Thriller Fiction Crime

Where were you at the time? It would have been more meaningful to ask why I was here in the first place. I don’t usually come to these gatherings. Never liked them.  Even when my husband was around. For the past 9 years being on my own, I didn’t want to attend as I felt like the odd one out. This year, with much persuasion from Paula with whom I had more affinity, I decided it would be good to meet the gang again and catch up with all the gossip. How I wish I had stayed home. I was not prepared for such an ordeal.  One thing to imagine a whole weekend of fun and laughter, but quite another when it ends up in murder. We were all ensconced in the lounge whispering and looking anxiously around, all thinking the same. If not an accident, not an intruder, then the murderer could be in this room. I shuddered and pulling on my wrap I headed out to the terrace. How I wished I still smoked. A cigarette would be welcome right now. I was deep in thought about the events leading up to this moment, when I was beckoned by a policeman. It was my time to be questioned.

Where were you at the time? The Inspector smiled encouragingly trying to put me at my ease. What was I doing prior to the discovery of Mr. Atkins.  Where was everyone else?   I was playing scrabble with Dorothy, Paula and Eve. We were in the games room which had a traditional fireplace and French doors leading onto the terrace. We had opted to place the games table close to the fireplace as there was still a bit nippy. The four men were playing billiards. I remember seeing Robert, Paula’s husband and Andrew, Dorothy’s latest beau. Ah yes, it wasn’t another man. It was Charlotte, Charlie for short. She was Eve’s partner and very adept at billiards. The other man was Tony, our host. Just where was Melanie, Tony’s sister, who had lived with her brother for several years after his wife died. I seem to remember someone saying we needed some munchies. Maybe she had headed to the kitchen to prepare something. The Inspector continued his questioning and asked if any of my scrabble ladies or the people playing billiards left the room at any time. My group was altogether but I couldn’t be sure about the others. I wasn’t paying much attention except when Charlie let out a whoop as she scored a winning shot. When he pursued how I knew everyone, I realised I didn’t have the full scoop on them. I only knew Paula and Robert. Paula and I were at college together and she was dating Robert back then. When my husband was alive, the four of us would often meet up for dinner. Dorothy I also met at college but she was a year behind me. We only met at these get-togethers. I have met a few of Dorothy’s beaus. Seems she always has a new one every 2 or 3 years. Andrew was the latest one. Eve was an old friend of Tony and he was constantly trying to match her up with one of his friends. When Paula picked me up at the station, she mentioned that Tony was taken aback when Eve had announced she had a partner for the weekend and arrived with Charlie in tow. Tony was not exactly happy. Not sure if he disapproved or was just annoyed.  Melanie I don’t know at all. I met her once at the funeral for Tony’s wife. She had moved in with Tony some years back and had never married, so it seemed a good solution for both of them.

Where were you at the time?  When Mr. Atkins was discovered, continued the Inspector.  In the hallway with everyone else looking at Tony at the bottom of the stairs. Prior to, I remember hearing thud and a groan. I think we all did. At first none of us moved then we all headed out of the room.  Robert seemed to be there first and was leaning over Tony.  Paula left to call for an ambulance and the police. Then Robert was shaking his head.  I just don’t remember where everyone was. If I just close my eyes, I might see the room again and place everyone. Block out current surroundings and seeing past events.  I remember Dorothy was on my left as she gasped and stepped backwards.  I had put out my hand to steady her. Charlie was standing besides Eve to the right of me. They were holding each other in comfort. Andrew was besides Robert. I just couldn’t place Melanie. If she had been in the kitchen prior to the incident, she would have arrived at the same time but from a different angle.  During my recall, I could see Tony at the bottom of the stairs. From his position he must have been going up the stairs as he was on his back. His feet were still on the third stair. His head was turned slightly to the left. His mouth and his eyes were wide open. Almost as though he was trying to cry out or recognizing someone. Or was this how people look when they have a heart attack. Then I remembered seeing Robert’s hands come away from the back of Tony’s head. They were bloodied. Robert’s face was ashen as he shook his head.  As I related this to the Detective, I opened my eyes and looked directly at him. This wasn’t an accident was it?

Where were you at the time? That question was on the tip of my tongue as I returned to the lounge now my questioning was finished.  I looked around at everyone and I knew they too were appraising me. Everyone started talking at once. Stating what we had seen and what we had been doing. My mind shifted and I realised if the murderer was among us, he/she would also be talking to establish an alibi. I tried to position myself away mentally and look at everyone. Who was lying, who was telling the truth. A flicker of the eyes, too emphatic in gestures, a wary glance, and if this was indeed murder, who had motive. I heard Melanie saying the police were also considering an intruder. With some degree of hopefulness in that statement, we all grasped at this possibility which was much better than suspecting our fellow companions. It was late in the evening before the police and paramedics left. None of us wanted to go to bed, we needed to talk. Talk we did. The more we talked the more accusations and gossip immerged. Not being around for many years, I really didn’t know them well.  Some of the secrets now being relayed were new and not just to me.  The air in the room was tense. Like when a thunderstorm is expected and waiting for the first crash. Then it started.

Where were you at the time? Melanie screeched out this question as she turned on Charlie and informed the group she had known Tony long before tonight. In fact she continued, Charlie had visited Tony a few weeks earlier. The meeting seemed to be a welcome reunion. Then it changed and a shouting match ensued. Both hurling insults at each other with Charlie storming out of the house and with Tony calling out “go and I never want to see you again.” No wonder Tony was annoyed when Eve turned up with Charlie on her arm. Eve immediately leapt to Charlie’s defense. She admitted she knew about Tony’s dalliance with Charlie but it had been over for several months. Tony didn’t want to accept it. It was Eve who suggested Charlie meet with Tony ahead of the get-together and to explain her relationship with Eve.  Charlie then counter-attacked Melanie, stating quite slyly that it must have been a godsend that Tony’s wife died when she did. At the time when Melanie had been sacked from the housekeeper position she held with a wealthy family. Stolen silver, I believe.  Melanie shouted back at Charlie that it was a false accusation. She left of her own accord. She also said that someone else had been responsible for taking the silver and added she’s here in this room and she had been in service at the manor at the same time.  Dorothy went very pale and Andrew quickly led her to a chair.   

Where were you at the time? Melanie hurled the same question at Dorothy. Seems to me you’ve been covering up a lot and maybe Tony found out.  When Dorothy finally spoke, it was a bombshell. Despite her college education, she couldn’t seem to land a job and ended up in service at the manor. She was never given the opportunity to be the housekeeper although she had many years of experience before Melanie arrived on the scene. Melanie just waltzed in and just wooed everyone, especially the master. Dorothy saw what was happening and decided to discredit Melanie by taking a few pieces of silver and making sure the blame landed on Melanie.  With the proceeds from the silver, Dorothy moved away and ever since has had a series of boyfriends to befriend her. She hoped it would never be revealed, but Melanie had hinted on several occasions that she would expose her one day, especially to Tony.   Andrew still held Dorothy in his arms and turned on Melanie saying that he knew all about Dorothy’s past. Threatening Dorothy looked more like blackmail and maybe the police would like to hear. Paula was very quiet all this time. Then she spoke up. She admitted she knew of Dorothy’s service days and never once did she ever think it mattered. Being a good housekeeper is a respectable profession and what a pity the manor never recognized Dorothy’s true worth.  Paula went on to say that Tony was totally aware of both Melanie’s and Dorothy’s past and he didn’t give a hoot. He was just glad to have Melanie around to keep house and Dorothy had a new life. 

Where were you at the time? For the record Melanie, just where were you before Tony was discovered. You weren’t with us in the lounge. These words were uttered by Robert. He had been silent while all the slurs were being banded around. Now he was standing quite calmly. Being a tall man, his stature commanded attention.  Before Melanie could answer, Robert went on to say that according to the police, Tony had been attacked at close range. It seemed to be murder but not necessarily by anyone in this room. It could have been an intruder although there were no signs of breaking in. Apparently the front door had not been locked. Maybe someone in this room had deliberately unlocked the door to allow the perpetrator to enter, he continued, looking directly at Melanie. Melanie rounded on Robert and demanded to know who he thought he was asking questions. Continuing on her stance, she informed the group that Robert wasn’t quite as pleasant as everyone thought. He knew about Charlie and Tony and also that Charlie was gay. Melanie now had the floor with everyone paying attention. Melanie then asked Robert how did Tony react when you told him tonight?  Did you have the reaction you wanted? There seemed to be a bit of an edge between you playing pool. Robert smiled indulgently and retorted that the pool incident was more an old age thing of being competitors. Also, a dalliance with Charlie some time ago, added Melanie. More competition?  Melanie turned to the group and said, for the record, I was in the kitchen making snacks. Tony wandered in to see everything was in order then returned to the hall. As he left, Tony mentioned about getting something from his room to surprise everyone, but had added it was not necessarily a welcome one. With that last piece of news, everyone became quiet. 

Where were you at the time? This remark was uttered by Paula who rounded on me. No one, except myself, had been spared in the all the accusations.  Jokingly she asked just what skeletons in the cupboard I had. It didn’t escape me there was a bit of underlying suspicion in her voice.  Now everyone was looking at me. Turning to Paula I thanked her sarcastically for including me, adding for the benefit of the others that I had not been around any of them for many years. No dalliances to speak of either before, during or now. Not for the want of trying, Dorothy said rather spitefully, adding she could see how smitten I was with Eve. Or is Paula more to your liking. She and Robert don’t seem to be as lovie any more. Maybe, she continued, now that you are on your own, you have become gay. Perhaps always was. The room was now full of dark shadows. With all the innuendos and accusations, even the brightness of the fire seemed dull. No-one had been spared.  The hurts and questions between couples and friends would continue long after this night. If on cue everyone, except me, headed out of the room to the safety of their own rooms. I needed to sit and think.

Where were you at the time. That question popped up again. Was I sure about where everyone was. Was it possible someone had left the room without being noticed. When exactly did Tony leave the room. According to Melanie he had stopped by the kitchen before heading upstairs.  Remembering how Tony’s head was turned to the side, it would seem he was looking behind.  Had he heard someone coming into the house.  Was it a stranger, an intruder, or one of the group?  They could have exited thru the French windows and circle back to the front door. Or, the other way round? I had said none of the scrabble ladies had left. Now I remember Dorothy excusing herself for the loo. How long was she gone? Long enough for the rest of us to refresh our wine glasses and set up for a new game. Did she unlock the front door. But why? She certainly had a lot of spite in her. Had Tony threatened to expose her about the stolen silver and clear Melanie’s name. Then there’s Andrew. I remember seeing him close to Robert when he was kneeling beside Tony. Where did he come from, from the lounge with the rest of us? I remember he seemed a bit breathless.  Thinking back, there were only two people by the pool table when we heard the thud. Charlie and Robert. Had Andrew followed Tony? Had he overheard what Tony had alluded to Melanie when in the kitchen? 

Where were you at the time? Yes Tony, apart from being dead in the hallway, why were you there? Did you tell anyone, apart from Melanie, you were going upstairs? Looking around the room again in my head, I remembered I looked over to the pool table when Charlie emitted her whoop. Now I recall seeing Tony motion to Andrew before leaving the room. As Tony and Andrew were partnering on the pool game, he could have been excusing himself. Was it more than that? If so, for what reason? Andrew was a fairly unknown to all of us except Dorothy. I now recalled seeing Andrew being the last to arrive in the hallway and he was definitely breathless. Did he follow Tony into the hall, commit the deed and then exit through the front door, thus accounting why it was unlocked, then head back into the Games room by way of the French doors?  But why? Was he acting on behalf of Dorothy who believed Melanie was about to spill the whole beans to Tony. More appropriate to do away with Melanie.. Follow the money was the usual saying. Who would benefit from Tony’s death? Melanie?  She was already well taken care of and probably Tony’s beneficiary. Unless Tony had left everything to Charlie who had been an item in his life.  If Charlie was in charge of the manor, Melanie would be out on her ear.  Eve would benefit from whatever Charlie had to gain. Paula and Robert were old friends despite competition between Robert and Tony for Charlie.  Murdering Tony would not have resolved that issue. Then there is the prospect of it being an intruder. The house was a bit isolated so having an intruder with murder in mind, just wandering by on the off chance, didn’t seem likely.  With only Andrew and Dorothy leaving the room, my money was still on them. With my eyes now nearly closed, I headed to my room with the reminder to tell the Detective about my recalls and omissions. 

Where were you at the time?  In the dining room enjoying a late breakfast. No-one else was in the room and when Melanie arrived offering more coffee, I was informed they had all left earlier having been given the all clear. Further investigation would continue but for now it was considered an intruder.  I thought about offering my two cents worth. Would it accomplish anything, probably not. The fanciful imaginations of another Miss wanna-be detective. I knew that none of us would ever see each other again. Some will survive the accusations and hurts, some will not. Deciding it would be best to keep my own counsel, I promised not to attend reunions again. Get-togethers aren’t always a good thing.  Over the years, we all have secrets. Some shared and some kept close to the heart, just how it should be.  I will always remember that weekend and in time it will become a distant memory.  Maybe not. Suppose I commit it to paper and get published. Would the others remember ‘where were you at the time’.  

February 23, 2023 21:06

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