
I lay lazily on the soft mattress. Silence. All is silent. I hate it. The last couple of nights I’ve been tossing and turning, trying to figure out a way I could apologize to them. I slump my legs over the bed and stand up. I feel all my joints crack and my head spinning. I hold onto the wall for support as my legs drag me away from the familiar bedroom and into the empty hallways stretching out for miles.

I know what I did to them was horrible. I made a deal with each one and I was too caught up in my own web of selfishness and power to go through with it. I sigh and walk further down the corridor until a glimmer of red light in the corner of one room catches my attention. I gulp, shaking ever so slightly as I slowly, hesitantly approach the light. “YOU,” I flinch at the sharp hiss in the creature’s voice. The figure then walked closer, revealing its tall, slim, red figure, its skinny claws curled up in anger as its wide mouth opened and closed with each breath.

“My dear friend, how are things going in-uh- you know. You look absolutely radiant this evening.” Ignoring my attempt at flattery, the creature slithers past me and down into the hallway. “Uh-Fun talk! Maybe I’ll just stay here,” But before I could even think of staying at my usual spot, the darkness in the corner dissolves into a pack of roaring, small shadowy figures. Their claws reach out to me, and grab me around my wrists, sticking like tar and smelling of oil as they drag me off down the corridor.

After a few long minutes of being dragged on hard marble floors, we sit on a pair of soft, red, velvet couches in the living room. The creature stares at me with its black and beady eyes. I feel like I should talk. Like I should say something. But saying the wrong thing around this giant beast could get me killed in seconds. Instead, the creature talks first, its sharp, high pitched voice echoing in the room and bouncing off the walls: “You made a deal with me, Abigor. Tell me, where is my part of the bargain?” I feel my self sinking back into my chair, my hands wringing awkwardly around each other as I try to look anywhere but at the creature.  The shadows have returned to their corners and we’re all alone. Me and the other worldly being, sitting on the arm rest of the chair, its long red legs dangling around in the air, swaying back and forth.

Suddenly, the creature speaks up again, this time its voice sounds impatient and a little dangerous. ‘’You did not answer me, mortal. What happened to my reward?” I lean back in my chair, my mind racing back to the day I met this creature. The time I met it and all its friends. Their gleaming red skins shining in the dark, flaming pits of hell, their screeching laughter sending a shiver down my spine and a certain- joy in my heart. I bargained with them without thinking. All I was thinking about at that time, was the wonderful way I was going to spend my time afterwards, all the fun I could have with the power they promised me. But I haven’t thought about their part of the deal.

The creature sighs deeply, the air turning colder than before. My body stiffened, my heart raced as the beast stood up on its long legs, its head bent down a bit to prevent it from hitting the ceiling as the creature stood over me. I turn my gaze away again, but I could still feel its eyes boring into my soul. “You will have it ready by tomorrow, or else-“ I gulp, the creature disappears in midair, leaving me all alone in the large room. I must figure out a way to get the thing they want. The thing they all want. The heart of the king brought to them, soaked in vinegar to keep it fresh, marinated in a bloody sauce.

The night goes by in a confusing blur. I don’t remember a lot that happened after the meeting with the creature. I remember going to bed, pondering on what to do about the deal. How on earth am I going to take the king’s heart to a bunch of creepy demon-like creatures? I walk back down the same hallway as before, this time, something’s different. Something’s… off. I shake my head and dart across the corridor before anything else can distract me from my main goal.

As soon as I reach the living room, I know something is wrong. The king usually goes to have tea here after breakfast. But the room is empty. I sigh heavily and turn back towards the king’s chambers. I draw in a deep breath as I steady my shaking hands. I have always been quite close to the king. I used to work for him as a one of the stable boys, but he soon let me deeper into his life. I never knew why, though.

I shake my head from the thoughts and draw my hand up to the doorknob. “Stop shaking, you fool,” I recognize the voice- it’s the creatures.’ Another chill runs down my spine. I can sense it around, but there’s no sign of its red body or its black, beady eyes. I inhale deeply, clenching tightly at the hidden dagger hidden behind my cloak as if it were a lifeline to hold on to. “Your majesty, I have to talk to you,” I manage to speak through the door with a dry and shaky voice. I wait for a response, but nothing.

That’s strange. The king never sleeps in, he has to be awake by now. When I open the door slightly, an instant alarm rings in my head. The smell of smoke flutters through my nostrils, pulling me inside of the room, only to reveal the king on his bed- with flames surrounding every part of his body, including his chest and heart.

August 09, 2020 14:01

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