The quantum realm or the last 10 minutes of the brain's life

Written in response to: Set your story in a world where contacting the dead is as easy as making a phone call.... view prompt


Adventure Christian Contemporary

People doubt me when I say hey you are dead? Example? Bob Parker. I have seen him die several times over the years. And? Well he just died recently. The question in a quantum tunnel of time. Will he all of sudden appear to be alive again?

As for making phone calls to dead people? When did Meatloaf die? And how? In a car accident? A heart attack? Or somehow something else? Meaning? Did he die in 2014 or later? Or sooner in a car accident?

People say oh you are talking about the Mandela effect? Say what? Who else has died and is alive now?

Mandela Nelson? Died in 1990s? Or later? Bob Parker? some 28 years ago or sooner?

This is a story of meeting a dead person. I had known the lady through an autograph. Meaning? She was part of Oral Roberts singers. There she went on to be a news anchor. And? From there she sent me an autograph a few months prior to her passing away. when I got to do my muse autograph of her on well shehad passed away from breast cancer. And?

Well now she is alive making the poem non sensible. Because I wrote it as if she was in the past. And now? She is alive and well. Saying this. I had her email and phone number and decided to call her.

The phone number reached an answering service. Generic not sure if she was the one who would receive the reply. I decided to send an email.

And? I got a reply.

Thus in the quantum realm of death. For I assure you I am dead a very long time ago. One can send and reply to people in death. Somehow our brains are connected. Maybe the Army or the CIA Star-gate project is real and we are all part of one conscientious after all.

The replied email said she had recovered from her treatment and was in good health.

Which begs the question where I was at? Did the obituary I used to write the poem make sense here?

Meaning? I have often talked with people nowadays about stories I had read about them. And?

One lady who I know wherever I was at the articles I read about her told of spouse abuse. Causing her to get some major surgeries. When I told that story? She confronted me saying I knew nothing about her. This was before I understood I was dead. So? I pointed out that TMZ story and so forth. And? In this realm of quantum tunneling I could not find the story I had read about her. Begging the question is every story told just a lie or like Solomon's statement everything has been done under the sun. In yet? Not everyone recalls doing it?

So? I do zoom interviews. Thus I can assure in this quantum realm on the outer arm of the milky way of the galaxy where Orion is not even an arm of the galaxy.. I have spoken with many dead people in my final 10 minutes of death.. How is this possible? Closed time curved loop reality using a mirror mirror on the wall trick of time travel..

This concept of magic or technology can be found on Anderson Time Institute using a Kozyrev mirror to push data or a soul through a multiverse to where events happened differently than those described by the souls adventure in the book of Enoch. Meaning? Imagine a 100 books similar character just different events and endings. By taking a character from book 1 and placing him in book 100. Passing through each of the other 98 books the data sees each event from a different book ending happening. Meaning? Imagine December 12, 2017 that Hawaii was nuked. The ending of a different book?

Or imagine that Abe Lincoln was a senator? Causing more people to live in that reality because he had more power over the deaths of the civil war.

People laugh and say so what? Pick up a phone or a conversation of southern ghosts in 1865 and ask them who won the Civil war? Not all parallel realities remember Abe Lincoln winning the war.

Just how was this time traveling done? Hoodoo witchcraft? Yes. But remember mirror mirror on the wall was the original book statement in the book Grimm. Meaning? Which reality was real? Mine or yours? Or wherever I came from? That is a twist. Meaning? Who knows where or who is real in a mirror reality broken into blackholes tunnels that twisted souls into whatever hell they had to face and live in?

This is why the Mandela effect is real along with time travel in the quantum realm. Speculatively blackhole take data to dumping points in space time where they are held in their personal hell until the end of time. And? Those experiencing the Mandela effect are those souls or data escaping black hole hell holes traveling back in time to wherever their bodies are for a day of judgment? Meaning? Is this realm just the Stargate of the Army or CIA where the group conscientious exist allowing for emails and phone calls to the dead?

And the reason nothing seems to change? Is this is a film of life. Or the book of Enoch happening and nothing changes in hell? Which would mean closed time curved loops exist to keep people in hell and there might not be any heaven to exist the loop of time? Seems awful to think about but truth sometimes is that way.

This challenge of time travel along with metaphysics of quantum tunneling through black holes which are mirrors to other parallel realities wherever ending has happened differently brings us back to the technology? Could this really happen? Check out Anderson Time Institute and realize that mirror transfers happened in 1990s via Russia research and most science fiction is real is some multiverse realm or another.

To think this is all happening in the final 10 minutes of your brain activity before it dies in the collective conscientiousness is awkward to realize.

October 25, 2023 18:23

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