
Cheryl was looking at boxes that she had ready near the front door marked, Charlie. It was all of the things that he had own. She knew one day Charlie was going to leave, but the 20-year-old Crimson-haired young woman never thought his departure from this world would stem from the trauma she experienced a couple weeks ago. The young woman saw the truck pull up, ready to take his donations, and she put them outside, one box at a time.

She couldn't bear to watch those boxes in the hands of someone else, and so Cheryl turned around, close the door, then walked away, not wanting to wait to see if the donation gets picked up.

She cried to herself and, for the one-hundredth time, blame herself for Charlie, no longer existing in this world. However, that doesn't mean the people who are responsible should getaway, and was not satisfied that one person from the guilty party was in the hospital in stable condition. She was about to do something, to get justice for Charlie and making a video for people to watch who have Cabin fever after being close inside the house could inspire different definitions of revenge.

Her Sister got the camera set up and had gone through a test run, and so whatever they will immediately go live for everyone to see. It's been one week since the tragic events of Charlie's demise, and now it was time for the world to know why.

"I want you to pull back your hair, it'll make you look badass." Cheryl did precisely what her Sister said, and Nessa then looked at her face to see there was no make-up, which was good. Cheryl was dealing with raw emotions, and her focus shouldn't be on looking pretty.

"Don't yell, I know you're going to cry and believe me, I don't know if I'm going to make it through not shedding tears. Don't yell when recounting those events because they will discredit you, they talk about how hysterical it sounded, and they will use that as a basis to discredit you.." Nessa stopped for a second because she missed her Brother, but like Cheryl, she knew he was eventually going to cease to exists, but it was too soon.

"Do you..." Cheryl was about to ask Nessa if she blamed her...

"I don't blame you for what happened. Don't even say that." Nessa answered the question, and so they got ready to record.

Cheryl's hands were placed around her stomach and took a breath or two. She took a glance at her breasts, thinking about how big will they going to be after nine months.

"After this, I'm going to get some more food in the house, if we're going to be here for a couple of months, then we need to make sure there's enough food for all three of us," Nessa said to her pregnant Sister Cheryl who agree with a nod of her head.

"Your ready, babes," Nessa said, and Cheryl shook her head, she had a fire in her eyes.

The camera was ready to record.

"It's me." Cheryl stopped for a moment before retelling what happened, it's going to take a lot of mental strength to do so, but she looked up at the camera and was getting ready to tell the world

"I come with the bad news, and it's about Charlie; he's gone." She had a strong fan base being apart of the LGBTQ community, and they were going to be very upset, especially gay men who loved him as well as a lot of females."

"We all know that I'm a Werewoman, and I come from generations of them. I was Born as Charlie, and we all know about my first change. He played Romeo, had his first kiss in the play, and change to the girl who would become me.." Cheryl let those three words hit her.

"When someone like me hits 21, we get this big coming-out party, and that was when I would choose which Gender I want to say as. I was looking forward to it so bad announcing my identity to everyone. If I get pregnant as a woman, whether I want to or not, I could never change back. I'm pregnant, not my choice." She made sure that those last three words would emphasize.

"My Skanky Sorority Sisters from Dove Ki, who I found out yesterday, was Quarantine demanded that all pledges go to Puma Ki Fraternity. Watching those guys everywhere, it occurred to me that every guy was the same, their clothes, how they act, and how they interacted with everyone, how those that want the opposite love them when they are a size two. I guess Jonah liked my belt size four body. He was okay, a little funny and had charm but nothing special and so I let him get me a drink. BIg mistake." Cheryl looked down at her stomach.

"After ten minutes, I didn't feel well; I wanted to go, but my Sorority Sisters urged me to stay and, I was too weak to pushed them away. The President of my Sorority Bethany told me, "You want to be a woman so bad, trust me when I say this, I'm going to make you regret that you ever broke up with me, Charlie!" Cheryl remembered how Bethany said that name venomously.

"I want to take this moment to wish Bethany, our President of our Sorority, a speedy recovery after being hit by a car, but at least you got tested negative for the Virus and speaking on behalf Charlie, you would like the biggest mistake ever." Cheryl smiled, and Nessa smirk at that whole sentence for a good reason. 

"After Bethany said that, two guys came for me, and Jonah told them to be gentle as they brought me upstairs. I tried my best to transform back, but I couldn't concentrate, I was thrown on the bed. He backhanded me and said the most romantic words." Cheryl paused for a moment because she wanted to really make him realize how much of a dick he is but didn't want to break up as she continues to tell the story has it happened.

"Guess what, Charlie? You want to be a pussy so bad, well I'm going to make you one!" He yelled, and my vision was beginning to be blurry while he kissed me. He used his teeth and force his fingers between my legs, not for any purpose just to make me hurt...When I wanted to fight him off, he turned me over and got a belt. " Cheryl was getting madder, remembering this story.

"This is used for abominations like you. If you want to be a woman so bad, then you have to learn that your place is looking up at the ceiling! I wanted him to stop, and I heard myself say it over and over, I was trying to grow my penis, but before I could, his dicks found its way inside of me, and 5 minutes later, Jonah Belt unknowingly made me a woman as well as knocked me up. I was left there for a while, and I heard Charlie's voice inside of me say goodbye, I knew I was pregnant at that moment." Tears rolled down her cheek, and after a minute, she looked at the video camera because she had names that everyone must know.

"The other two guys who were in the background, the names are Jason Lowe and Jack Coles. Puma Ki Fraternity is nothing but a bunch of men who just love to show women like me their place; I hope the police put Jonah, Jack, and Jason in their place.."

The video had stopped, her Sister upload through her Social media account, and Cheryl smiled because of what she just did. Hopefully, Charlie will someone have peace.

"What if they come and ask if...." Cheryl was going to ask her Sister about involvement in Bethany being hit by a car.

"Don't worry, they won't, I have friends..." Nessa interrupted her Sister to assure her.

April 21, 2020 11:51

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