Drama Mystery Teens & Young Adult

It was the 25th of December and Peter decided to host a cookie exchange. Little did his guest know he had something planned for one of them. Peter begins sending out letters to the people he wants to invite. But when one person declines the invite. He makes it his goal to get the person to accept. So he sends another invite and once again it gets turned down.

So he sends the invite again. Finally, after the 5th invite the person accepts it. An hour later, everyone arrives at the exchange. Peter looks around for his important a guest. A 17 year old boy named Miles. As he is exchanging cookies he looks around. Suddenly, he sees him. Miles was walking around the house. Peter goes up to Miles and smiles. "Welcome," Peter says.

Miles nods then begins to think. "Can I ask you a question sir?" Peter laughs "of course you can." "What can I help you with?"

Miles looks around at the other guest. "Well I was wondering why were you so determined to invite me to this exchange," he asked.

Peter sighs then began talking.

"I am your older brother. The name is Peter," he says. Miles looks at Peter in shock. "Wait, I know I have a brother but they said he died before I was born. You look very much alive," says Miles. Peter began laughing. "Yes I do appear that way but I'm actually a ghost."

"Then how come I can see you," says Miles. "Guess it really does run in the family," Peter replied. Miles looks around at the other guests. "What about them can they see you too?" "Yeah, they're ghosts as well," Peter replied. Peter brings Miles to one of the guests. "See the lady there and her husband?"

"Yeah," Miles replied. "That's our aunt and uncle." "You mean aunt Rile and uncle Julio the ones who died in the car accident?" Peter nodded. Suddenly, Peter looked at the clock. "It's getting late you should get home Miles." Miles looks at the clock. "Will I see you again Peter," Miles asked. "Yes, you will I am always with you. Not hurry." Miles smiles and runs home.

Miles enters his house. "Miles your just in time for dinner how was the exchange," says the mother. Miles smiles. " It was great mum." He heads over to the kitchen to set the table. As he is setting the table he looks over at his mom and sees Peter standing by the fridge. Peter looks over at him and smiles. Miles smiles back.

During dinner the mother gives Miles a present.

Miles opens the present. It was a photo book with a note that says - I am always with you. Love your older brother, Peter -. Miles heads to his room and places the book on his bed. Then heads back to the kitchen to finish eating dinner. After dinner Miles goes back to his room. An begins looking through the book. It was pictures of Peter from when he was first born to the age of 17.

Miles places the book in his drawer and goes to bed. The next morning Miles decides to go to the flower shop. He looks at a flower that he remembered seeing in one of the pictures. After he got the flower. Miles went to the cemetery and placed it on Peter's grave.

Later on that day, he went back home.Wondering what had happened he asks his mother. But before he can he sees Peter shaking his head no. Peter brings him over to the cemetery and points to the date on his grave. "What does this mean," Miles asked. Look at aunt Rile's and uncle Julio's grave." Miles heads over to there grave and sees that it has the same date as Peter. "Peter where you in the car when they crashed," Miles asked. 

Peter nods. Suddenly it began to rain. Miles quickly ran back home. So he doesn't get wet. By lunch time Peter decides to check up on Miles. He was setting the table for lunch. Peter smiled knowing that their mom raised a great kid. Suddenly, Peter felt a tap on his shoulder. It was their father. "Hi Peter," says the father. Peter hugs him."Father hi!" 

The two begin talking and peter tells him how Miles saw him. The father laughed. "I guess it really does run in the family." "I guess it really does," Peter replied. Peter watched as the father left into the light. "Bye father," says Peter. Meanwhile, at Miles house. Miles and his mom are eating lunch and watching a movie. 

Peter heads home and goes into Miles room. 

After he finished eating. Miles went to his room and sees Peter standing there. Before he can say something Peter disappears. Miles sits oh his bed and looks up at the sky. Knowing that Peter is watching Miles smiles. Later on that day he decides to head to the cemetery to pay his big brother a visit. 

He places yet another flower on the grave and before leaving. he says "Thank you Peter for hosting the exchange so I can meet you." Miles begins heading home but before he does he heads over to where he first met Peter. At the exchange. He enters the place and takes a look around. It was empty. 

There wasn't anyone there but him. But he noticed something a picture on the floor it was his aunt and uncle. It was that moment that he realized. Peter hosted the exchange at their aunt and uncle's house. On Miles way back home he felt a tap on the shoulder. Thinking it was Peter he turned around fast. Yet another man stood there. 

He then realized that it was not Peter but his father. Tears came down his eyes and he got to see his father once again. Then suddenly the father disappeared. Miles headed back home and decided to watch a movie. He went on Netflix picked a movie and pressed play.  

December 11, 2020 18:42

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