Mystery Fiction Drama

The year,1975. The place, Newton, TN. It was a cold and rainy, fall evening. Isabella was on her way to the hospital. She was expecting to deliver her twin babies at any time.

Newton, was a small town. Everyone knew each other, and their business. One gas station, one pizza parlor and of course, a hospital. Isabella had to walk two blocks in the rain to get there. Her car had broken down and the repair shop was closed. Her pains started getting stronger with each step. UGH!! she thought, just a little bit further...

Finally, barely getting through the entrance at the hospital, her water broke. "Help!" "Can someone please, help me?" she called out. "I'm having my baby". Just then two nurses came running up to her with a wheelchair, to help her. "Oh, thank God!" she exclaimed. Why are you alone they asked, you're in no condition to be in this kind of weather. You're soaking wet, she handed her some towels and a blanket. Let's get you dried off before you get sick. "Oh, thank you so much, my husband is out of town on a business trip, and I don't have any family here", she lied.

Her husband was always gone on some expedition, or gambling scheme, he was a hustler, chasing the easy buck. He would only come home after he'd won a good amount, stay for a few days, and take off again. She thought he'd stay home once she told him she was having the babies, but it was always the same, she was so lonely.

They wheeled her to the birthing room, and a sitter was sitting in the lobby, she asked if she would like her to be her labor coach and help with delivery during her contractions. "That would be great," she said. "I never expected to be doing this alone." OK then ,let's get started. One, two, three, Puuuuush! "Ahhhh!! this is so hard. she said. You're doing fine, huny, he's almost here, the nurse said.

Three hours later, Isabella was in her room holding both her baby boys. Houston and Chance, not very biblical or traditional names, but ones she had a personal attachment to. They were close in size, 8lbs and 20.5 ins. with the most beautiful blue eyes.

The day of their release, the hospital called a taxi for her to go home in. When she got home, she went inside and saw the light on the answering machine flashing. She put the babies in the bassinette and went to check her messages.

Hi! Hun,.(her husbands voice) ummmm...there's been some trouble with the last gig I did and...well, I'm gonna have to lay low for awhile,and I'm not sure when I'll be coming home.. I hope you and the boys will be ok till then, I'm so sorry, I have a friend sending you money to help out with the bills and the babies, until then..I love you..beep... Tears flowing down her face, she had to sit down, how could this be? how can he do this to us? What am I going to do with two babies??? she was devastated.

Years passed and the twins had always asked about their father, she never heard from him again. In the back of her mind she'd always wonder if he was still alive, or if he made a new family,..why didn't he ever call? Was he in jail? She didn't have any answers to their questions.

Chance was 16 when he started playing pool. He got to be pretty good, even started betting on occasion. One night after he was on a winning streak, a man approached him, and offered a deal with him to travel and play pool. sure he said, how hard can that be? Well the man said, there's a catch, you don't play to win, you play to lose, 1K for every loss.. Challenge accepted, he said. Great! my name's Jake. I'll take care of you, and pay for everything.

Chance started going with Jake on the weekends and getting quite good, he was seeing the world and learning alot. One night when they were in Covington, things were going really well, but then all of a sudden, a fight broke out. People scattered everywhere. The lights went out, and a shot was fired. Then a thud, as someone fell to the floor. Come on Chance, we gotta get you outa here, Jake said. the cops will be here soon, and if they find out about the gambling, we're all done for. So they ran out the side exit, so noone would see them.

Chance's brother Houston, was closer to his mom. He helped her around the house, doing chores and fixing things. He wasn't as wild as Chance. He got good grades and planned on getting a degree in college on a basketball scholarship. He was focused and determined, maybe a little jealous of Chance, but he would never show it. He loved Chance but worried about him playing pool so much, and running around with Jake. Did he even care that Chance was only 16 and still in high school?? He should be home studying, trying to help mom out more so we could move and have a better life away from here, We've long outgrown this tiny little shack, dad left us in. How could he just leave and not have any contact in 16 years?

The friend that was supposed to be sending Isabella money, had been in a tragic car accident a few years back, and the money stopped coming. Still no word from her husband, Isabella was forced to take the job at the local diner, to pay the bills.

Isabella started waitressing, she worked long hard hours, and her feet and back ached all the time. Everyday when she got home, she'd take long, hot bathes and soak in the tub for hours. One Saturday night, there was a knock on the door..bam,bam... "Houston, could you get that?" she called as she was getting out of the tub, and drying off. Mom! you need to come here, quickly, there's a detective here to speak to you. he called back. She threw on some clothes and wrapped a towel around her hair as she was coming down the hall.

"Can I help you officer?" she asked. Ma'am, do you have a son named, Chance Smith? "Yes, I do, is he alright?" well ma'am when was the last time you saw him? "last night, he went out with a friend, and won't be back till tomorrow. Why? What's happened?" Ma'am I can't tell you all the details, but we believe your son was involved in a shooting, in Covington, and have a warrant for his arrest. "A shooting? my son don't even own a gun, how can this be?" she said. Well ma'am, it's still under investigation, but your son and another man was seen fleeing the scene shortly after the shot was fired. And according to the witness at the pool hall, the man shot was playing pool with your son. "This can't be happening. Chance is only 16, he wouldn't shoot anyone" she said despairingly. Well ma'am, I'd advise you that when Chance comes home you have him come down to the station, for questioning and to make a statement. "yes sir, I will, have a good day". You do the same ma'am, sorry to bother you. Isabella, sat down at the kitchen table with her hands over her face and trembling, "Oh, Chance, what have you done?" she asked shakenly, sobbing into her hands.

Sunday afternoon Chance came bounding up the sidewalk in his usual way, but he sensed something was different, he just didn't know what. As he reached to open the door, a man approached him. He turned to see the detective, son, are you Chance Smith? Yes sir, I am, can I help you with something? I'm placing you under arrest, and taking you down to the station. "For what?" Chance asked, palms sweating and heart beating rapidly, he felt sick to his stomach. We need to question you about the shooting in Covington, we believe you were involved in. "I didn't shoot anyone... "well son we still have to take you in custody, because you were seen fleeing the scene. They drove to the station, a block away.

"Do I get a phone call?" Chance asked? You have five minutes, the officer said. Chance called Jake. "Hey man, you gotta come help me, they arrested me for that man getting shot in Covington, at the pool hall. " Just hold tight, he said, I'll be right there. "ok, thanks man!"

Chance, we need you to fill out a report about everything that happened that night, and don't leave anything out. "Well you see officer, I was playing pool, with that man, and a fight started, the lights went out and a gun was fired, we left cuz I'm only 16 sir, but honestly, I didn't shoot him." "I don't even know how to use a gun". his voice trailed off. Just then the phone rang.. uh,huh, hmmm..I see,.well that's good news then,..ok..thank you,Sam.... I'll get on it right away.

Well, that was the detective in Covington, seems to be, that they found the weapon, and the man that was shot, said he knew the person that did it. We matched the gun and fingerprints to the lead he gave us. So he just cleared you. Sorry for the mixup, son.

"Well sir, I'm happy that you caught the right guy. I surely didn't want to go to jail, and maybe I'll stay out of the pool halls for awhile" Chance said. That sounds like a wise decision, son, now get home and take care of your momma.

A tall dark haired man walked into the station, their eyes met, Chance? he asked. "yes, do I know you?" Well kinda, the man said. Not as well as I'd like you to, I'm your father. "What??How could you be? How'd you know I was here?" Well son, Jake is a really good friend of mine, he told me what happened and thought this would be the best time for me to come back. "Well where have you been for 16 years?" It's a long story.. Let's go home, I'd like to see your brother, and your momma, how's she doin? "She's good.. but you have alot of explaining to do.." I know, I'm ready. He said putting his arm around Chance's shoulder as they walked out the door.

December 17, 2020 18:45

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Harlow Jones
00:58 Dec 30, 2020

Hi, Sheila! This is a really great story. I really enjoyed the deep family history and the plot twist at the end. I love a family reunion! However, the story felt rushed, and there were grammatical errors, especially concerning the dialogue. I really enjoyed reading this story. Good job, and keep it up!


Sheila Payne
03:16 Dec 31, 2020

Thanks. I'm still kinda new to this,and I too felt the intro was kinda choppy.I try to proofread thru each parahraph when I finish it but must have over looked some spots.Im happy you liked it. I' m seeking exposure and quality will improve as I keep practicing.you'll be seeing alot of my stories so come back,often!!😃


Harlow Jones
19:24 Dec 31, 2020

Will do! I look forward to seeing what you write next!


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Donna Wayt
16:31 Dec 23, 2020

This is really beautiful. This is what we all desire. What do we grow up with our father without we want them to desire a relationship with us. Intimate


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