A Lady or a Tramp

Submitted into Contest #100 in response to: Write about a character preparing a meal for somebody else.... view prompt


Coming of Age High School Fiction

I knew dinner was a disaster when the pasta sauce started running down my leg. I only wanted to please Jimmy to show him how much I loved him. Listening to those girls was the worst.

Let me rewind a little so you get the complete picture of why I thought I needed to throw myself at this sweet boy who always stood by my side. The boy who promised himself to me until marriage and I to him. The one who is my soul mate.

Dating Jimmy has been the delight of my high school life. I never thought I could get a guy like him, but here I am dating the High School football star. I've always been the nerdy girl, the one in the books. I am not into sports, and I'm not the head cheerleader. I've watched all the movies where the football guy and cheerleader girl end up together. This is not that kind of love story.

We both head off to college next year, and life will be different, but we have made a promise to stay together and visit often. I trust Jimmy, the college will not change us, we will be fine. Tonight, he is coming over for dinner. On the eve of the Division game, I thought celebrating with a spectacular carb load would be a spectacular treat. I've always cooked with my mom or grandma in the kitchen, but never for Jimmy. I received our family recipe for spaghetti bolognese, knowing how much Jimmy loves it; Impressing him tonight is the plan.

When I was a freshman, I pinned over this dark-skinned boy who was skinny enough to fit through bike rails, yet his physique had me weak In the knees. His dreamy caramel eyes always called me when he glanced my way. I could stand in a crowded room, but our eyes always met. His crooked smile came to life when he looked at me, and I never knew why he was always looking at me until senior year when he told me.

I hoped one day we would be together. My studies and Jimmy's sports kept us apart until senior year, but once we collided, the stars aligned in the universe. The kids at school dubbed us the couple to be and succeed in the world. I must admit, we look pretty darn good together. I've imagined our kids winning all the baby contests, but let's slow down, not for quite some time. Jimmy and I both have goals before we move to that conversation.

I would have never guessed to find my soul mate in school. Heck, at least not this young, but since I have, I'm not letting him go. I'm studying to be a chiropractor, and Jimmy, well, has a full-ride scholarship to Texas State to play football. Can you imagine an NFL star and a Chiropractor having a life together? What a life that would be. At least I could take care of him.

I never thought that scrawny boy would be such a beefcake, and, well, those arms sure feel good wrapped around my tiny waist.

"Hey Jimmy, don't be late. I'm making you a good pasta dinner tonight. I want you loaded up on carbs for the division win this weekend." I yell across the hallway, making sure everyone knows I'm cooking a wonderful dinner for my man tonight.

"Katey, you know how to treat your man." Jimmy echo's back with a smile.

I reserve myself to continue with the rest of the classes to keep my brain contained. Remembering the recipe my mother gave me before she and my dad headed out of town for the weekend is my top priority. I am the luckiest girl alive, that they trust me the way she does.

For the past three years of high school, I have done nothing other than study. I haven't attended parties, dances no hanging out with friends for hours. It's been all school, and my parents have reveled in their perfect girl. I mean, I'm not turning bad or anything, but I'm dating now, so there has to be a good balance now.

I Head out of Biology class to make my way to the ninth period. The last course of the day, and then I get to head home for a beautiful night with my guy. Before I round the corner, I can hear a few girls talking and catch a sentence with Jimmy's name in it. I decide to move to a position where I can listen to but not be seen. Leaning closer, but not being seen, is the aim to hear the conversation. Everyone in school and the town knows that Jimmy and I are dating, so I wonder why anyone would talk about Jimmy and giggling the way these girls are. They would also stop talking if they knew I was listening.

"Janine, I can't believe you're going to steal Jimmy from Katey. you know you don't have a chance."

"Honey, please, Mrs. Goodie, to shoes can't keep a man like that for long. He is going to want more than just some good study time, if you know what I mean."

Listening to this was too much. I couldn't do it anymore. My stomach was in my throat, and I felt like I was going to throw up. My heart was pounding in my ears, and I had to escape. I bound down the hall in tears. Jimmy and I have known each other all of high school, and he doesn't seem like the type of guy who would want to sleep with girls, but what if those skanks are right? I can't lose Jimmy. He is my guy. How can I go off to college knowing that he would only want sex with me? The pressure is on tonight. The ninth period is a no-go; I have to re-think my plan. I can't lose my man to those skanks. I need to get something special from the store. I need to be perfect for him; he deserves it.

I leave school, but before I do, I text Jimmy, letting him know I left early to get groceries. Secretly, I'm heading to the lingerie store to can grab something extra special for Jimmy. I'm not letting any girl steal him away from me. I know we will be together.

Heading home to prepare dinner, I can feel the nerves creeping up in my body. Jimmy is the one, but I thought we were going to wait for marriage. If it means losing him, I will make the sacrifice. I don't like the pressure, but I also know what Jimmy means to me.

Once inside the house, the silence is deafening, so I put on some music to help me calm my anxiety and get dinner going. Cooking is soothing, and I feel more relaxed now. I head upstairs and get myself topped off with the lingerie that I bought earlier, a nice outfit, and makeup. Heading back downstairs, dinner is ready, the table is all set and just-in-time because Jimmy is ringing the doorbell. I am pleasantly surprised when I open the door, and my gorgeous man is standing there in a suit and tie. I can't believe my eyes. He looks like he will prom or something, but that's not for a couple of months yet.

Jimmy greets me with his beautiful tooth smile and grabs my hand to lightly kiss it. We hug and embrace for a passionate kiss, stopping just in time before the heat rushes to places of my body that I don't know if I can come back from. I welcome him inside and to the table that I have set up for tonight. Jimmy compliments the setup, and we have a quick conversation about how lovely the house smells of the food.

Jimmy has always been a gentleman and, true to his nature, pulls the seat out for me to sit before taking his heart. We have a quiet dinner enjoying ourselves, and halfway through, I make innuendo's getting things going. I've never done this before, so I am praying I'm doing it right. Jimmy seems a little put-off and asks me why I'm acting weird. I brush him off because I'm trying to act sexy.

Finally, I take a noodle and put it between my lips and go over and try to kiss him, thinking we could have this lady and the tramp kind of moment. Jimmy jumps up like I am crazy and knocks his bowl of spaghetti sauce all over me. There I am standing with a whole shirt full of red sauce, and I look at this as a moment I can make my move. Unbuttoning my shirt to show him my sexy bra comes to mind, so I do a little sexy dance, thinking this will get him interested. He is staring at me in shock. Maybe this is a good look since he has never seen me naked before. I mean, we have been dating for six months and discussed waiting until marriage. Still, I feel this sense of urgency with us going off to college and these other girls trying to steal him away, so tonight has to be the night. I am about five buttons down, and he stops me.

"Woah Woah, what are you doing? Why are you acting so strange tonight?"

"Oh, Jimmy." I cry and put my buttons back together as I slip down onto the floor like a blubbering idiot.

"What's wrong Katey, you can talk to me. What has happened that has made you act so different?"

"I heard these girls talking about how they were going to steal you from me. They said you would not wait forever for me to be like all the other girls, and I was a goodie too, and we left for college in the fall. I thought it had to be now so I could show you how much I love you and make sure you knew you were the one for me."

"Katey, why would you listen to those silly girls? You have always been the girl for me. Do you know why I am so dressed up for tonight?"


"I came here with this in my pocket."

Jimmy grabs a small box from the inside pocket of his jacket, and I'm mortified that I screwed everything up and that he had something exciting planned for tonight. I'm such an oaf.

"I came here to give you this promise ring and to let you know that no matter what life is going to bring us, no matter where we are, I'm always yours, and that is my promise to you if you promise the same to me."

"Jimmy, you are seriously the best person in the world. I love you so much. I'm sorry for ruining our special dinner."

"Hey now, don't worry about any of this. How about you get cleaned up, and I'll take us to our favorite spot, with a quick stop at a drive-through for some greasy delights."

"You bet, lover boy."

I bounce off upstairs, knowing that we will have plenty of dinners that go to hell, but Jimmy will always brighten it up with his beautiful smile.

June 29, 2021 12:42

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