Mystery Science Fiction Indigenous

Museum of you 

Well that’s not very funny, it was just a stupid  pun, what other funny moments are here okayyy just mostly an empty long hallway, what what’s that. What? That that’s me! Why does this museum have a video of me working, wait where is everyone from my tour group , I … I did have a tour group right? “Hello!” “ Is anyone here!?” “Security!” “Help!”  and if they were going to pick a video of me they should’ve used a more interesting one like… or like the time that I… well of course the time that I OH MY GOD! This video can’t be me, why did I just fall to the ground?  Am I okay? Wait, that was today? I know because the calendar in the background is checked off for today, we have a big meeting coming up soon , that I’ve been so stressed about, I mean I have to worry about so much there’s the numbers, plus the logistics and oh my , I need to calm down  I’m getting overly stressed again after all I came to this museum for… wait why did I come here? And how did I get here? Where am I?

Wait, I remember that first video now, I was talking to a coworker that I had a crush on and telling them a joke , “what do you call a fish wearing a Bow tie?” Although I forgot the punchline So why are my memory’s here? In this museum I think I need to explore this more. Room of misdeeds, well I’ll stay away from there, oh life’s biggest pleasures , I’m sure that’s fun, great another long hallway , what kind of museum is this btw it's so minimalist yet strangely alien. And this technology is amazing being able to play videos in such high quality it's like i'm right there. Wait, it's a video of me again! Idk how this is one of life's biggest pleasures though i'm just at my desk working. Oh that's when i submitted that 3 week long report to my boss, i gave up a lot for that report… a … lot, well sure that was a good moment but how was that one of life's biggest pleasures? Let me check out another one of.. My memories? I guess it's kinda weird to think about but let's see this one. Oh it's when i got promoted to assistant manager, well that was a big pleasure i think. Anything, not… work related? No not that one, definitely not that one oh there's one. Well that was… kinda sad its just me watching a show… alone… okay i gotta get out of this depressing museum where is the exit? It must be the door with the exit sign above it, okay well it’s definitely not the exit “PLEASE SOMEONE HELP! HELP! WHAT'S GOING ON!” Wait where I am now? cause of death? What?! I I’m not dead.. I’m alive I’m not dead I’m not dead I'M NOT DEAD I DIDN'T DIE TO A HEART ATTACK LET ME OUT! … please…please…

Well I’ve been sitting here for a while i guess I should get up and Sofishticated! That was the punchline! Well since i'm dead I guess I'll see my biggest misdeeds, what horrible terrible things have I done in my life? Well this certainly wasn’t what I expected it’s the time me and my friends all snuck out of school and went to the mall, that was fun just hanging out with my friends, I miss them… oh it’s my first date.. I sure loved her… all the… all the good memories are of when I was young. Surely there’s some when I was older, maybe I should go check the funny moments again. Hold on it’s the time I didn’t ask out my crush when I was young, and the time I decided to work instead of go on that vacation with my friends, I mean I’m sure they had fun but I got a lot done, the grind never stops as they say. Oh its the time I… I the time the that I couldn’t make it home it time…I I can’t do this anymore this museum is barely a museum now the videos are just changing at will and I don’t even remember how I got to this exhibit, time spent. I spent a third of my life sleeping 5% in school all this seems pretty standard I never had kids, well I guess I didn’t get much of a chance given the circumstance of what happened, is this what heaven is? Just torture for not spending my life right? I spent another third of my life at work that seems like more then i remember, do I have any control of what’s happening anymore? Have I ever had control of my life? I’m sorry I didn’t come home I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry, its too late now to do anything about it I’m sorry I decided to stay and work that night I should’ve spent more time with you and focusing on your needs maybe if I left work for that one day you would still be here… I guess that’s why I threw myself into work, it’s simple I don’t have to think about my tragedies or any problems, because we’ve always had problems and it’s easier to ignore them than to face them I suppose. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for I’m sorry I wasn't better… I just wish I had more time I'M SORRY I wish I can do more I wish I had more I wish I had more I wish I had more I wish I had more I wish I had more I wish I had more time 

Heuuh  OMG was it all a dream? I’m back in the comfort of my room. What time is it, 9:30?! How did I sleep so long? I'm so late, oh and there’s my boss calling of course, he’s probably so mad at me, but for some reason I.. I didn’t answer it.. I just let it ring…

March 20, 2024 02:59

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Kristi Gott
21:41 Mar 27, 2024

This story starts with a brisk pace and draws the reader into it well. The thoughts and actions move fast and the readers curiosity is aroused. Good descriptions and inner dialogue. Well done!


02:07 Mar 29, 2024

thank you so much, I wasn't sure if this reedsy thing was a good idea, I've never done anything like this before and I was questioning whether I shouldn't have submitted and thinking it was pointless and a waste of money, but knowing that someone actually enjoyed my work makes it all worth it, from the very bottom of my heart thank you so much for reading and letting me know your thoughts


Kristi Gott
02:19 Mar 29, 2024

Keep writing. Also, if you leave comments on other people's stories then they often reciprocate and click your name link to leave comments on your stories too. Happy writing!


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