In Wooded Dreams and Embers

Submitted into Contest #167 in response to: Start your story with a daydream sequence, before snapping back to reality. ... view prompt


Fantasy Romance

Laying in the warm sun on a soft bed of switchgrass near the shores of Loch Adair was the only form of solitude permitted by my father. The grass was still damp from the summer rain that passed through a half hour ago leaving behind the faint scent of petrichor and primrose. A gentle breeze caressed my skin raising goosepimples on my legs. A shiver traveled up my spine as I turned the page of my book.

“Lady Valinor, it’s nearly time to return to the palace,” a deep velvety voice spoke from a few feet away. Sighing I shifted on my thin blanket and turned around to face Sir Caelum, the man my father appointed sole protector and regular lurker.

Not bothering to sit up I kindly reminded him I was operating on my time by stretching onto my stomach. I kicked up my feet and continued reading my book.

It was Sir Caelum’s turn to sigh, “Lady Valinor, your father will not take kindly to your…tardiness.”

Clearing my throat but not looking up from my book I retorted, “Sir Caelum, I believe the word you are looking for is insubordination or perhaps…stubbornness.” He let out a quiet chuckle. Even though his lurking was irritating, I could never resist that smile. As I stood to join him, I sheathed my sword and gathered my book and blanket and ambled up to meet him.

“Shall we take the long way home?” Not giving him a moment to reply I wound my arm through his and guided us towards the woods near the lake. As we walked in silence, I began to sense a shift Sir Caelum’s mood, so I interrupted his quiet reverie.

“You know, just because my father is Lord of the Greenwood, it doesn’t mean you have to be so distant.”

“Lady Valin-,” I stopped him in front of an old Amber Oak and placed my hand on the cool black armor that covered his muscular chest, forcing him to look down at me I gnashed out, “Need I remind you, it’s Riona.”

Resting his hand on the hilt of his sword he breathed deeply and slowly looked up and away from me, an easy task considering our height difference.

“Lady Valinor, we must continue to the palace,” he stepped out of my touch and started down the wooded path again. I did not move to follow. He stopped several feet ahead of me, staring into the woods he breathed, “Please Ri, I have no wish to anger him.” Sir Caelum unhurriedly moved in a circle looking towards the skies, “it’s almost dusk, you know what manner of creature dwell within these woods at night.” A wind began to stir, and Sir Caelum stopped to look at me. His blue eyes piercing into me, an arrow hitting its mark. Gazing into his unreadable, handsome face I drew my sword defiantly.  

“You are still learning my Lady; your day will come.” The weight of his words would have buried me had he not been right, I wasn’t ready. At least not with the beasts of the forest who are said to bring unspeakable pain to their victims.

Walking up to him I lightly knocked my sword into his leg, “shall we have a bit of sparring then?” Giving me a small smirk, he nodded towards the cloudless darkening skies. “Perhaps tomorrow, night is upon us.” As the wind picked up Sir Caelum let out a deafening whistle. Within moments, Andromeda, his magnificent, winged horse as black as a starless night appeared in the sky. She landed with a soft thud near a Lyraberry tree not far from where we stood.

Scenting Sir Caelum’s uncertainty, I sheathed my sword and hurried to mount Andromeda, the wind whipping my dress as I jogged to her side. When I lifted my leg over her mighty back a terrible and thunderous roar dimmed the forest causing the hum of the woods to cease and the wind to stop. Sir Caelum whispered in Andromeda’s ear, almost too faint for my Fae ears to hear. His face pale with affright, he gracefully glided onto her back and wrapped one arm tightly around my waist, the other swiftly grabbed the reigns. I could feel his hammering heartbeat underneath his armor. He shouted to Andromeda in the Old Speech. As she reared up to take off into the welcoming sky a large, hideous clawed hand grabbed her croup and started dragging her down. Sir Caelum continued shouting at her in our ancient language as she fought to fly upwards. He whispered in my ear, his breath hot and hurried. “We are going to jump off of her, when you hit the ground run and don’t look back.” Unspoken terror chilled me to my core as if icy snow were being poured down my throat. I looked into his bright blue eyes but saw no fear, only determination. I nodded at him, said a prayer to the Goddess, and leapt.

The unforgiving forest floor met the left side of my body with a hard thwack. The absence of switchgrass regretfully noticeable to my now bruised arm. I quickly attempted to draw my sword, but the impact of the fall bent my scabbard. Another loud roar echoed through the air. I looked left, saw an opening in the trees and ran.

As Sir Caelum sped beside me, he grabbed my hand and led me through the forest. To my rear I could hear crashing heavy footfalls and enraged growls. Above I could hear the flapping of wings. However, it was not the feathery soft cadence I was accustomed to but the sound of colossal bat-like wings soaring into the night. Sir Caelum turned for a moment noting my curiosity. He simply shook his head and shot us deeper into the forest. Leaping over a felled tree we came upon Trillium Creek. Shadow Wood Falls was not far. My father used to tell me stories about an ancient bear who resided in the cave behind the falls, only emerging once a year to feast on lost travelers. I was about to find out if his stories were true.

“Sir Caelum, what of the bear?” I asked him as he gently led me across a rocky path towards the falls.

“It’s just a story fathers tell their daughters, so they don’t go sneaking off in search of mischief.” His smirk returned as he eyed me suspiciously.

Nearly forgetting the Nazarath I quickly turned and scanned the woods searching for the ancient Forest Demon.

“We lost him, the Nazarath’s size is their one true enemy, he couldn’t keep up.” Fae of the Greenwood Court were remarkably faster and stronger than their neighboring clans. Not letting go of his hand, we ventured closer to the falls.

Looking slightly embarrassed Sir Caelum cautioned, “You will get wet my Lady, once we’re safely in the cave I will make a fire, but I will have to leave you to find food.” I hummed in response. I was not looking forward to getting wet, the Nazarath’s presence left a slight chill in the air.

After the brush with the Forest Demon there was a surprisingly sense of calmness between us, so we continued our trek to the falls in quiet companionship. Sir Caelum tried his best to shield me from the waterfall as we moved underneath it. To no avail I was drenched. Deep inside the cave I found a large, smooth rock. Shivering, I wrapped my arms around myself and slowly sat down on the cold stone. Sir Caelum looked down on me with sorrow. Even though the cave was filled with darkness my Fae eyes could make out his expression. It shattered me. I looked up at him and smiled. He said nothing and left. I was not left alone for long. When he returned, he made quick work of the fire. As I stood to warm myself, I noticed Sir Caelum look at me as if he wanted to say something then quickly avert his eyes. I looked down and spied what caused his instant shyness. Due to being soaked by the waterfall my dress was completely see through.

I started, “Sir Caelum…” before I could finish, he interrupted me. “Ri, you don’t have to call me that.” He took a moment and breathed, “not tonight.”

He slowly stood and sauntered towards me. My heart picked up speed as he stood behind me and enveloped me in an armored embrace. I turned around to face him and without speaking began to remove his armor. Noting I didn’t really know what I was doing, he held my hand and guided me. When I bent down to remove his leg guards, I scented his arousal. I hesitated, could he smell mine?

“Ri, we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” I did want to, suddenly realizing I have wanted to do this for a long time I dropped his last piece of armor and rose to tip toes.

Angling my head towards his, our mouths brushing against each other, I purred, “Caelum, I have wanted this for a long time.” He let out a soft moan as our mouth collided with hunger. Our kiss was hot breath and sweeping tongues. We did not break away from each other as we removed our clothes. Once we were fully undressed, I broke away from his kiss and stepped back. I wanted to appreciate him. All of him. I had looked at Caelum before, but this was the first time I truly saw him. Without his armor he was naked and vulnerable, yet so beautiful.  He was tall, lean, and muscular. The light from the fire made his golden-brown skin appear to glow, or was that his Elfein blood? No matter, I wanted to lick every curved muscle of his body. The way my body reacted to the sight of him was puzzling, but I ignored it. His blue eyes shone with delight. His dark brown hair fell to his shoulders. I reached up to run my fingers through its silky strands. He closed his eyes at my touch, his hair soft as cashmere. I caressed his long-pointed ears and delicately drew my hand down his jawline. I reached up and kissed the corner of his mouth as my hands explored his body. He was motionless as he allowed me to discover every piece of him. I reached the peak of where his hip muscles formed a ‘v.’ That was his undoing. He enthusiastically threw me to the ground and kissed me with a longing that left me gasping. His hot tongue traveled…

“MOM!” The white SUV I had been following for nearly thirty minutes stopped abruptly. Almost a second too late I slammed on the breaks.

“SHIT!” My seatbelt tightened against my chest as my steaming cup of coffee spilled all over my white slacks and my phone clattered beneath my seat. “MOM, WHAT THE HELL?!” I looked over at the passenger seat where my 16-year-old son sat. He was noticeably thrown forward, his baseball cap on the floorboard. His expression one of confusion and fear. A call began to ring through the Bluetooth. I sluggishly turned my head away from my son and stared into the taillights of the white SUV in front of me. I could hear my son hollering at me, “Mom, Mom, MOM! Are you going to get that? Dad’s calling. What the heck is wrong with you!?” Ignoring his incredulous look, I answered the call.

“Hi Cael…Umm…I mean, hi honey!” I could feel my face redden with crimson fire. Did I just almost call my husband Caelum? Out loud? Continuing to ignore my son’s stare in my peripheral I spoke to my husband. My son rolled his eyes, shook his head, and put his Airpods back in. Traffic began to move again. 

October 15, 2022 02:18

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