In a small town called Denville near a riverbank lived a young boy named Arthur and his parents. Arthur was the only child of his parents. His parents worked in an organisation called Harris Peach Company Limited. They dwelt in a small cottage which they could afford because they were poor. Arthur’s parents didn’t have enough money to further Arthur’s education, so they decided that he would stay at home.
Each day when Arthur came out and sat on a bench outside, he would see other children going to school. In his mind, he wished he could go to school like other kids. A day came when he started pondering on the thought about what led to his parents becoming poor. He asked his parents the question and they told him that before they were rich and working in the same organisation, but because the organisation couldn’t pay them their salaries any longer, since the economy was very bad, they became poor. He was shocked by the story and also remorseful too. After that day, he started praying to God to bless his parents abundantly.
One Tuesday morning, Arthur’s parents came back home. Arthur noticed the smile and excitement on their faces and questioned them about the event that led to their excitement. His parents didn’t hesitate to tell him that their last salaries have been given to them. Arthur screamed and danced in joy. His parents also did the same too. That day was filled with jubilations and thanks to God. They bought some drinks and foods to celebrate the good news.
The next day, Arthur’s parents told Arthur that he would go to school in three days’ time. Arthur was so happy about it to the extent of hugging his parents tightly. His parents also told him that they would start buying his books, school uniform, bag and writing instruments too. Immediately his parents left, he started jumping, dancing and singing in joy. After Arthur finished doing all those things, he thanked God for making it possible that he would go to school. Then he watched some TV programs all through the day. Arthur’s parents came home late in the night with the Arthur’s school things.
On a Friday morning at 9:00am, Arthur’s parents took Arthur to Queen’s Primary School at Border town. Arthur took the entrance exam to Grade five and he passed with an average of 87 out of a 100. His room number was 204 and was told to resume school on Monday. Arthur’s first day at school wasn’t what he expected it to be. He had subjects he didn’t know at all and also didn’t know anybody there. He didn’t know anything the teacher was teaching and didn’t bother to ask questions for he was shy to do that. Class works were given but he couldn’t get a single question.
As the days went by, Arthur made some new friends who helped him to understand what was being taught in the class. He improved in his home works, class works, and tests. He was getting fairly good scores and he didn’t like it. At the end of Term 1, he scored an average of 83 out of a 100. Arthur’s parents were proud of him and happy for his parents but to Arthur, he wasn’t happy for himself. He wanted to be like those who get 90 and above. He told himself that he would get a better score than the one he got last term. This was his promise.
The next term came and now, Arthur had already set his mind to the promise he made to himself. He worked hard, read his books and did all his assignments. Then, he saw that he was getting good scores in all his works. He kept this habit on-going until the end of the term. At the end of the second term, he scored an average of 91out of 100. Arthur’s parents congratulated him and were happy for his performance but still Arthur wasn’t satisfied with his score. He wanted to get the best score ever.
Third term was now in session and Arthur had it at the back of his mind to beat the best and be the best there’s ever been. He strived and clawed to get straight A’s in all his works. He did this constantly till the end of the term. Now, he was confident that he did excellently well in his work. At the end of third term, he pulled out a total average of 98 out of 100. His parents were shocked at his performance but didn’t hesitate to congratulate him. They didn’t only congratulate him; they bought drinks and foods too, to celebrate their son’s victory. Now, Arthur was happy and proud of himself but that didn’t make him to relent in his works. He was also congratulated by his friends, teachers and the school at large.
Arthur kept up with his habit of getting the first position even in his secondary school education. Then, because he has been getting the first position, he was given awards and school fees relief by the school. His parents were highly proud of him and each time he gets first in the session, they would start crying. This was because he always made them happy and proud. The news about Arthur’s ground-breaking records of taking the first position, spread throughout the town and city. Arthur became famous everywhere.
One day, a rich man named Mr Clinton Clark who owned a company called Rich Export Merchandise hosted a competition for students who wish to work in his company. He has heard of Arthur’s brilliancy and tries to test him out by holding a competition in his school in form of an exam. After the exam, he marked the papers and was shocked by what he saw. The Arthur he heard about still got the highest score in the exam. He quickly told Arthur that he would give him a scholarship to any university he wants, a cash prize of $100,000 and a job at his company. Arthur was so happy and didn’t waste much time to tell his parents about it when he got home from school. They were filled with joy and happiness throughout the week.
When Arthur finished his university and came out with a first class honour, he quickly started working in Mr Clinton Clark’s company. He was paid $70,000 annually. He helped the company to grow, got more customers for the company and made the company famous. Because of Arthur’s hard work, Mr Clinton increased his annual salary from $70,000 to $150,000. In 5 years’ time Arthur became very rich and famous. Now, the poor boy from the inner-city of Denville grew up to become a wealthy successful man.
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Nice story! I matched with you for the critique circle. Really liked Arthur's humble origins. I wish there had been another spot in the story where he was in trouble though, would've made the character seem more human
Hi from critique circle here. I would wish to see a couple of dialogues to break up the narrative, but overall, a good story! :)