Contemporary Fantasy Fiction


“Aaron, it’s almost dinner time. Where are you going?”

“I don’t know. It’s the strangest thing… but did you see the black cat that showed up at the back door? ….This is the second morning I found her  sitting on the porch …almost like she’s waiting for me, waiting for me to join her. She didn’t even look at the sauce of milk I put out for her. Aren’t cats supposed to like milk? She just sat there and gave me that look. Looked me straight in the eye. Anyway it felt that way.”

“What look? “

“As though she wanted me to follow her somewhere. It wasn’t just the look.it was also the way her tail curled. Like she was smiling.”

“Like a come hither tail? Aaron, are you crazy? We have two cats of our own right here. We don’t need one more. In fact, I thought I was the crazy cat person in the family. I thought you didn't care much for cats? “

“You weren't wrong, Ellen. But this one was different.  She had beautiful shiny black fur.  I don’t think she is homeless. She doesn’t seem to be looking for a home or food …”

“Well, if she isn’t lost or mooching, what does she want? More specifically, what does she want from you? What you should be looking for is a girlfriend not a pet,”

“I don’t know. But this cat is different somehow. Oh, I forgot to mention that she   has green eyes.  Emerald green eyes. That’s unusual for a cat. Isn’t it? I think she wants me to follow her. I can feel it …She is asking me to follow her somewhere.”

“No, grey cats can have green eyes,  Russian Blues, too.   So, it’s not out of this world. But you’re right.  She’s different, Aaron. And it’s not just the green eyes and the smiley tail. You know what else?  She’s black and black cats are bad luck. We don’t need any more bad luck. Aaron. Remember when you walked under that open latter last July? And the ladder literally collapsed on you. You spent 3 days in the hospital, and now, this?”

Ellen, that ladder thing. That was my own clumsiness not bad luck. Anyway, that stuff about black cats and bad luck.  You don’t believe that do you?  That’s an old wives tale.”

“Old wives tale or not, I say let stray cats stray. Maybe she’ll find a friendly witch. And she can sit by her cauldron and catch a mouse or a toad.”

“”You’re making fun of me. But I’m serious.  You know black cats are also considered good luck.

“Oh? Says who? “

“I looked it up.  See, here’s what the mythology encyclopedia says about black days…. Are you listening?”

“Sure, Aaron, I’m all ears.  Educate me. “

“It says right here-- Black cats are thought to be spiritual guardians and protectors due to their connection to goddesses in mythology and folklore. Although Some people view black cats as bad luck due to their connection to witchcraft—a  belief that started in the Middle Ages and continues in modern pop culture “

“Well, holy meow!”

“Listen to this, Ellen; Black cats are thought to help you find your twin flame. Twin flames are defined as two people who share parts of the same soul, like a soul mate. Seeing a black cat may show that your twin flame is about to enter your life. How about that?”

“Aaron, that’s what they call lore. Like fairy tales, make belief, Aaron. You know maybe we should call animal control; see if someone has lost a black cat.  Where is she now? “

“She’s gone and she didn't even drink the milk I left. She must be here for another reason. I know that she’ll be back”

“How do you know that?”

“Because I just feel that she’ll keep coming back until I follow her.”

“Aaron, that’s twin flame nonsense. You are my brother and I love you but don’t you think you are just feeling lonely .You need a new girlfriend, not a cat.  A real girlfriend, a human girlfriend. “

“Maybe. But listen to this. It says here that black cats are often connected to power goddesses and empresses. Spiritually, they represent fertility, sensuality, and nurturing. Their ability to slip between shadows relates to the belief that they move between realms. This stealth also represents transformation and resilience.”

“Sounds great if a little overblown. I’m going shopping. If you follow that cat, assuming she if she isn’t sitting on someone else’s back porch right now, just don’t get lost. And watch out for any open ladders.

Oh, and Aaron, if a witch comes to the door before I get back don’t answer it. Or rather, do. Maybe she’ll be wanting her cat back.  See you in a while.”

“Ellen is just being Ellen. And I guess it seems crazy to some people, following a strange cat to who knows where.  Oh wait, she’s back. I just knew she would be back. Hope I don’t have to climb any trees or jump over any fences to follow her. But I’m going to follow her.

“I hope she stops running. I forgot how fast cats can travel. Good.  She seems to be waiting for me to catch up…she’s is going down into that cave. Well I can’t go down thee. That opening is too small

“Guess I’ll wait til she comes out.  I’ll just take a peek inside. “

“Hello Aaron, You don’t have to come in. I’m coming out.”

“Oh, I didn’t know anyone was in there.   Have you seen a black cat? She went in that cave you came out of. Wait, how do you know my name?

“Because you followed me here, Aaron. “ 

“Followed you? No, I followed…..well, anyway, I am happy I’m here. You are very beautiful, Wow, you have green eyes. Like emeralds. What is your name?  Is that your cat you lost? “

“The name is Kat. No, I don’t have a cat, Aaron and I’m not lost. Not anymore.

And one more thing, Aaron? Here, take my hand. It’s soft.”

“Yes, Kat? “

You can forget the saucer. I don’t drink milk. “


November 11, 2024 13:48

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Daniel Allen
08:01 Nov 22, 2024

Hi Frances! There's some nice imagery in this story and a good element of mystery! I did, however, find some of the dialogue to be a little unnatural and contrived. It didn't feel like I was listening to an actual brother and sister talk. Likewise, I personally also felt that the sudden shift to an overtly supernatural ending was a bit jarring, and the heavy use of italics in dialogue was perhaps a little much. Final note, watch out for a couple of typos. There's a moment where you wrote 'latter' instead of ladder, and another where you're...


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01:23 Nov 22, 2024

Hi, I really enjoyed it! The mystery surrounding the black cat was so intriguing, and I loved the way you balanced the supernatural with a sense of curiosity. It kept me hooked from start to finish—great work!🤗🧡


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Alexis Araneta
14:06 Nov 21, 2024

So after reading your very rude comment, I'd decided to see what you could offer. To be honest, I quite like the imagery. You did a splendid job with using colour thoughout your story. However, I find the flow of it jaunty. There's a bit of coherence issues. I think pure dialogue stories work better with only two named characters. The addition of Ellen can be a bit jarring, I think. (By the way, this is how you write a critique, one that isn't an insult. No calling protagonists 'annoying' or inserting your own style upon an author's. It's ...


Frances Goulart
20:57 Nov 21, 2024

Well, if you yearn to be a professional writer, my advice ( as a professional published author) would be ( beyond all the other goals and tools that help) to develop a thick skin. Feeling “ insulted” is a sign you haven’t arrived at this basic starting point. It is all pretty subjective what you think about my work and how I receive yours, no? I did not mean to be rude or insulting, just to be honest. I hope you keep writing and having the fun that I find in it that keeps me doing it!!!! Cheers!!


Daniel Allen
08:04 Nov 22, 2024

Having a thick skin is one thing, but receiving overly blunt and patronising comments is another. I see that your professional writing experience is in non-fiction writing, but as someone else who comes from a non-fiction background, fiction is a whole new ball game, where we have to respect different styles a little more and not tell people they're wrong because their work doesn't suit our own personal preferences.


Alexis Araneta
10:54 Nov 22, 2024

Thank you, Daniel ! Precisely that. There's critiques and then there's being insulting for the sake of ego inflation. Massive difference between the two. In fact, if you can't even see the difference between the two, well, then, I would doubt your prowess as a writer because...you don't even have the conceptual knowledge to know the difference ?? By the way, congratulations for all the sales on your novels. Plural. 😊


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Alexis Araneta
00:43 Nov 22, 2024

Hey, fellow published author ! Only, I don't know how it is in your world, but in mine, inapropriate, rude comments like yours are not allowed. In fact, my editor has told me that he has a list of 'do not publish' authors based on attitude. I guess it's time to reveal that I did show this piece to some writer (including literary prize winners and published authors) friends and...well, I do hope you espouse that 'thick skin' you keep prattling on about... I actually hope you stop infecting the writing community with your disgusting commen...


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