Friendship High School Inspirational

As an anti-social creature, it wasn't hard for me to stay quiet and sit alone on my very first day of high school.

The class was over and I was heading out to my dorm, but, on my way, I twisted my ankle which caused sharp pain and made it difficult for me to move. I took the help of the staircase and sat down in a corner. After, few stretches, I made myself able to stand and was moving with the turtle pace. But, I had 50 staircases in front of me which I needed to walk up just to reach in front of my dorm. Collecting all the courage, I decided to walk up. Suddenly, I felt my hand being lifted up into someone’s shoulder. It was non-other than Nature. She was the most talkative girl I had seen in my class today and no wonder I would term her as the social butterfly of my class. She came and helped me up till my dorm, despite the fact I denied to accept the help from her. As soon as I reached in front of my dorm, I nodded her and gave a quick smile to her and started moving toward my room. As I was heading towards my room, someone pulled my hand and made me sit on the chair, it was so fast that I couldn’t even see the face, but, you might have guessed who it was, Nature. She made me sit and started examining my ankle. And she screamed, “Oh my god, Amber. This sprain is really bad, you need to be rushed to the hospital immediately. Like immediately.”

I glared at her and said, “I don’t have to visit the hospital, this is just a small bruise which will be healed in a matter of no time. And thank you Nature for helping me up and screaming in this dramatic tone which was more than enough to wake anyone up. You may go now, I can take care of it.”

Nature didn’t move a bit. And guess what, I ended up at the hospital. The doctor advised me to give the ankle maximum rest since it was severely injured. And this statement brought a wide grin on Nature’s face and to my own amusement, I chuckled, too. 

Throughout the way, she was the only one talking and apologizing for being the talkative one. But, inside me I was enjoying her company, it had been more than years of someone walking beside me talking, mimicking me, teasing me and making the atmosphere light and cosy. 

But, I didn’t mention it to her since I was scared of losing it.

The next day, she sat with me in the class. And it was the day when I had the first conversation with her. She passed me a comment with a sarcastic tone and a dramatic effect, “ Oh someone knows how to talk, too!” It made both of us giggle at the same time.

I didn’t even realize how fast the week passed and my ankle had even improved. She didn’t leave me. Wherever I went she would walk right beside me. Sharing her imaginative talks and conspiracy theories. One day, she insisted me to go for a walk with her. This is what she called “Bonding Time”. I agreed to it and we went for a walk. Out of nowhere, I asked her, “ Were you like this from the very beginning or something has happened with you which has made you this way?”

To my surprise, she stood silent. I felt so guilty for asking it and I apologized her for bringing something out like this. But, she started telling her story of how she was betrayed by her close friends, how they teamed up together and left her, blamed her for all the bad things. She continued with her story of all those sleepless nights and how everything changed, and how she changed keeping all her bitterness inside of her heart. 

And what happened next broke me, she started crying. I didn’t do anything, I just stood there, and watched her letting go of all the hard feelings which she had kept inside of her. Internally, I was crying, too. But, I didn’t shed a tear. After she finished crying, I offered her my water bottle and gave her tissue, cracked some lame jokes to lighten up her mood. 

And we started walking again. Then she asked me the same question, and I answered her saying, “My story is the same as you, there is just a change in location and people playing the part in it.” You can just say, “ I was never the first priority to anyone.” With that being said, she hugged me out of nowhere. 

And she forwarded her left hand for a shake and asked, “ Are we, friends?”

We became less of friends and more like a family.

We started our journey of friendship with different blends where we discovered so many common interests that we had, supported each other for all the new ideas and projects, teamed up together and helped each other to grow. After a few months, when she even joined our dorm and guess what, we even became the roommates. As roommates, we even got a chance to know about each other more. We got a chance to create new memories, to help each other share our dreams with each other, finding a way to make this bond stronger than before.

Sometimes, small unexpected incidents become the reason for everlasting memories and relationships. These are the moments which makes everything every day even more special.

We started our journey from a connection via our different personal stories of going through something so intense, and it has become the reason for us to become a family where we both have grown into the best versions of ourselves and have continued pushing each other for being the best. 

Sometimes, to build a relationship one doesn’t need to be related to each other by blood.

Sometimes, just the feeling of special connection and intuition in your each and every meet makes it all.

February 05, 2021 05:08

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NK Hatendi
19:59 Feb 12, 2021

Interesting story. A suggestion, read it out loud and you will find where revisions may be required. Example '50 staircases'- is this '50 steps'? 'till my dorm'- is it 'to my dorm'? Good luck with your writing experience!


Siza Adhikari
08:30 Jan 02, 2023

Sure, thank you!


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