The journey of hope

Submitted into Contest #46 in response to: Write a story about an author who has just published a book.... view prompt



The way the pages feel , as each bind of Light that seeks through the book I have it right there in front of me. My pride and joy everything I had been waiting for and writing for finally paying off I reached out to touch it is this real I think over and over again, is this mine , I begin to feel overjoyed by the dancing thoughts in my head they play over and over again.

I can feel every bit of sweet light capture through the pages this is mine all mine all the knock backs and the heartache of constant rejections I finally can say I did it , the way the rejection made me feel , was brutal but in truth I wouldn’t be the writer I am today without it .

I feel I have travelled down a long winding road

But finally I reached my goal , my potential I had been writing for years and never thought this moment would come I keep replaying over and over in my head it’s a dream and I am going to wake up anytime soon the realisation finally kicks In I am a published author 

The next journey I feel is will I be successful who cares , I have my writing 

To look forward to the fact that I have written a book I’d happily take with no pinch of salt happiness floodgates my body I begin to feel the stain tears well up over my face it’s real it’s happening 

My book my happiness all paid off in the end . I try to wipe me tears and as I do my mum catches them she has been through all this journey with me the constant lows , the bickering highs she’s seen It all I am forever thankful to her and owe her my life I love her dearly she has my back and I have hers but the love we share between mother and daughter reflects in this book .

She is my number one fan and I dedicate my book and my life to her .

As I lift my book up in mid air like a trophy taking my place on the podium no matter what mum says your a winner in my eyes 

I feel the happiness and joy explode through me mixed with tears and love I cuddle my mum before I take my place at the podium my heart quickens , I feel as if my work has been finally put into place and no matter what happens now I have my book and my mum waiting for me at the end of the alluring tunnel .

My adventure had never been easy after facing mental health , and constantly .burying my head in the sand for so long I finally speak out my book is about my health and I have overcome certain obstacles in my life the book is called life is not a bowl of cherries but at least we have each other , and I truly believe that we have a world of pure light , I am so pleased that I have finally got somewhere in my life 

And even now as I stand at that podium I release all my thoughts into one I can do this breathe you can do this 

And I do and as the crowd go wild I look up and see my grandads face he died when I was 12 I am so proud of you his ghostly figure replies you are so brave he says and smiles and I know I’m not alone the love that we all share as a family is stronger than any win of life I breathe for the first time I had been holding my breath waiting for the judges answer but hearing the crowds hands cheer and roar makes it all worthwhile , I can do this I’m strong I’m brave 

All that positivity energy burns through me 

I love it it’s my world in one , and I am so thrilled with how it’s turned out as I finally await the last judge’s comments it feels as if my life line is in there hands I breathe and release it out but I can do this whatever the verdict I can take it doesn’t matter if I don’t win because I have already won she looks at me as if she can read my mind this is it I say this is happening , she smiles I therefore award Leanne drain of Essex England the gold award for writing I just can’t actually believe it I take in my surroundings but the first thing I do is almost faint but not because my mum is there cuddling me see I knew you could do it she says as she hugs and kisses my head I smile I feel so overwhelmed this moment I don’t want to end 

You have done it I look out at the roaring crowd as I take my place at the top of the rank it feels good because I know I have worked hard for it every up every down I fault like a warrior a brave soul and I look out as I collect my gold medal and certificate 

The crowd go wild it’s my turn to speak chitters of excitement enter out the podium .

I just want to say I love my family very much and without them I would never have made the cut of being a writer so thank you 

And without my beautiful mum who I welcome onto the stage tears in her eyes and love she smiles and we smile to the crowd we see grandad and he waves before returning to heaven I feel so loved

And without you mum I would never have got anywhere so thank you

Don’t thank me thank yourself for pushing and never stop believing 

Your such a great wave of hope to all and to everyone in the family I know they would all be proud of you thanks mum I smile and we hug and I finally take my book with honour and pride .

June 16, 2020 21:12

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Ingrid Johnson
17:11 Jun 25, 2020

Here for the critique circle - Aww this was very happy and positive. :) I agree that it could do with a bit of a proofread, but it was nice all the same.


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Jessica Liu
21:12 Jun 24, 2020

I love the prose and the way this story is written! On the other hand, I think this story needs a few commas and periods. Other than that, well done!


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