Fantasy Fiction Suspense

“Is this a prank mom? Well, you got me. Where are you mom? Ari?” I call.

No response. I sigh. What was I expecting? To have a person call back in the middle of - 

“Psst!” a voice said.

“Who’s there?” I asked, as I spun around to find the source of the voice.

“Down here!” the little voice replied.

I tilted my head down, my chin touching my chest to see a - mouse?

“Shoo!” I said to the mouse then looked around again.

“If you don’t show yourself, i’ll -” 

“It’s me”, the little voice squeaked, “I’m a mouse!”

I stare blankly at the mouse as it added, “I didn’t take the Queen of Nagarhole to be this unknowing of us animals.”

“Queen?! I’m no queen. Wait, why am I talking to a MOUSE?!” I exclaimed without thinking. I’m not going to talk to a mouse, I thought to myself. I’m not going to talk to a mouse.

“Listen Queen, this is Nagarhole.”, the mouse explained, “Ever hear about it in fairytales? Well, it’s real. And you’re the Queen of it. Your name is Fauna I presume?” the mouse asked. 

“Yes.” I reply.

“This is very important. Do you know how you got here?” the mouse asked. 

“I...” I pause. How did I get here? 

“I honestly don’t know,” I replied as I found a spot on the grass to sit down. To process all of this.

“Oh no,” the mouse murmured, “This means war.”

“WAR?! Listen mouse, I don’t know where I am and I am no queen. Now tell me how I can get out of here!” I exclaim. “My mom must be so worried...” I added.

“You can’t,” the mouse says, “Dillion has summoned you. Or so I think,” the mouse adds, “Are you sure you don’t remember how you got here?” the mouse repeated.

“I DON’T KNOW HOW I GOT HERE!” I yelled at the mouse.

“Okay, calm down my queen. Let’s find a way to get to Dillion. Would you like to come to my house for an evening tea?” the mouse asked.

With all my anger gone, and tired, I answer, “Sure, and please stop calling me Queen. Call me Fauna.”

“But my Queen, you are royalty. I cannot call you by your name.”

“Then I order you to call me Fauna.”

“Yes Que- Fauna” the mouse squeaked with pride. Then the mouse added, “Just so you know, I may look little, but I am a vicious mouse. I am Kaleb. Sorry, I forgot to introduce you to myself before.” Kaleb said sheepishly.

“It’s alright Kaleb. Is this your home?” I ask as I see a beautiful, but small cottage.

“Yes,” Kaleb replies.

“It’s very nice,” I praised.

“Thank you Fauna. Come in.”

Inside, I see two other mice, older, probably his parents. They look at me with … mixed feelings. A combination of happy and worried. 

“Welcome,” they say.

“Hello. I’m Fauna,” I say politely.

“Yes, we know,” the mice respond. I look at them with pure curiosity as they continue, “Can we talk with you for a minute Kaleb?”

“Of course,” Kaleb responds. “Stay here Fauna, it won’t be long.”

I nod.

After what felt like an hour, the three mice came out.

“Fauna,” the mom mouse starts, “do you know why you are Queen?”

“No.” I say

“You are Queen because of the Ordin Prophecy.”

“Ordin Prophecy?” I ask

“Yes.” The mouse answers. “Long ago, Nagarhole was a kingdom. It was peaceful with all us Animals. King Aldrich was ruling at the time. One day, the other country, Poli, attacked us in surprise. As our “Animal Kingdom” was not prepared most of us died in the attack. The few that survived are the ones hiding in the forest, like us,” she says, indicating to Kaleb and his father. “King Aldrich died in the attack. His son, Dillion, searched through his study, after the war, to find anything his father had left behind for him. That was when he found the Ordin Prophecy.” 

Then, the father continued, “The Ordin Prophecy stated that one human, female, would be summoned by Dillion at a time of war. The female will give animals freedom and get rid of Poli.”

For a few moments, I stare. I feel like all I can do is stare, to process all this new information in. Then I clear my throat and say, “Where do I find Dillion?”

Kaleb answers, “Well, Fauna, according to the prophecy, you must start your path by going to the Creocia.”

“All right. Kaleb will be my guide. Would you two like to come?” I say, gesturing to Kaleb’s parents.

“We wish,” they respond, “but we are too old to be traveling. We will stay here and watch over you both.”

“Okay,” I nod, “Thank you for your hospitality” I say as I leave the cottage. As soon as we leave the cottage, we are surrounded by guards. 

They say, “We have been ordered by the King of Poli to arrest you Queen Fauna.”

"Kaleb," I say, "do it."

He goes under the grass and each guard with one swipe of his sword. The last guard, however, is too quick, and slashes Kaleb's arm.

"Kaleb!" I yell, as I punch the guard in his face. The last guard is down. I pick up Kaleb and go back to his house. He is breathing. I leave him to his parents and go on my own. I realized that I am wanted in Nagarhole and anyone that comes with me is in danger.

I walk and walk until my legs go numb and sore. I sit on a tree stump, tired. I turn my head to the side to see a … Kingdom?

Maybe it's Dillion's Kingdom! I think and run towards it. As I get closer, I see soldiers I had seen back at the cottage. It's Poli! I try to run away, but the guards see me and run after me. I am once again, running blindly. I dash into something soft. A human. A guard.

March 25, 2021 15:26

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