
I sat slumped at my computer with absolutely no willpower to do anything. I was a digital artist and had just finished my last project, which was designing the cover for a new book from a rising author. There were so many people to draw on there; I swear I almost died. The work was so intense that I had barely left my room over the last seven days. My sister, Kana, had even been worried about my health. I was glad that it was over. 

Now, Kana was telling me I needed to draw something for my art blog. She was right. I hadn’t posted anything in over a week, but I had a reason, albeit a poor one. I kept on getting distracted by our cat. Starlight was very attached to me. Whether I was eating, sleeping, or working she made it her mission to distract me. Honestly, it wasn’t a very hard feat. I was known for being very distractible.

“Starlight,” I said, petting her, “you know I need to work. Now scootch!” I pushed her off my lap and opened my drawing software. I started sketching the outline for a body, not yet knowing what the final product would be. The cat sat rooted on the floor. I was trying so hard to stay focused, but it was next to impossible with her sitting there, even though she was being quiet.

“Meow,” Starlight purred. I groaned and turned around in my seat. Somehow, Starlight knew the perfect way to use puppy-eyes, even though she was a cat. I sighed and opened my arms. Starlight jumped happily into my lap. I began to pet her. She was so soft and cuddly. I wanted to fall asleep right there.

A few minutes later, Kana brought us lunch. When she saw our cat on my lap, she gave us a disapproving look. She put the food down, pushed her short brown hair out of her face, and scooped Starlight into her arms. The cat meowed in disappointment. I gave her a sympathetic look.

“Remi, you need to work,” she said to me accusingly, then left the room and closed the door. I turned back to the computer and started working on the blog post again, but I wasn’t really into it. A while later, I heard the garage door open and close. I knew that it was Kana going out to retrieve some assignments from her professors that couldn’t be completed online. Less than a minute after she left, the door to my room creaked open. You can probably guess who it was.

Starlight leaped onto the back of my chair and settled her paws in my hair. I decided to completely ignore her. Maybe then she would leave me to work in peace. After about five minutes, I sat up in frustration. I felt like I had gotten nothing done, and I honestly hadn’t. It was giving me an ‘I-might-as-well-go-binge-watch-Netflix’ feeling.

“I am going to go take a shower, then I’ll deal with you,” I said, pointing at my cat. I went over to my bathroom and turned on the hot water. As soon as I was in the shower, I began to relax again. I never wanted to get out, but I knew I had to. I took ten deep breaths before giving in to reality and accepting my fate.

I put on my typical quarantine outfit: leggings, a t-shirt, and socks. I dried my hair and put it into two braids. I then went to the kitchen to find some pretzels. I always told Kana that pretzels helped me work, and she was skeptical. But she still always made sure we had pretzels on hand. Our rule was that I worked, and she kept our house in order. I looked through the pantry but couldn’t find the pretzels anywhere. I thought it was weird because I knew I had eaten some yesterday.

When I entered my art room, I laughed in surprise. Starlight was perched on my rolly chair with the pretzel bag beside her. That cat knew me so well. She knew I’d be in a better mood if I had snacks beside me, so she must have gotten them while I was in the shower. I smiled and walked over to her.

“You are a very clever cat,” I said as I picked her up. I knew I was never going to be able to work with her around. At least not today. I sat on our couch with her and felt myself start to drift off to sleep. 

Suddenly, I had an idea. I sat straight up and Starlight gave me a curious look. I pulled out my phone and took a few pictures with her. Starlight was a great poser, and she knew it. After getting a really cute picture, I went over to my computer to start drawing. Starlight sat patiently on the couch, but she wasn’t distracting me anymore.

A few hours later Kana came back from the school. She dumped her backpack on the floor next to me and tried to steal some of my pretzels. After a few moments of pretzel battling, I just let her have some. I turned my screen to show her what I was working on.

“It’s so cute!” she exclaimed. That was a good sign. I smiled and continued to work on the finishing touches. Finally, I sat back to admire my work.

I had drawn a cartoon version of the photo I had taken earlier of my cat and me. In the description of the photo, I said, “Guess who’s the Master Distractor? I will always love this little girl!”

I sat down on the couch next to Starlight and showed her the picture. She meowed happily in approval.

“This whole time you just wanted me to draw you,” I said accusingly. I laughed. My cat was so ridiculous sometimes, and I loved it. “You’re a silly cat. But no matter how much you annoy me, I’ll always love you.”

I held her close and drifted slowly off to peaceful sleep.

April 21, 2020 17:18

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RBE | Illustration — We made a writing app for you | 2024-02

We made a writing app for you

Yes, you! Write. Format. Export for ebook and print. 100% free, always.