go home, but because I had finally found someone who I can trust to open my heart and tell them my deepest secrets, and that person is Trisha. When I got home, I phoned my mom, telling her about the night, what had happened and my new friendship with Trisha. She seemed pleased and happy that I had broken the glass that was sheliding me from strangers. After talking with Trisha for the whole night, I had learned to confess my true feelings to everyone. I want to start with my mom. Yes, she was my birth-giver, but that doesn’t mean that she knows me inside out. I love her, but she just doesn’t know what I truly feel.

“Hey Mom. I love you and everything, but I just wish that you are here for me, physically. Everytime I fail or pass a test, you either scold me on the phone or congratulate me on the phone. I haven't seen you for years. I really miss you and hope that I can see you soon.”

“Honey… I’m very sorry for not being and watching you grow since the last few years. I will be resigning from my job in a month. I have booked flights for just the 2 of us to go on trips and to get to know each other better. In the meantime, I have a surprise for you outside on your porch. I hope you will like it."

July 03, 2021 02:23

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1 comment

Stevie B
12:03 Jul 08, 2021

Emma, you write with a very natural narrative style supported by your strong dialogue. Great job!


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