Once a long time ago, there was a family who lived well off in the year 1865. They lived in a modern victorian house of the day. There lived a young girl in her late teens. Her father was a lawyer. Her mother was a seamstress. Who made amazing ball gowns one of a kind. As families go there was a happy one She attended Miss Englands finishing school for young ladies. Her younger brother always seemed to be in some sort of mischief. But being eleven he got bored easily and to him, the world was a place to explore. He would come home with his pockets full of all sorts of things. One never knew what they might be in store for pulling things out of his dirty clothes. once the housekeeper pulled out a toad and it hopped out right onto her head. She screamed and ran through the house. One day a man approached the house. " Hello! "he said coming up on the young girl she was outside in the front garden attending the flower beds. It was one of her chores to look after the flowers. She was on all fours and covered in dirt her hat had gotten caught in a lower branch of the rose bush and she had been fighting to get it to lose. 'Hello! 'she said looking up she gave a big tug and suddenly her hat came a lose but was sitting cockeyed on her head. She was on her knees looking up she saw a young man with dark and handsome features, dressed very dashing from the shine on his shoes to the hat and cane he was so dreamy she thought, Is your father home ? he asked. Why yes she said and suddenly realizing that she must look sight on her knees covered in dirt and an apron full of weeds and grass clippings. But even though he didn't say anything the stranger thought she was so beautiful even with the south of dirt on the end of her nose. and holding a shovel for gardening. He wanted to know more about her, I said, Is your father at home miss?
Why yes she said and quickly stood up. She put down the garden shovel and stepped out onto the walkway. walking in front of him as he followed. She chattered along and he pretended to be listening. She walked up the steps and opened the front door. all the while calling "Father!" Father! , where are you? There is someone here to see you. Finally, as they were wandering through the house he stuck to her closely Finally the voice of her father called out I am in here in my office Ellen. as they approached the office the door was partially open you could see her father sitting there behind a big desk smoking with his feet up on the desk and a file sitting on his lap he was going through some papers in it. She opened the door wider and they went into the room Father this man is here to see you Mr? she looked at him. Mr. Wood. Yes, my name is Mr. Wood. ok, she said, Mr.Wood. A Mr, Wood is here to see you father. Standing up you could see he was a tall older man with a white mustache and dark-rimmed glasses. his dark hair had begun to turn white he was dressed in a three-piece suit with his pocket watch chain hanging down to his belt. Reaching his hand across the desk and extending it to shake hands with Mr.Wood. Mr.Wood, How are you? What can I do for you, my boy?
Mr.Chambers, I need to solicit your advice as a lawyer.I am in real need of help and I hear you are the best around these parts. Then they both stopped and turned to look at the young girl. Ellen dear, could you go tell Ms. Ketchum we need some coffee for our guest.
Ellen quietly said yes poppa. And she quietly closed the door behind her. and headed to tell the housekeeper, Ms. Ketchum, to bring the coffee. And returned to the garden. Once the door was closed to the office. Mr.Wood began his story. You see Mr.Chambers I am in a bit of a jam but I don't know what to do. I was working for some people and I found out they are planning to rob millions of dollars from hard-working people. To use for their own gain and greed. I was working for a company known all over the world that does shipping for trade. I was the management head at the office of the shipping yard. I have names,dates, and places even lifted copies of the manifest. If the owners find out that I have figured it out I am afraid of what they might do to me. I am afraid they will try to frame me for it or worse. I don't know what to do. Mr. Wood said.
Mr. Chambers listened intently. I see, can you show me this proof you say you have? he asked Mr.Wood reached into his pocket and pulled out his copies of the papers and a manifest and handed them to Mr.Chambers. and he began to look over the evidence. Hummmm, and oh, and oh I see, looking very interested and stern.
He became very quiet suddenly. Mr.Wood sat there nervously waiting to find out if he was going to get the help he needed.
Mr.Chambers looked up at Mr.Wood then looked up at him and backed down at the evidence on the desk. Mr. Wood had not bothered to read through the entire manifest for if he had he would have seen the notice on next to the last page. Kill anyone who discovers our secret. Written in black marker and underlined in bold lettering. By now the coffee was ready and Ellen was back inside and cleaned up and changed from her gardening clothes.
Ms. Ketchum was about to take the coffee tray in and the sandwiches. When Ellen walked into the kitchen. I'll take that to poppa Ellen said. Alright said, Ms. Ketchum. Ellen picked up the tray
and headed to the office. the door had opened again halfway. As she approached quietly she could hear the conversation between her father and Mr.Wood. She could see her father pacing back and forth in front of the fireplace. Shaking his head. Yes, you have a good case. The problem is going to be proving it. They have covered their tracks pretty well. And apparently, they have someone inside the company that is willing to go to great lengths whatever it takes to make it look like you are the one doing this crime. "ME!"? said Mr.Wood.
Yes, you, said Mr.Chambers. This was never suppost to be found. I am afraid you are in grave danger. Sitting on the end of the desk he opened the manifest to the next to the last page. he asked have you looked at this manifest completely Mr.Wood? Why no said, Mr.Wood. Mr.Chambers then turned the page towards Mr.Wood. Mr. Wood read the words and went silent and completely pale.
He couldn't believe what he was seeing. About that time after a long pause at the door, Ellen had been eavesdropping she pushed the door open and brought in the tray. She set the tray down and waited to see if anything else was needed. That will be all Ellen.
She turned and said yes father as she walked out the door. only this time she herself closed the door halfway. and stood outside listening. Mr. Wood, have you accommodations here in our fair town? asked Mr. Chambers. Why no, I have only just arrived. replied Mr.Wood. Does this mean you'll take the case? Yes, Mr.Wood, you can count on it. And since you have no accommodations you can stay here for a few days. until we can make other arrangements. Ellen smiled quietly for she thought he was quite dashing and charming in a dark mysterious way. She wanted to get to know him better. Then she heard her father say, Mr. Wood, you just became the man who knew too much. To Ellen that sounded intriguing. Mr.Wood sat there not knowing what to do or what to say. Finally, he came to his senses somewhat at least enough to remember what Mr.Chambers was saying. Yes of course.Thank You kindly. Mr.Chambers. he said. I will have to go to the station to get my bags. that will be fine. Oh, Ellen, Ellen shouted Mr.Chambers. Yes pappa she called out. and walked out away from the door and then opened it. Tell Ms.Ketchum to set another place at the table and prepare the guestroom we are going to be having company for a while. and bring Mr. Wood a glass of red wine for his nerves. Yes Papa, but won't Mother be upset as we don't really know Mr. Wood?
Go do as I told you child of mine. I am sure your mother will understand that we have a special guest in the house for now. said, Mr. Chambers. Yes father she said. somehow sitting there looking at her Mr.Wood felt like everything would be alright. And he smiled at her and she at him. Somehow they just clicked like magic at that moment and love had its chance to begin. She turned and walked away out of the office and back down the hall just smiling with her heart singing. For the stranger who knew too much was going to stay. And he would be a guest in their home. She would go out of her way to make him want to stay for good.
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