He loves me not

Submitted into Contest #264 in response to: End your story with someone saying “I do.”... view prompt

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LGBTQ+ Funny Friendship



 By Mercer O'Connor, this story tells the tale of Everleigh, a 28 year old publicist from Charleston, West Virginia. In this story of beauty and sapphic endeavors she celebrates her big day! Everleigh has been virtually in love with her handsome Australian Fiancé Elijah ever since he first sent his works of poetry to her office. Two years of online passion and friendship has now gone by and they are ready to tie the knot. However, her meeting of his mother would forever change the way she saw herself and him. She mentally exhausts herself worrying secrets will come to light in time to ruin the wedding.

March 30th

2 weeks before the wedding

Typically I'm a bit anal about things, I have control issues and don't I know it. I know that doesn’t sound like a fun time, hearing that a bridezilla is just on the rise. But I think you'll find this story quite stunning. I know I did when everything unraveled for me and the soon to be love of my life.  

For some reason although clearly not by my own will, I found myself dress shopping in a little vintage second hand store only 2 weeks before the wedding. What bride doesn’t already have a dress so close to the wedding date? But did I mention this little store is all the way across the world from my apartment? Elijah’s mom insisted that I do my dress shopping with her in their hometown. 

Maxine seems sweet enough wanting quality time with me as her soon to be daughter in law and I suppose it makes sense, We’ve never so much as said hi before today. Although I fear my first impression may be the death of my wedding.

April 6th

1 week before the wedding

It’s been seven days since Maxine bought me this lovely handmade Italian wedding dress, I can’t believe my mind when I recall my day with her. It was all so different and exciting, I felt something strange when I wore my dress for fitting. All I can see is her hands all over me in the mirror, oh wait these are my hands. 

Maxine asked that I stop referring to her as Mrs. Jones when we were looking at the shoes. She preferred I call her Max, She was not what I expected. She seemed like more of a gentleman than a mother in law.  Nothing said this more than when she told me to sit down as she got down on one knee to gently remove my hot pink sandals and replace them with beautiful satin pumps of a champagne color.  She was so delicate and told me I had pretty legs. A woman has never made me blush before. 

April 9th

4 days before the wedding

Elijah wants me to have a last blast night out with his mother and cousin Bella. His best friend Alejandro is taking him out for dinner & drinks the night before the wedding. So he thinks I should be out having fun too.

I kept trying to tell him I just want some beauty sleep before the wedding but the truth is that I don’t. I wanna see Maxine, I want Maxine to see me. But how terrible I would be for wanting my groom’s mother as badly as I do. This could not be a worse Idea.

Elijah didn’t push too hard although he was clearly disappointed, If only he knew about what happened between me and Maxine. If he did I definitely don’t think he'd be so intent on me spending time with her. She’s an even better kisser than him but I feel horrible just for thinking that.

April 11th

2 days before the wedding

Everyone seemed so awkward tonight at dinner. Elijah was quiet and avoiding eye contact, Bella was drunk and getting an attitude, she just kept snapping at Elijah & Maxine. And Alejandro, although he seemed so nice and confident when he picked me up from the airport only a couple weeks ago, his demeanor had completely changed. The free and fun spirit was now glaring daggers at me from across the table.

They all know and they hate me. God I don’t know what to do, should I excuse myself and go to the bathroom and then just ditch? Not like I can fly myself back home without all my things I left in our room. I already feel so humiliated and nobody has even said a word. Except for Maxine, she’s calm, simply talking in that irresistible accent of hers.

April 12th

24 hours before the wedding

The dinner ended fine I suppose, everyone acted normal but didn’t look normal. I guess maybe they don’t know but I best not interact with Maxine again until after the wedding, God forbid I ruin things now.

I keep trying on my dress, it's so beautiful and fits so perfectly but obviously that’s not the reason I keep wearing it, I just can't help but keep reminiscing. Maybe I shouldn't have asked her to help me put the dress on, maybe I wouldn’t be in such a situation. 

I can’t help myself, She just was so gentle and passionate with me in ways I don’t think Elijah ever could be. She kissed my neck in front of the fitting room mirror with her arms wrapped around my waist from behind. She slowly moved her lips across my skin and nibbled on my ear.  She likes the way I taste.

April 12th

18 hours before the wedding

When I finally thought I might get through this and be a happily married woman by tomorrow afternoon, I hear Maxine and Bella start knocking on the door with confetti cannons in hand. The night isn’t even close to over yet. 

Elijah left with Alejandro about 45 minutes ago, I was hoping to just bathe and go to bed and hope to wake up a little more interested in my own fiancé. But to my dismay, Maxine is now in my room with a very expensive bottle of wine, at least Bella is here. I highly doubt I’ll end up in some weird gay three way with the both of them.

Then Max gives the announcement that this bottle of wine is to go because downstairs waiting is a hot pink limo with male strippers included like a couple of AA batteries.

April 12th

14 hours before the wedding

The night out was long and fun and thanks to the presence of Bella it remained quite the normal amount of inappropriate. On the way home from the club in the limo Bella gets dropped off first and on her way makes the slurred announcement that she’s going straight to head… No no I said that right. She didn't wanna go home early to get some sleep. In her words her man is gonna get the blowjob of a lifetime. 

And with that she goes inside and I am once again left alone at the mercy of an older woman. The door didn't even fully shut before Max put her hand on my thigh and began firmly rubbing up and down. The driver rolls up the window behind him and I start touching her back with this lost puppy look in my eyes. 

Elijah is probably in bed waiting for me now…

April 13th

13 hours before the wedding

I leave the limo with Max inside and head up to the room. My face is beet red and my makeup is smeared but I can’t seem to stop smiling. I enter our room to find Elijah and Alejandro hugging in the room, looked like an intimate goodbye hug. I really messed up. 

There is no way they don’t know, I mean Alejandro should've gone home hours ago yet he's just leaving? I am not prepared for the conversation coming, Elijah is gonna call off the wedding I am sure of it by the look on his face. 

We take a bath together before bed and he doesn’t say anything and barely could even look at me. He didn’t even seem like he wanted me to try and kiss him. While getting into bed I ask him because the wait is killing. He just says everything’s fine and he’s just tired and tipsy.

April 13th

1 hour before the wedding

Bella is still hungover but her concealer is covering the dark circles quite well and you would never know she had a headache by the smile on her face. She did my makeup in such a way I felt like a princess! But I doubt Diana ever had a fling with Elizabeth. 

Everyone is waiting and ready by this point and Maxine has made her way into my dressing room. In a swift moment she dismissed Bella and everyone else in the room. Having some mother in law wisdom to share with the bride is what she said. I gulped down my spit and began to feel my chest warm. 

20 minutes later and she’s fixing my dress and redoing my hair. Although I feel as though my red face alone has ruined my bridal makeup. I can’t do this, I love Elijah but I don’t want him and this isn't right. 

April 13th

15 minutes before the wedding

I leave the room without a word or second thought and make my way down the hall to Elijah's fitting room determined to call off the wedding and admit my infidelities.  Maxine follows close behind asking me what I am doing.

In a quick and quiet motion I open Elijah's door and see him there as happy as could be with Alejandro on his knees in front of him. I gasp and Maxine quickly follows up with using the lord's name in vain. The men quickly jump out of their skin and Alejandro wipes his mouth as Elijah fastens his belt quicker than you can say Wedding. 

Shocked and yet not bothered I laugh and exclaim “Thank God I’m not the only one with a secret”

Alejandro is quiet and Elijah begins apologizing and explaining.

He always had love for me, he only finds himself closer to Alejandro than me. He was hoping to gain citizenship and literary connections via our marriage. He had full intention of telling me eventually, just probably wasn't until after the divorce is what he had in mind. Alejandro interrupted to add that he was going to move to America and gain his own citizenship here in a few years once his grandma passed and that by then, the divorce would be settled and Elijah would be his. 

Shocked and completely taken off guard, I just laugh. Maxine joins in and the next thing I know I am walking down the aisle to marry my very gay very best friend with a calm and happy heart. At the altar the officiant had us exchange our vows which were very teary and loving. And just like that, I say “I DO”.

August 23, 2024 03:34

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1 comment

Karen McDermott
06:17 Aug 26, 2024

Wow what a ride 😅 I'm glad everyone ended up happy though


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