Last Forever

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a proposal. ... view prompt



Twenty-six year old Rachel King-Freedman nervously paces behind closed curtains. Between each back and forth, she anxiously readjusts her hair bun. Tonight is the night she and her family have been anticipating. Her stage debut; wherein she and her boyfriend, Henry Montgomery will be telling the story of a marriage that crumbles at the five year mark. The Last Five Years is told in the alternating voices of aspiring actress, Cathy Hiatt and wide eyed, equally ambitious writer, Jamie Wellerstein.  The plot device dictates that Cathy’s perspective moves the story from the end of their relationship to the beginning of their courtship. Jamie’s is the exact opposite, however, they intertwine in the middle when Jamie proposes and they marry. 

 The young brunette’s heart races as her mind is flooded with terrifying thoughts of everyone in the audience being focused on her. A dark wave of doubt threatens to drown her and jeopardize everything she and Henry have worked so hard for. Considering there are only two important people in this play, she is certain the audience will notice if something goes wrong; especially since she has got the opening number. Suddenly, she longs for the comfort of her paint stained overalls and brushes and the well loved green bunny from her childhood; which usually sits on its own stool to keep her company. She peers through the curtain and steals a glance at her sisters- her womb mates sitting in the front row with their parents and older brother, Mason. As her siblings are huddled together, flipping through the program, Rachel still cannot understand why Georgia would refuse to take her place. For months, she has begged for an out. A calm and collected, more confident (blonde) rope to pull her out of this pit of commitment. 

“You love being on stage. You were always the lead in all of the plays we put on for the family. Please, George” Rachel pleaded, extending her bottom lip into a puppy dog pout. However, Georgia would not budge. 

“You know I would love too, Rach. But as the oldest by eight weeks, I have to remind you. Betsy didn’t ask me. She asked you. You’ve got this. You and Henry have got this” Georgia encouraged, looking confidently into her sister’s worried eyes. 

“Are you sure?” Rachel asked as she bit down on her lower lip and her eyes shifted from side to side. 

“Trust the Raedar. It will tell you that you were made for storytelling” Georgia answered, placing a gentle hand on Rachel’s shoulder. 


The heart to heart between sisters seems like a lifetime ago as Rachel’s hands begin to go clammy. Just as  she is certain that her nerves have somewhat calmed down, her heart threatens to leap out of her chest. Her instincts- her Raedar tell her that she is being watched. 

“You’ll be fine, Rach” says a startling yet familiar male voice. Upon turning around to meet Henry’s loving gaze, she feels her fears begin to melt away. It’s just the two of them on stage, perhaps if she focuses on him the whole time, she will survive. 

Due to the fact that she has had to sing it in rehearsal for months, she can’t help but deliver her response the same way. “I think we’re gonna be okay”, the brunette sings; borrowing a line from Cathy’s song, “See I’m Smiling” as she memorizes Henry’s features. From his caramel skin to the golden dyed curls in his hair that seem to highlight his dark brown eyes; which sparkle with a hint of excitement he can’t seem to contain. What is he up to? She wonders. Together, they take a calming deep breath and as she opens her eyes on the exhale, Henry has left her behind for her first solo.

The red velvet curtains slide effortlessly open to reveal Rachel as Cathy shrouded in darkness in the middle of the stage, with the exception of a dim spotlight to highlight her distraught face. She hugs her knees in the lifeless living room set and barely holds onto Jamie’s heart wrenching letter; written in Henry’s quick yet legible handwriting. A sign of a true writer, whose thoughts are faster than his hand. Perhaps that is why the role suited him so well, Rachel thought. A single tear cascades elegantly from the corner of her left eye as the first four haunting notes of piano and cello sound, signalling her opening ballad. 

Jamie is over and Jamie is gone. 

Jamie’s decided it’s time to move on. 

Jamie has new dreams he’s building upon 

And I’m still hurting. 

Meanwhile in the audience, her father, Cooper finds it hard to keep his composure. He holds back the tears that threaten to fall due to his youngest daughter’s moving performance. Despite reminding himself that this is just a play, his heart is sent pumping into protective dad mode. He can’t imagine letting anyone hurt his little Rae of Sunshine the way Jamie hurt Cathy. If Henry wasn’t his colleague’s son, Cooper would not make things easy for him. Apart from their facial features, Rachel is a reflection of her father in many ways. They are both stubborn, emotional and have a strong desire to make people happy. A  reason among many that she feels so connected to Cathy’s character. This is a fact that the young woman will never forget, since she has her mother to remind her on a regular basis.

“It may be terrifying now, but I know you. If you are anything like your daddy, and believe me, you are, your stubbornness and determination will drive you. The minute that spotlight hits, you are in the zone. Don’t let nothing stand in your way” Charlotte advised with her confident southern accent; which only Caroline has inherited. 


Her family’s advice carries Rachel through the remainder of her performance. Her anxieties and mistakes of this week that once haunted her are slowly replaced by  happier, lighter moments. Choreographing Jamie and Cathy’s dance sequence as Jamie sings The Schmuel Song. Sorting their characters into Hogwarts houses during a lunch break, and arguing that Jamie is more Slytherin than Ravenclaw. But most importantly, Rachel envisions her own future with Henry as she takes on a sunny and hopeful disposition during the final number, Goodbye Until Tomorrow/I Could Never Rescue You. As the young couple’s opposing voices collide and Rachel- in a state of total euphoria belts the words, “I have been waiting for you”, she blissfully glides down the faux steps of Cathy’s porch; meeting Henry’s sorrowful eyes as he continues to explain Jamie’s reasons for divorce. 

You never noticed 

How the wind had changed 

I didn’t see a way 

We both could win 

Ironically, it is then that she comes alive at the thought of a quaint little house with a yard for the dogs and kids to play in. A bench or porch swing where she and Henry would meet every night to discuss the day- every day as they grow older together. 

Henry’s powerful performance during The Next Ten Minutes returns to the forefront of the young preschool teacher’s mind. As he knelt before her on bended knee and awaited her response, Rachel wanted to believe that they were no longer pretending; that they had gone back to being Rachel and Henry. For a moment, she allowed herself to believe that he was proposing to her. She didn’t know if that moment would ever truly come, but she knew that if and when it did, her answer would be, “yes”. 

Suddenly, she is brought back to reality as she continues to sing the final lyrics to the ending number. 

Just close the gate 

I’ll stand and wait



As the pair bows together at the sight of a standing ovation, Rachel glances lovingly at Henry, caressing his strong jaw with a gentle hand. Despite what the song says, she knows this is far from goodbye. This can only be the beginning. 

Rachel and Henry race off the stage to meet their families. Charlotte, Cooper and Henry’s mother, Addison were still wiping away several tears of pride and joy. Two bouquets of red are immediately thrust into Rachel’s arms. As her siblings whisk her away to admire them, Henry seizes his opportunity to disappear and retrieve something of great importance. Two minutes later, the young man clears his throat to make his return known. Mason and the girls break apart and turn around to discover Henry on bended knee for the second time that night. 

Rachel’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped in disbelief. Cooper, Charlotte and Addison exchanged a knowing look.

“What are you doing? The play is over” Rachel chuckles, her voice just above a whisper. 

“Cathy and Jamie’s journey may be over, but ours is just beginning. What do you say, Rachel? Think we can make it?” Henry asks with a wink and a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

Rachel allows a stream of joyful tears to fall from her face, too proud to stop them. Her head swims with the most vivid images of her and Henry’s future. All she can manage is an eager nod as she holds out her left hand. Unbeknownst to the happy, young couple, Caroline has thankfully put her photography skills to use and captured the moment so that it may last forever. 

Upon returning home that evening, Rachel sits up in bed and shares the moment with Instagram. The caption reads: All the work that we have put into The Last Five Years has led us here. Excited for the role of a lifetime as Mrs Henry Montgomery.

July 16, 2020 23:46

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