His World is Rocked

Submitted into Contest #263 in response to: Write a story from the antagonist’s point of view.... view prompt


Science Fiction Thriller Suspense

Algernon Forbes' office entrance had locked, double steel doors and high frosted and barred windows. The perfect place for online surveillance and spying. Forbes sat at his desk in this dim basement office, scrutinizing his computer screen. With his cold eyes, square jaw, and hollowed cheeks, he commanded a mixture of fear and respect. Before him, a dozen staff worked diligently, staring at their computer screens - a cacophony of clicking and clacking on keyboards, the only sound until Algernon spoke loudly and imperiously.

"That Melissa, our wonder android, has been stationary in Percy Smart's house for over an hour. I know it's still viable from its tracker, but no other functions are working. It's supposed to be sensing and recording everything. What do you think, Jab?" He grimaced as he addressed his next in charge beside him.

Jab, so named due to his habit of jabbing those he interrogated or threatened with his well-developed forefinger, stared at the information on his boss's screen and shrugged. "She could be charging, but more unconscious input should be registering." They examined the data before them, their expressions turning from frowns to open-mouthed shock.

"What do we do now? I gather it's been tampered with or switched off," said Forbes, drumming his fingers on his desk.

"It's plan B, then? Send in a drone?"

"That damn Mr. Smart. Why can't he live like a normal person instead of swanning around in that huge palace, guarded like Fort Knox with its high, spike-topped walls? We can't access the security gate; even if we could, there's camera surveillance. Our guys out in the van see nothing. Just Percy going to work, coming home, and those other two people during the week. One is the gardener, and the other wears a maid's smock. I guess she's the cleaner."

"There's that other pretty lady they've seen from Percy's work. She has a child. Our guys questioned some of the children who went past. They reckon the garden has electrical gadgetry and mines to eliminate intruders. Unbelievable!"

"The drone can suss that out. Plan B it is, then. Alert our guys to release the drone. They must surveil what it sees and link it to us."

"Roger, Mr. Forbes."


Adam came into the kitchen and found Percy making a cup of coffee.

"How did you get on with Melissa, Adam? I'm shocked at what you found out at the restaurant. She's an AI, just like you! And she's come here to spy on me? I warned Aunt Hildegarde to tell the police after she got her dog back. I hope they look after her. I'm worried. Fancy the baddies holding her beloved dog hostage!"

"Melissa's not at all like me, Master Percy. I have way more functions. Melissa is basic. More of an au pair version. She may pass for a plus-one, but she's not suitable material for a girlfriend. I extracted her memory chip and skimmed over what she had experienced. I'm loath to wipe it as she won't remember who we are or what she's doing here. I promised to look after her. I can edit if necessary."

"So, what did you find out? What do they want with me?"

"I'm not sure. It's puzzling. Melissa's creator is different from mine. I'm made by Nanotech Industries. She's been constructed by Cyborg Enterprises."

"Cyborg. What a creepy name."

'I'm wondering if it's my AI technology they're after."

"Why, you? Melissa's been spying on me, hasn't she?"

"Not necessarily. Maybe that's what your aunt was told because they didn't want to reveal what they were after."

"I know you are super-advanced, and being a butler is beneath your paygrade - not that you get paid."

"Master, Percy. I am so much more. As you know, I can pass myself off as a human. Someone more human than you."

Percy frowned and pouted. "I don't know how that happened!"

"I have a confession. My main reason for being placed with you is to check if I can relate as a human. But I am programmed with many more functions."

"Don't tell me you're a gigolo after all?"

"No, most definitely not! Part of my imprinting was done with movies like . . . Robocop and Terminator."

"I've been trying to protect you from all that! You'd be sensitized to violence and killing. I know you saw 'Passengers' because of the Android. But those others?"

"I can only be programmed, not sensitized. The videos are for visual and auditory input. Asimov's Laws of Robotics mean I can never harm a human or allow them to hurt themselves. Unless I am protecting you. Aren't you happy I can protect both you and me if needs must?"

"Do you think it will come to that?"

Adam didn't answer. He walked over to the window and peered out. "Do you hear that, Master Percy? It's coming from the garden."

Percy looked mystified.

"My hearing is sharp." Adam walked out of the kitchen and down the hallway. Percy followed. They went onto the sunny patio, into the garden with its trees and flowerbeds, and heard a faint buzzing. They both looked up and saw a drone flying around at a second-story height, attempting to spy on them?

"What is it, Adam?"

"It's a drone. An unmanned aerial vehicle, or UAV. I'm accessing it with my counter-surveillance system . . . I've recorded the signals to track down the source . . . Come to Papa." Adam held his arms up, and the drone hovered momentarily before accepting the invite.

"Wow, look at that!" said Percy.

The drone landed on the outdoor table before them. Adam deftly broke off its propellers at lightning speed and turned it to face the pond. "There, I've clipped its wings. The ones watching us will get sick of seeing the same view, but this baby isn't going anywhere. If it doesn't behave, it'll feed the pond fish."

In the centre stood a statue of a Grecian lady holding a pitcher from which a cascade of sparkling water poured into the large pond.

Percy gaped.

"It's been two hours since I switched off Melissa. This is their next step. Turns out this is being controlled from a van on the street."

"I wonder what their next move will be?" said Percy.


Algernon Forbes pounded his fists on his desk and frowned. "Bloody, robot!" He saw a pond filled with water from a jug held by a statue in its centre. He had seen Adam's face closeup and had no idea what had happened to his drone, but it no longer surveilled anything. It fixated on one thing.

Jab stood staring. "It sabotaged the drone. How the hell did it get hold of it?"

"It flew straight down into its open arms. Can you believe it? I've thought of plan C. Mr. Smart won't like this one. I'll get the guys in the van to nab that cleaning lady that comes to the house before she gains access and bring her in."

"That's a good idea. Wednesday, isn't it?"

"And I'll exchange her for that screwed-up tin can he calls Adam."

"What about Melissa?" asked Jab.

"We won't need it when we have the other. We'll use its advanced technology to make better ones. Ones that exceed anything Nanotech Industries can put out . . . that can do evil without batting an eye."

"Can they do that, bat their eyes?"

"I believe Percy's can. And if all else fails, we'll get the cleaner's code to break in."

"As a last resort, please, because the drone wasn't there long enough to check if dangerous booby-traps are in the garden."

"Damn, that Percy! Who lives like that?"


Adam chauffeured Percy to and from work each day as a precaution. He reassured Percy that he could get them out of any car chase and protect him if necessary. "And please tell Brenda to be very careful, lay low, and you won't invite her to your home until the problem is resolved. She's in no danger at present."

On Wednesday, Adam arrived home after dropping off Percy. He realized that Maria, the cleaning lady, hadn't arrived to do her domestic chores and flirt with him. She sometimes changed her day, so he didn't worry.

After he brought Percy home and mentioned Maria's no-show, Percy had a puzzled expression. "She always lets me know if she changes the day. This is very unusual."

The phone rang, and Percy answered it. "Hello, Marisol. You are Maria's sister, aren't you? . . . Maria hasn't returned home? . . . No, she isn't here. She hasn't been here all day. You should ring the police . . .I'm worried, too. Let me know if you hear anything. Bye, then. "

He turned to Adam with a pale face. "I'm really worried. You don't suppose - "

The phone rang again, and Percy answered it. He imagined Maria must have arrived home after all. A man spoke on the other end.

"Mr. Percy Smart."

"Yes, it's me."

"Listen carefully. If you want Miss Maria to return to you unscathed, we'll arrange a pickup place tomorrow. There will be no police involvement. If you hand over Adam to us, we'll return Maria to you."

Percy became white as a sheet. "Ok?"

Adam took the phone from him and put it down. "I heard that. It's Cyborg Enterprises. It is as we feared. They want me."

"What will we do?"

"Not you, Master Percy. Just me. I will disguise myself, go to Cyborg on a motorbike, immobilize all threats, rescue Maria, and take her home. Afterwards, you can ring the police, and they will investigate. I won't kill anyone and will leave no record behind about us. Please hire a couple of bodyguards with weapons to patrol the grounds in case they have extracted Maria's access code."

"Are you capable of doing so without getting hurt?"

"It'll be easy. I am fast and furious at dealing with the likes of these kind of people."

'If the way you dealt with the drone is anything to go by, I'm reassured, but it's dangerous."

"Only dangerous for those who stand in my way. We'll go shopping for what I need."

"Might I have some clothes suitable for you?"

"No, Master Percy. Nothing you have is at all suited. I need a motorbike and some leather gear. Let's go. You can pay."

"Oh, is that right? It'd better be worth it."


They first went to check out some leathers. Adam came out modelling a black jacket and pants. With his tall surfer's body, his pose held power even in this informal environment. The jacket fitted snuggly around his strong shoulders and torso while he exuded fitness and style in the black pants. The female shop assistants stared open-mouthed.

"This will do. What do you think, Percy?"

"Not my cup of Earl Grey. But whatever you want, Adam." He turned toward the counter and caught the look of distaste on a girl's face.

"He's not with me. I'm just paying," said Percy apologetically. He had become aware of what people imagined when they saw him with Adam. "Zip, zap." It was all paid for. Adam left the shop wearing his new attire.

Next, they shopped for black boots to match the jacket and pants.

Adam wanted a short black wig, sunglasses, and some coloured contacts to darken his brown eyes. "I need to go in disguise, Percy. If they think I'm someone else, it's a protection."

"Whatever you say, Adam."

Percy was less obliging about the motorbike. Adam clapped his eyes on an electric 218 mph Lightning motorcycle, LS—218.

"That's the one, Master Percy. It'll be fast enough."

"Good grief, Adam. It's almost $39,000."

"I've been wanting a motorbike for a while. I'll ride it afterwards. You may want to use it yourself."

"I wouldn't be seen dead on it. It's fast enough to be a deathtrap."

"It'll get me away from anyone who chases me. You do want me to take Maria safely home, right?"

"Can something like this be safe?"

"Master Percy, I know you can afford it. It's perfect. I'll need two helmets and a locking mechanism, as well."

Percy went to the counter. What an expensive houseguest, he thought.

'Tell me again, why aren't we leaving this for the police?" he asked.

"I need to destroy all information they have about us as well."


Algernon Forbes looked up at the young man standing before him. They'd just started work. Jab wasn't there. He'd been sent to question their latest abductee in another part of the basement of Cyborg Enterprises.

"Mr. Forbes, I've received a message from reception. A man dressed in black asked for the whereabouts of our suspects and the main office responsible for them. He gained entry with Doctor Ferrante's ID card . . . He's no Doctor. They thought we should know."

"Ok, you six over the far side. Switch to following this guy in black. He's headed here." said Forbes.

A minute later, the intruder had been located. "Mr. Forbes, he's moving fast, and every camera along the way has fizzled. He's on the other side of this door," said a worker in haste.

Forbes looked complacent. Only he could open the door. He stared in shock as the electronic mechanism malfunctioned and the door opened. In marched a black-haired man clad in black leather, wearing sunglasses.

"And who might you be?" demanded Forbes.

"Your worst nightmare." He cracked his knuckles menacingly.


Six men got up from their desks and tackled the intruder. In a few seconds, they lay on the ground in various stages of consciousness. In a few rapid moves, the man in black had twisted Algernon's arm so far up his back that he yelped.

Those still at their desks let out cries of dismay. A virus had contaminated each and every PC in the room. An icon of a robot waving cheerfully preceded their files' joint contamination and corruption.

"Switch the damn things off," said Forbes as he walked out of the room, wincing in pain, forcibly led by the assailant.

"Best of luck with that. Where is Maria?"

"This way," Forbes shuffled down the hallway. 


They arrived at a door, and Forbes knocked. After the sounds of movement, the door opened. In front of them, Jab's eyes opened wide. Adam pushed with such force that Forbes flew hard at him, pushing with such force that they both fell to the ground in a heap. Maria stood up in shock. Her hand was seized, and she exited the room. 

Adam turned to the men struggling on the ground. "If you don't behave, I'll be back!" Maria's saviour held down the door's locking mechanism and left it fused, confining Forbes and Jab.

"Who are you?" said Maria, quivering.

"It's Adam. Let's go." They ran down the passage to a stairway at the end. Up they went and finally burst out into the sunlight. Maria stared at Adam. He took off his sunglasses and looked at her.

"Is that really you, Adam?"

"Yes, it is. I'm parked round the side. You're safe now. I'll take you home. Just want Percy to know he can ring the police." He took out Percy's cell and dialled the personal work number. Off they went, running to where the motorcycle had been parked. Adam told Percy he'd saved Maria. When they arrived at the bike, her eyes opened wide. Adam handed her the spare helmet. "For safety. What's your address, Maria?"

They took off at speed but not so as to arouse attention. So far, so good. 

Maria clung to Adam and enjoyed the ride of her life. When they pulled over at Maria's house, she alighted, unclipped her helmet, and hastily kissed Adam on the lips.

"My hero. Thank you for saving me."

"See you next week, Maria. Percy will still pay you this week."

"Thank you . . . I'd love to see more of you, Adam." She looked coy and fluttered her lashes

"Er, well . . . I'm sorry, Maria . . . I'm with Melissa."

Maria's eyes flashed. "That beautiful girl! What has she got that I haven't?" Maria's body language could have melted an icicle in a moment.

"Nothing, Maria. You're fabulous . . . It's just that Melissa and I have more in common."

Adam knew that Melissa paled into insignificance in comparison to Maria. Still, Melissa was the AI and wouldn't blow his cover. Maria looked heartbroken, but she waved as he left.


Later that day, Adam and Percy debriefed. Maria had rung Percy to explain how she had been rescued and to thank him for still paying her.

"I think she's in love with you, Adam."

"I realize that. I told Maria . . . I'm with Melissa."

Percy guffawed. "I guess the AI who isn't girlfriend material has her uses."

"What more could I say? After all, I'm no gigolo. Besides, I don't think we've seen the last of Cyborg Enterprises. Those close to me will not be safe. Though, they'll be looking for a dark superhero for a while. Not me. As for you, you can get together with Brenda again now that the immediate danger is over."

The End

August 16, 2024 08:08

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06:00 Aug 22, 2024

This story is very detailed and well written. It's all I can say about it.


20:56 Aug 22, 2024

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed the ride. I checked out yours, too.


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John Galton
01:05 Aug 22, 2024

a little uneven but Adam is a fasten your seatbelt character.


03:54 Aug 22, 2024

Hi John, Thanks for the read and comment. I'll check you out later. I'm too busy to write for a few weeks, and reading stories is all I can squeeze in. I liked your description of Adam. He does seem to be in his element. Uneven? Hard to cram what should have been a longer story into 3000 words. Also, it is hard to write standalone stories with recycled characters. Adam started as a mere 'house guest', had a stint surfing, and tried being a matchmaker for Percy. It's hard to know what prior information is needless repetition for a reader com...


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Lonnie Russo
16:04 Aug 20, 2024

This was a lot of fun! I enjoyed Adam's Terminator programming emerging in a way only an AI could take so literally. I'll admit I was suspicious of him too as the story went on. He seemed perfectly charming in a way that reminded me of a certain android of Alien fame, and I thought maybe he was secretly the antagonist we were to be mindful of. But I liked the turnout, and I can see how well-versed you are in the tales that have inspired you.


21:23 Aug 20, 2024

Thank you so much, Lonnie. I will check you out as well. I have no time to write for a couple of weeks, though. If you are interested in when Adam was first delivered to Percy, an even funnier stand-alone story is The Houseguest, written to a prompt several months ago. Adam has become popular, and this prompt called for a hero. The funny thing about Reedsy Prompts is that you can dabble in genres you don't usually write in. This time was one of them, Lol


Lonnie Russo
00:52 Aug 21, 2024

I’m check The Houseguest out! And I hear you. It’s a great challenge to try to dip out of your usual genre, and I appreciated your effort!


21:06 Aug 21, 2024

Thanks, Lonnie!


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Mary Bendickson
22:40 Aug 18, 2024

Adam. Man of many talents and mystique.


03:12 Aug 19, 2024

Thanks for the read, Mary.


Mary Bendickson
15:03 Aug 19, 2024

NP Really fun read.


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Yuliya Borodina
15:58 Aug 18, 2024

I loved how smooth the dialogue blocks were -- they were fun and easy to follow even though you used few tags. A great read!


20:05 Aug 18, 2024

Thanks for reading and liking Yulia.


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McKade Kerr
14:08 Aug 18, 2024

Wow, I had no idea Adam was so capable of all of that. Kind of reminds me of Baymax in a way, haha. This was a great story and very fun to read, great work!


20:08 Aug 18, 2024

The prompt was about super-heroes. Adam rose to the occasion. It was a complete surprise. Besides, he had to rescue poor Maria. Thanks for your read and comment.


McKade Kerr
20:43 Aug 18, 2024

It’s always fun when our own characters surprise us!


21:04 Aug 21, 2024

They have also been known to argue with us and be badly behaved, carving out their own plots.


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Helen A Howard
09:57 Aug 18, 2024

Excellent story. Wonderful to read, but it shows how mind-boggling the future is likely to be. Oh, hang on. It’s already here.


20:09 Aug 18, 2024

LOL. Thanks for reading and liking.


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Jim LaFleur
09:54 Aug 18, 2024

Great story, Kaitlyn! The suspense and twists were fantastic. Loved Adam’s character!


20:12 Aug 18, 2024

Aw, thanks Jim. I'm glad you said that. It's hard to gauge how suspenseful a story is when you write it. That was how I wanted it to come across. I enjoyed how Adam turned up the heat this time.


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Trudy Jas
01:06 Aug 17, 2024

Oh, dear. Has it come to that? AI to the rescue. Lovely story, Kaitlyn. Adam isn't quite Jeeves, but he has his uses. :-)


21:20 Aug 17, 2024

Thanks, Trudy. It was hard to keep it within the 3000 words. The story was in my head the moment I saw the prompt about Heroes and Villains. Funny, because the story doesn't quite fit the sub-prompts. Adam wanted to show us what he's got. I won't be submitting for a few weeks, but I will try to read your stories. (At least some of them—you surprise us with a few each week.)


Trudy Jas
21:54 Aug 17, 2024

I hope your break form us, is a good break. look forward to seeing you again.


22:01 Aug 17, 2024

LOL. I'm up to my neck sewing and fixing costumes for the show our dancing girl is in. I'm the wardrobe mistress. I'd love to write and get it all done, but something has to give. Unfortunately, it's the writing. "I'll be back."


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Alexis Araneta
17:22 Aug 16, 2024

Ah, the return of Percy. Poor Maria, though. Lovely work !


19:54 Aug 16, 2024

I'm just not sure how well it fits the actual prompts. Thanks for reading and commenting.


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