Friendship Kids Bedtime

Someone knocked on Chloe's apartment door. She got up from the sofa where she had been watching the news while her pizza dinner cooked. She answered the door.

“Hello.” She said. A young woman was at the door. She had blond hair and green eyes.

“Hello, my friends and I are having a party and we were wondering if you wanted to come.”  

“Um well…” Chloe started.

“Here is the invitation. Please write yes or no in the box below and send it back to this address.” The woman pointed to the address at the bottom of the paper. “Thank you.”

The woman handed the invitation to Chloe and left. Chloe walked back to her sofa and set the invitation down. She then went to the kitchen and got her pizza out of the oven. As she sat down to eat she thought about the invitation sitting on her sofa. She hadn’t gone to a party in a long time. She wanted to go, she really did but she was nervous. After dinner she called her sister. Her sister was always good at helping Chloe with these situations. Her sister answered.


“Hi Katie, I have a problem.” Chloe said

“Oh hi Chloe, what is your problem?” Katie Chloe's sister said.

Chloe then proceeded to tell Katie the entire story. When she was done she asked

“So what should I do?” 

“ You should go to that party. You haven't been to one in forever.” Katie told her.

“But,” Chloe started to say.

“No buts go.”Katie said.

“Ok fine.” Chloe responded.

 She hung up with Katie and looked at the invite. The party was the next day at Tumble Tech. She quickly wrote yes in the box and went down to the garage. She got in her car and drove to the address dropping the letter in the mailbox. Then she went home. 

That night she tossed and turned. She had so many questions. What would the party be like? What should she wear? Who would be there? She was a nervous wreck. When she woke up in the morning she showered even though she knew she would probably get sweaty at the party. She put on a baby blue tank top and a cute pair of shorts. She was going to wear her sandals but at the last minute she decided to wear tennis shoes. She had no idea what to bring to the party so she settled for a bottle of wine for the host. She ate a breakfast of eggs and bacon and then went down to the parking garage and got into her car and began driving to Tumble Tech. 

When she got to Tumble Tech she parked and went inside. There were so many people. She was wondering through the crowd when someone said

“Hi, what's your name?”

Chloe turned around. A beautiful girl was standing behind her. She had chocolate brown hair, blue eyes, and was wearing a super cute dress.

“I’m Chloe.” Chloe said. “What’s your name?”

“I’m Emily.”

“Nice to meet you.” Chloe said.

“Nice to meet you too. Do you need help finding wear to set that down?” Emily asked, pointing to the wine bottle in Chloe's hand.

“Yes please.” Chloe responded.

Together they walked towards a table that had food on it. They talked the entire way getting to know each other better. After they set down the bottle Chloe asked

“What is your phone number?”

“It’s 652-314-7345.” Emily said.

Chloe took out her phone and typed Emily’s number into her phone.

“Thanks!” She said.

“Of course.” Emily replied.

“I have to tell you something.” Chloe said.

“What?” Emily asked.

“This is my first party in a while.” Chloe admitted

“Oh well that’s ok. Are you liking it so far?”Emily asked.

“Yeah I am.”

The 2 girls spent the rest of the time at the party talking and having fun. Emily introduced Chloe to a bunch of new people.When Chloe went home after the party she had 15 new contacts on her phone. When she got home she plopped down on her sofa to call Katie. Katie answered the phone.

“Hey Katie.”

“Oh hey Chloe, how did the party go?”

“You were right, it was amazing I have 15 new contacts in my phone and tons of new friends.”

“Omg I am so happy for you!”


“Well I have to go for a late dinner. Call you tomorrow, Chloe!”

“Ok bye.”

Chloe hung up the phone and sat down thinking about the party. She was so happy that she had gone to the party. Katie had been right; she had needed it. She turned on the tv and was just about to start watching when she got a call. She looked at the caller id and realized it was Emily. She answered.

“Hey.” Chloe said.

“Hey, sorry to call you so late but I need a ride tomorrow for another party while my car is being fixed can you take me? You can come to the party with me as my guest.” Emily said.

“Ok sure.” Chloe said.

“Thanks.” Emily said.

“Of course” Chloe responded.

After Emily hung up Chloe turned on the tv and watched her favorite show for a little while before she decided to call it a night. She went to her room and showered, brushed her teeth, put on her pjs, and got into her bed. 

That night she had a dream. In the dream she was driving to Emily’s surprise birthday party that Chloe had planned. She came inside and everyone greeted her. She knew everyone and when Emily came in and they surprised her Emily hugged Chloe. Then they celebrated and laughed and talked. Sometimes it was just Chloe and Emily, sometimes they had a bunch of other friends around them talking. It was a great dream and when Chloe woke up she felt nice and energized. She went down stairs and heard the doorbell ring. She opened the door and saw a gift sitting in front of the door. There was a card. The card read

To Chloe

Thanks for being great.


Chloe brought the gift inside and went to the kitchen table. She was so excited!  She opened the gift. Inside was a new dress and the invitation to the party that Emily was going to.She had invited Chloe. Chloe was so excited. Katie had been right about going to that party. Chole now had a bunch of new friends and probably a new best friend.

May 07, 2021 23:07

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Virginia Rand
13:48 May 15, 2021

Your story is very sweet, and I really feel for Chloe going out and making new friends. I'm still left with a few unanswered questions, though, that don't seem to be the focus of the story. A woman comes to Chloe's door baring an invitation to a party the next night, but we have no indication of who this person is or whether Chloe knows them. I expected her to be wondering about these things, but she just accepts them and starts thinking about whether she feels like going to a party. I feel a bit mean spirited to be saying this kind of thi...


Caroline Fonteno
14:47 May 15, 2021

Thank you! I guess in my mind I had answered those questions just not in the book.


Virginia Rand
21:05 May 15, 2021

I find it's the kind of thing easier to spot after putting the story aside for a while, but you don't really get the chance with a short deadline. :-)


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05:51 May 19, 2021

Such a simple and beautiful story. I loved it. The message is very clear in this story. But accepting a party invitation from a stranger is quite risky, don't you think. Chloe has been lucky here. It was a good party and she made new friends. We do need friends to share our highs and lows in life.


Caroline Fonteno
20:46 Feb 12, 2022

Thank you so much! I am so sorry for the late reply!


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Alison Brewis
20:55 May 16, 2021

A very warm story with a positive ending. But I wonder if it would work better to introduce some tension? You could try drawing a diagram of the story to see whether it has enough ups and downs. I know it's difficult with such a short story, but you want to hook people with a problem that needs solving and some twists and turns on the way.


Caroline Fonteno
21:47 May 16, 2021

Thanks for the suggestion!


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20:18 May 24, 2021

Love this story! You did a really great job writing this!


Caroline Fonteno
21:42 May 24, 2021



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Charlie Murphy
02:01 May 19, 2021

Good story! What about the other party? Anyway, I liked it. Great job! If you want, check mine out: The Path to Passive Teenage World Domination


Caroline Fonteno
02:07 May 19, 2021

Sure I would love to!


Charlie Murphy
02:13 May 19, 2021



Caroline Fonteno
02:15 May 19, 2021

If you want you can read my other story A Party Gone Horribly Wrong


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21:50 May 15, 2021

Great story! 🎉


Caroline Fonteno
01:43 May 16, 2021



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Khair Harun
18:48 May 15, 2021

I was expecting a suspense. Yet, I was embraced by a warmth and cosy friendship story. You should bring darkness in your story. Chloe could have been a foreigner who was an introvert but came to learn a strange culture and lifestyle which was alien to her. Chloe might as well be invited to a place that wasn't real. A terrifying invite that met her doom!


Caroline Fonteno
01:43 May 16, 2021

Ok thanks! Maybe I’ll add that in one of my stories!


Khair Harun
06:59 May 16, 2021

Can't wait! Tag me when you're at it


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Khair Harun
06:59 May 16, 2021

Can't wait! Tag me when you're at it


Caroline Fonteno
14:56 May 16, 2021



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