American Crime Friendship

 There I was walking down the street and all of a sudden I heard a scream like no other, this scream made you think that something was happening to you. After I didn’t hear the scream anymore I went to investigate, where I heard the scream it was coming from behind a house so that's where I went. When I got behind the house I was looking everywhere that i could think of, then i got an idea to look in the house so i went to see if the back door of the house was unlocked and it was. When i got into the house i heard footsteps coming from upstairs, as i was listening for footsteps i saw something on the ground, when i looked around the corner i saw something that i have never seen before a dead body just laying on the ground. When i went into the room of the dead body i was looking for weapons but i couldn’t find anything, as i was still looking for any weapons i heard the footsteps coming down the stairs, so i left the house and i was lucky that nobody saw me. Whenever i walk by that house there is always someone outside watching me walk by like they’re stalking me, and even when i am in a car they watch us drive by as if we did something wrong. So one day my mom walked with me by the house and when we got close to the house I told her that there has been someone watching me walk by for the past couple of days and she said if we see them then i will go talk to them. When we got close to the house there was nobody outside so she didn’t believe me, so I told her the next time I walk by the house I will video the person sitting outside watching me. So the next day came along and i started walking to the store and guess what the guy was outside watching so i stepped back and pulled up my camera on my phone and started a video and put my phone back in my pocket and walked by the house, i walked a little slower that usual and i probably made it look suspicious that i was doing something. When i got to the store i watched the video to make sure that i got a good shot of the guy, as i looked closer i realized that the guy was holding a piece of paper that said, “ I will get you one day.” At this point i am freaking out about the situation, why in the world would someone even do that to an innocent person, i mean ya i was in there house but it was for a good reason. When i got back home i showed my mom the video and she didn’t even care about it so i was like if i get taken its your fault. The next day came along and i wanted to go hang with the boys so i started waking to meet them at the spot, when i was getting close to the guys house he was standing at the fence in his front yard so i took a few steps toward the road to get some distance from the fence, when he saw me move a little farther away he stepped outside of his fence to get closer to me, when i saw him do that i ran to find the boys. When I finally found them I called the police and told them to meet me at a nearby store. When the police arrived I told them what had happened and they went straight to the guy's house. When i was going back home i saw four cop cars in front of the guys house, the police officer that i talked to came over to me and told me that the guy was a serial killer and if i didn’t contact them when i did them i would have been his next victim. After we got done talking my mom showed up and came to gave me a big hug and made sure i was alright, i am so glad that i contacted the police when i did, i am also happy that i don’t have to deal with that guy no more and everyone doesn't have to worry about him anymore because he will be in prison for life. A couple of days later the police showed up at my house and wanted to talk to me, so I went outside and talked to the police officers. They wanted to know everything about what happened and I told them every little detail about what happened. After we got done talking I got to take a picture with the officers, and they were so grateful for what I did. After a couple of days passed, I walked to the store to get something to drink. When I got close to the house I realized that a family had moved into the house, as i got closer to the fence i saw their kids playing in the front yard so i went and talked to them. The oldest kid is Kyle and the younger is Clay, after we got to talking for a little bit their parents came outside and Kyle introduced me to them. They are the Robertsons, i told Mr.Robertson that i was going to go get my parents and introduce them to y’all. When i got back to my house i told my parents that i made some new friends and i want to introduce their parents to you, so we hopped in the car and drove to there house. When we got there i introduced them to the Robertsons and they really like each other, i went to Mrs.Robertson and asked if i could stay over at their house and play with Kyle and Clay for a little while and she said yes. Now our families are like best friends and we are always hanging out together, I am so glad that that creepy guy is not living there anymore.

November 12, 2020 16:38

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