
I woke up in a cold sweat from yet another nightmare. I was watching TV in my living room, then I heard someone trying to get in so I ran into my room and hid in my closet. Then I seen a giant clock and sprinted for the door but my legs weren’t running fast enough and the clock was gaining on me. Once I got to the door it was locked and I was struggling trying to unlock it to open it. Once it actually opened the clock grabbed me and I jolted awake. My alarm clock was going off and it reminded me that I was about to be late for therapy. Again.

I had to hurry up and throw on some clothes and get ready so I wouldn’t be late for my therapy appointment for the umpteenth time. Or at least that was the plan. I woke up at 9 and my appointment is at 10:30. Simple deduction would tell that there’s no way of me making it on time now. Unless I could actually fly.

I made it to my appointment an hour late. Earlier than usual so there’s a start. My therapist and I go over some of the basics and then I explain how I was chased by a Giant time clock in my dream and we discuss that. She said my subconscious was trying to tell me to wake up so I wouldn’t be late like always. Then she told me that New Year’s is approaching and I should start thinking about my new year’s resolution.

We go over my past new year’s resolutions like doing random acts of kindness, read at least one new book every 3 months, getting a better job, working out to feel better about myself, etc. We talk about how I could possibly revisit the resolutions that I failed and we create new ones like being on time, no caffeine before bed, giving myself at least one compliment in the mirror a day, and working on my road rage. But to be fair you shouldn’t go 30 in a 25. Get out the way grandma!

After I leave her office I go to visit my bestie, Brenda. She’s on her lunch break so we went to chilis for the 3 for $10. Makes more sense since those come with a drink and the 2 for $25 don’t come with a drink. I shared with her my new and improved new year’s resolution. Brenda doesn’t like resolutions and she refuses to make one whenever I try to budge her so I gave up about two years ago. Which in turn was one of the resolutions I completed successfully.

After lunch I headed over to the bookstore to pick some books for the New Year and I usually like comics because those are adult picture books so I picked ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ out. Then I went to the fantasy section and picked out ‘How to Kill a Mockingbird.’ Lastly, I picked out ‘The Fault in Our Stars.’ Then I went up to the counter to purchase the books. As I was waiting in line I took a peak at the candy they had in the front and decided to buy a snickers.

When I got to work my purse somehow dropped and everything spilled out of it. Then this very handsome man bent over to help me pick my items up. I laughed nervously when he handed me my pads. “No need to be embarrassed”, He said in a deep voice. “Is that a southern accent I hear?” I asked. He goes on to tell me about how he was raised in Louisiana and then flew to San Diego for a better life. He owns a pub just a few blocks away and decided to take public transit to work.

Walking up the stairs to my office I realized I didn’t get his name. Or number. Maybe I’ll swing by his pub later and ask for a drink. “Hey stranger lemme have your finest martini and your name.” no that’s dumb. “Hey handsome, I’ll have a beer and your number.” I guess going to the pub isn’t such a great idea. All this brainstorming really worked up an appetite. As the door to my office swings open the smell of pizza tickles my tummy. Nate must have brought pizza and cake for Kate’s birthday. I totally forgot it was her birthday. I slip out and go to the vending machine and buy her fav bag of chips. Then I realized what a terrible gift that is so instead I went to my car and got ‘The Fault in Our Stars.’ I wrapped it in newspaper and told her it was an idea from Pinterest.

New Years is tonight and I decided to go to the pub. Well I decided to let my friends drag me to the pub that the handsome man owns. We got totally wasted and started dancing then everyone crowded around for the countdown. “3….2…1…HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!” Then the owner of the pub gave a speech but I was too concentrated on his jaw line to hear anything. He noticed me and walked up to me and we talked all night long about our New Year’s resolutions and how we both wanted to be better people. He agreed to help me if I helped him. “I’ll only help you if you tell me you name,” I said. “My name is Maxwell Conner, but you can call me Mello.”

I went home with only one thought on my mind. Well two actually. Waking up for work and Mello. He was all I could think about. I opened my laptop and started typing away for my blog post. *Bing* New message from Mello. We texted for a while and then he called me and we stayed on the phone all night long. Maybe tomorrow I’ll stop by the pub.

I woke up earlier than usual and went to the mirror and told myself I like my morning hair then I grabbed a bagel and headed out. My therapist was astonished to see me actually on time today. Then we talked about the basics and I told her about the man who owns the pub and we talked and talked then I went to meet Brenda at the burger joint she’s been raving about and we chat it up. She’s like a sister to me I can tell her everything and anything. We get each other and that’s rare in my life. Then I went to my office. Road rage is going to take a little time but in my defense people shouldn’t cut me off. Kate said she absolutely loves the book I got her for her birthday. Then I went home and read ‘Calvin and Hobbs’ and dosed off.

It’s been 8 months and I’m still complimenting myself in the mirror, going to the gym, and working on my road rage. Mello and I are dating and he is all around amazing. He gave me a book to help with my resolutions. The title was ‘Spirit Bear’ it’s a good read. My bestie is engaged and I couldn’t be happier for her. Life is looking up. My resolutions are a success this time around!

January 22, 2020 18:57

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