Paper Butterflies - An Autobiography

Written in response to: Write about an encounter with someone new to you who changed your life forever.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Friendship

This is the story of my writing journey - mostly. some elements, like people's names and exact conversations are made up - partly for privacy reasons, partly because I forgot.

If you are looking for a drama-filled, super entertaining story where the dog makes it to the end, this is not the story for you. If you are looking for a simple read about your average Joe, it is up to you whether or not you enjoy it. I am warning you; this is mostly for me, because I want to do this, so it will have its fair share of grammatical mistakes, rabbit trails, and made-up words.

I hope you enjoy!

I have been writing on Reedsy for a few months now - and in that time I have met several new friends, read many fantastic stories, and greatly expanded my love for writing.

I always wanted to write. By the time I was eight; I had completed a four-chapter novel about a cat who traveled to the jungle. At the time, it seemed so long and so refined - but looking back on it now, it was like, ten pages long and consisted almost entirely of dialogue from a minor character.

The point is, I have always loved to write - I'm not saying I'm good at it, I'm just saying I love it.

Back in 2020 (Wow, that feels like so long ago!), I had begun working on a new series - yet again about cats. I am a simple person. This time it was a six-book series with six main characters, two abrupt plot twists, and a major villain with an army of ghost wolves. Pretty cool, am I right?

Two months later, I didn't think so. I ditched the cats idea - with great difficultly - and decided to keep looking for my "thing".

Flash to the future; a couple of friends and I (Lets call them Gracie, Elinor, and Amber) got together for a sleepover at Gracie's house. It was late December, freezing cold, and we were very highly caffeinated. After a full evening of charades, pizza making, and binge-watching movies; my friends and I were finally winding down for bed - it was past midnight, and Amber had a swim meet in the early morning.

Only problem? You try to get a few overly-sugared preteen girls to abruptly go to bed and stop throwing things at each other, and then tell me it is easy. I dare you.

Gracie and Amber fell asleep pretty easily, but Elinor and I had more difficulty.

Here is the thing: I knew Gracie and Amber pretty well, but I had never really interacted with Elinor. She seemed... Well, to be brutally honest, she seemed stuck up. Her blond hair was always perfectly straight, her clothes always neat and tidy, and she was always polite - and still is. Don't get me wrong - I have nothing against politeness, but compared to what I am used to, it was just... Uncomfortable.

Naturally, we started talking - just the usual;

"How are your siblings?"

"Good. Yours?"

"Pretty good."

"That's nice."



You get the gist.

After a few awkward attempts at conversation, we eventually just settled down and started reading comics - you know, Garfield and all that good stuff.

Amber and Gracie took their turns waking up and joining us, but they both fell back asleep eventually.

Two Garfield books later, one of us (I don't remember who) made another attempt at conversation. It worked.

We talked about Garfield, and neighbor problems, and eventually just started laughing and talking and just really getting to know each other.

At around 1:00 AM, we started getting tired - and decided to do origami to keep us awake. We had made a goal to stay up to at least 3:00 AM - a goal that would leave us breaking the boy's record.

Let me explain: The boys at our church had stayed up to 2:00 AM and were very proud of their record. Gracie and I had tried to break their record earlier, but she fell asleep at around 10:00 - leaving me, a night owl with a messed-up sleep schedule, to entertain myself until I fell asleep around midnight.

I warned you there would be rabbit trails.

Elinor and I were all set - loads of sugar, plenty of books, lots of paper - and a goal of 100 paper butterflies by 3:00 AM.

Halfway through, we decided that after we were done; we would hide all of our finished butterflies in Gracie's older brother's room.

Trust me, these butterflies were only about the size of a quarter. He still hasn't found them all, one year later.

We continued talking, and we discovered that we are actually a lot alike. We both like books, for example. We also discovered that we both love dragons, drawing, and many other things - including Lord of the Rings. "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

We kept talking and laughing, and folded dozens upon dozens of paper butterflies.

After quite a while, we realized that we had succeeded in staying up past 3:00 AM.

A small feat, but a victorious one.

At that point, we were in too good of a mood to go to sleep, so Elinor just laughed and said "What the heck? Let's just pull an all-nighter."

And so we did.

The boys were disappointed when we called them the next morning to tell them that we had broken their record by a long shot, staying up until 10:00 PM the next day. Needless to say, Gracie's brother was even more disappointed to hear that we had hidden 100 paper butterflies in his room.

I am feeling like a rabbit trail, so I will explain the dog thing now.

Around this time, we had to get rid of our mutt, Charlie.

Not a huge important ground breaking thing, I just wanted to throw in the thing about dogs never making it to the end, because they rarely do. So there. (No offense to all the dog people out there who probably hate me now).

Elinor and I started hanging out after that, I gave her advice for her book, and she tried to help me come up with an idea for mine.

I remember one time especially; she had me over, and we were sitting in her bedroom, drawing. We talked more about her book, and she showed me how it was coming - pretty decent. And then she said it.

Six words, eight syllables, one lightbulb moment.

"We should write a book together."

If you have read my bio, you can probably guess where this is going.

If not; we are almost done with our first book! It is a three-book fantasy series that we hope to someday publish - after a lot of refining.

It has been a lot of hard work, but we make progress every day - and I truly believe that we can do this.

To make things infinitely better - my brother promised that if we finished the first 15 chapters by the end of December, he will take an icebath!

Watch out, Si, we are almost done!

I have written quite a few stories - including the ones for Reedsy - but by far my favorites are the ones I write with Elinor.

So, yes. that is the story of my writing journey. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed living it out!

Special thanks to:

Amber, for being my muse and inspiration.

Gracie, for first accepting me into Path.

Ains, for purely existing.

Shadow, for being an awesome friend.

Si, for giving us a worthy goal - you WILL be taking that icebath!

Mom and Dad, for always encouraging me and letting me constantly steal the computer to work on one of my many projects.

And most importantly Elinor - you know what you did.

Love y'all!


On December 28, 2024, we finished our 15th chapter! Things would have been a lot harder without all of you amazing people being so encouraging, and even though you had nothing to do with the actual story, I doubt I could have finished my part without you.

Now that our first goal is completed, who knows what we will accomplish next? The skies the limit.

-Charis Elizabeth Keith

November 11, 2024 00:47

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Graham Kinross
01:24 Dec 06, 2024

I love how you included little details, like the dog not making it to the end. Great work Charis.


Charis Keith
01:37 Dec 06, 2024

Thanks ;)


Graham Kinross
01:38 Dec 06, 2024

You're welcome Charis.


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Cedar Barkwood
16:42 Nov 14, 2024

This is a wonderful story! It's simple and real. I'm glad you're enjoying your writing with Elinor. Here's to hoping your brother gets that ice bath :)


Charis Keith
19:54 Nov 14, 2024

Thank you Cedar :)


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Shirley Medhurst
19:08 Nov 13, 2024

I really enjoyed your story, Charis. My honest opinion is that you’re a natural at the writing craft. Your story flowed well & kept me interested. Here’s wishing you all the best and hoping your brother enjoys his ice bath (I have great faith that you’ll succeed in your mission🤞😉) Please keep us all posted…


Amanda Rose
01:13 Dec 01, 2024

I agree with Shirley!


Charis Keith
04:39 Dec 10, 2024



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Charis Keith
20:57 Nov 13, 2024

I will, thank you so much for the encouragement!


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Charis Keith
19:40 Dec 28, 2024

Fifteenth chapter is done!! He is trying to weasel his way out of an ice bath...


Shirley Medhurst
16:08 Dec 30, 2024



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Rebecca Jane
03:04 Dec 13, 2024

Awesome story! You did a great job! I loved it and totally relate(I am one of the best friends that Amanda Rose is talking about😊)!


Charis Keith
14:01 Dec 13, 2024

Aww thank you. That is awesome!


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Amanda Rose
01:12 Dec 01, 2024

That's so funny!!! My two best friends and I did the exact same thing. We were having a sleepover and, after a full day of cooking and watching movies, we started talking about the crazy ideas we each had for writing books. And then at 12:30am, I apparently pulled an Elinor. I said "Wouldn't it be great if we all wrote a book together?" Well... we just passed the one year anniversary of that night on October 19th. We've been actually writing for about five months, just began chapter 14 yesterday. (The rest of that time was spent planning an...


Charis Keith
20:05 Dec 01, 2024

OH. MY. GOSH. Same here for the anniversary thing!! Your story sounds so cool! I am scared to say this, but Elinor started Chapter 14 two days ago. 100% on the twin thing. I wonder, do we look anything alike? I have brown hair and brown eyes, and am unfortunately short for my age. I think I am secretly half Hobbit


Amanda Rose
22:07 Dec 01, 2024

I get what you mean when you say you're scared to say it... these are some pretty funny coincidences. I also have brown hair, but my eyes are a bit harder to describe... sometimes they're a medium brown, other times they're a light hazel that leans more toward the green side. If you're half hobbit then I'm probably like a quarter Elf. I'm about 5'7", and my hair is really long. A dear lady at our church sometimes says that I have Snow White coloring. Not really sure what that means, but there it is... to put it simply, I'm just fair-skinned...


Charis Keith
01:23 Dec 02, 2024

Awesome! I am actually almost tall for (my dad's side of) my family, at 5'2"ish. My family was mostly from Europe - Scotland, France, and England - but I do have some Native American in me as well. Barely, but some.


Amanda Rose
01:50 Dec 02, 2024

Cool!! I actually trace back to Scotland and England too! Also Ireland. Apparently France and Greece as well, but that hasn't really been proven, as it's mostly an educated guess stemming from some name origins that I've been able to scrounge up. I've been researching family trees and stuff like that lately... That's how I how I found out that the two friends I write with are actually my ninth cousins once removed. Who'd have thunk it? Just goes to show, you never know what you'll find!


Charis Keith
01:52 Dec 02, 2024

Nice, My name is Greek. (yet again, scared to say it), but I met several cousins the same way. This is getting almost freaky, in a kind of awesome random internet person way. ;)


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Josiah Keith
03:49 Nov 29, 2024

This story was especially interesting because i know most of it is true, though i did not know about the paper butterflies


Charis Keith
14:46 Nov 29, 2024

Thank you


Charis Keith
21:49 Dec 18, 2024

Looks like people are getting excited about your icebath. I wonder, should we video it and post it with a link? Haha!


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Tom Skye
22:18 Nov 19, 2024

This was inspiring to read. It's good that you found your love for writing at such a young age. I only did in my 30s. I expect you will be writing bestsellers before you are 30. Keep it up


Charis Keith
23:14 Nov 19, 2024

Thank you so much!! Your encouragement means so much to me. I am glad that you finally discovered that you love writing, even if it was later rather than sooner. It is our hope (Elinor and I's) that our book will be published before we are twenty. No idea how reasonable that is, but it is our goal!


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Arora Gleans
22:37 Nov 14, 2024

A great story, Charis! I love the fluid form you've taken and its simplicity. Well done! I look forward to reading the fantasy series you are writing with Elinor :).


Charis Keith
02:59 Nov 15, 2024

Thank you so much Arora! I always enjoy hearing from you


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Mary Bendickson
05:20 Nov 12, 2024

Keep writing!😄


Charis Keith
15:10 Nov 12, 2024

Thank you :)


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Isabella Montoya
23:49 Nov 11, 2024

Nice story, Charis. I liked the freestyle approach you took for it. Just telling a story, enjoying yourself, not caring for grammatical mistakes or inconsistencies (how I wish I could do this in my English class 🫠). I really hope and wish you luck in reaching your goal of 15 chapters by the end of December. I hope Si gets his ice bath (they're really nice, tbh. But I guess not in the winter). I like your stories in Reedsy. I think you're a very talented writer with a lot of potential (and I would guess your friend Elinor is, too!) Keep writing!


Charis Keith
00:42 Nov 12, 2024

Your words mean so much to me! We began work in June(ish, and that is counting the time we took to actually develop a story) and are at 13 chapters now - so it is looking pretty good! I have very little tolerance for the cold, so I prefer a nice hot shower haha! I will just die with terrible skin. Thank you so much for the support, help, and praise! It means a lot.


Isabella Montoya
01:05 Nov 12, 2024

No problem. I hope you finish it and tell me how it goes for him when he has to get into the ice bath (some of the new runners in my team will scream at the top of their lungs when they get into one for the first time and it's funny to watch them 😂). I'll keep cheering on for you :)


Charis Keith
01:09 Nov 12, 2024

Yeah, I bet! I tried one once, and it was pretty much a *sticks leg in* "AHHHH gah no nope nope nope nope" *proceeds to climb out and splash icy water all over the place, then runs back inside to get blanket* situation.


Isabella Montoya
12:46 Nov 12, 2024

😂 yeah, I bet


Charis Keith
19:38 Dec 28, 2024

We finished the 15th chapter today!!! <3


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