One percent of something !!

Submitted into Contest #89 in response to: Write a story that spans a month during which everything changes.... view prompt


Bedtime High School Inspirational

Lights were blinking by splendour colours like a painter using his brush to paint a canvas, the cool breeze of wind touching my checks, tears were continusely rolling down from my eye to the chin , it was a pin drop silence around me I was just able to hear my heart beat. 

Abruptly the vocie of opening the door came a girl came rushing towards me, small eyes, round face, Blue Jeans with black t shirt with white colour over coat  I was staring her continusely, it was like everything around me stop for seconds I forgot about everything I was just looking a her without blinking my eyes. 

"Hello! Move that side "! her voice came breaking the weird suffocating silence "W...Why? I asked " "Because I want to stand here " she reclaim .

 "Go and stands over there, there is enough space " I said with anger. 

 " That's what I want to say, there is enough space for you, go avail the opportunity before someone else grab it! " .

Without any further questions I move another side " Why are you standing on the on the edge of terrace you might fall " she asked.  

" Because I want to die! " 

"Okay , just pass that feather " I saw a feather lying near my feet I pick up and gave it to her " Thanks , You continue.....! " she said. Huh...? OK..... After saying that I started looking front. 

I tear the mark sheet which was in my hand and throw it away, it was like detaching a part from myself which kept hurting me.  I gathered all my courage by convincing myself that this is the only last and the best option to do and without any further talk I step ahead my one leg in order to fell off from the terrace .....

she started singing -♬ it's not easy to reach here with all my strength. Being doubted and locking down upon , I hover at night and cross over Mountains after mountains, wishing for the beautiful scenery .Under the moonlight, I light up the candle and tell myself that , You'll be alright and You will be fine . ♬-

I looked at her she was looking at the sky like she is finding something "what are you doing? " " Finding a shooting star !" she exclaimed. " It's not easy to see shooting star , it's getting cold...... You might freeze, you should go home. " It doesn't matter weather It easy or not , I want to make a wish also I found the feather it's a good sign .

" How can you believe in all such faiths without logical reason " I asked in disguise "it's called 1% of something ." she said .

"what is 1% something means?  

"whenever everything goes wrong there is always 1% chance to get things right, what you need is to have faith in that, by the way why you want to die? "she asked. 

"why should I tell you, your just an stranger? "I asked. " sometimes telling your problems help to find solutions, especially when it is some stranger because they are not gonna judge you and they tell want they think without exaggerating it ".

"Because I have no courage to go home, I ranked 2nd in the class , l wanted to buy medicines for my mother, we belong to a lower middle class family and ranking 1st for getting prize money was my only option..... But I failed..... " .

" By dying everything will be alright with your family? Hmm? " she asked .

At the same time a shooting star gone. She make a wish.  

" look I said, that there is always 1% of chance to make everthing to alright, what you need is to have faith in it "she said in a cheerful way. 

I kept looking at her... 

'what are you looking at? ' she asked. 

'You ....'

'huh? ' ..she said. 

'I mean I'm wandering what was your wish for which you were ready to stand in the cold for so long... ' I asked. 

" I wish to meet my parents one day " she reclaim .

'where is your parents '? I asked. 

'I don't know, when I was 6 years old they left me.... After that I started living in my aunt house ' 

'So...... have you ever asked them why they left ' 

' I asked them many time but they never told me....... ' she told. 

' I have tried a lot to find them but unable to find them, so I have my last option of 1% of faith '

We chat to each other for some time and after that she gone .

I was standing there , talking to my self, I forgot about the suicide, actually I don't wanted to die, I found that I was a coward who just wanted to go away from the failure, who was just closing his eye in morning and saying that it is night.  

People were coming and going back and forth, doing there , I recall the question which she asked me by dying everything will be alright with your family? And I found the answer, the answer is no. Nothing will happen good if I die . No one care if I'm alive or die except my family and friends, nothing gonna change in this world, so I decided to give myself one more chance....... 

Sun rise with splendour of colours with positive energy like it was telling me that it's a new life which was gifted by God as well as that girl.

I gone to home and started preparing for next exam with books and 1% something which was about to happen next week , although I wasn't able to came first but this time I didn't lose hope, I told myself that you'll be fine and everything will be alright, what you need is to have 1% of something and try your best. 

After that incident I accustomed to go there every night to meet my 1% of something but couldn't find here . I have faith that I will meet her, one day I will meet her with smile in my lips and faith in my heart, one day I'll meet her....... 

After that I learned that life is like a circle. 

A circle which carries happiness, triumphs,sadness, nostalgia ..........

In our whole life we countinusly cross this path, defeat the problems, overcome our fears and keep on repeating again and again like an unstoppable journey . 

April 16, 2021 10:27

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