
“Go on.“ The woman called out urgently as her younger son set off to do the task she gave him . “Make sure you deliver all the bread on time.”

The boy carried the basket and replied impatiently. “I will, mama!”

The woman continued. “Don't come back too late. I have other tasks for you!”

An 11-year-old boy with chocolate brown hair and deep blue eyes, Ethan thought he was old enough to avoid being nagged by his mother anymore. He walked along the path leading from his home to the main street where he could easily get to the other houses. One of his errands every morning was to deliver the fresh bread which his mother baked and sold to the other villagers.

It was a fine summer’s day in Wiltshire, England. The sun shone brightly from a blue sky with a few puffy clouds. Ethan lived in a gorgeous, picturesque village. The land was very fertile. The rolling landscape was filled with hills and valleys. The bare chalk grasslands were full of flowers, fruits and vegetables. A lake was the village's main source of water.

Every house had thatched roofs and were made of stone. Flowers, trees and plants decorated them, enhancing their beauty. There were chickens outside some of the houses and sheep pens. Every house had a tool shed and a garden. Some vegetables and herbs grew in these gardens.

It was a peaceful and happy village. Everyone was friendly towards each other. They had a close and good community life. The people helped each other in times of need and worked together in harmony. The village was prosperous.

Ethan continued on his way and thought about those things. He understood some things and didn't understand some. When he was little he loved the village and enjoyed his family's lifestyle. He used to play happily outside and swim in the lake with his twin sister Ella and their friends.

Sometimes he went with his older brother to take care of the sheep. His brother, Jason, was a shepherd. He was a handsome, strong 20-year-old young man. Ethan looked up to him. He wanted to grow up to be like his brother one day. His father and brother taught him many things. During harvest time the whole village worked together to harvest all the produce. The women sold everything at markets in the nearest town. Ethan and his sister accompanied their mother and helped her to carry everything. Sometimes Jason went with them if his father took care of the sheep.

Village life was quiet and peaceful. As time passed Ethan became bored of the daily routine. He knew everyone worked hard to keep the village happy and prosperous but he couldn't help feeling restless. He wanted to experience an adventure or something exciting and interesting. He longed for this everyday. After delivering all the bread, Ethan went back home.

Mrs. Croft was pleased and thanked him. The day passed and in the evening Mr. Croft and Jason went home. They were exhausted. Ella smiled brightly and said to her father, “Look papa! I made soup today from the vegetables in our garden and meat which mama bought!”

Mrs. Croft smiled. “It's the first time she cooked something… with my guidance, of course.”

Ella was excited and indignant at the same time. “Yes! But I cooked it!”

Everyone laughed and Mr. Croft said.

“Alright! Let's have a taste then.”

Jason smirked and teased his little sister. “Let's hope it really tastes good and doesn't make us sick.”

Ella pouted and said defiantly. “You don't have to eat it if you don't want it, Jason. I'm a good cook like mama.” She stuck out her tongue at him and said mischievously. “Now that you have Emily, maybe you want to eat only her food.”

Jason blushed a little and couldn't help smiling when Emily’s name was mentioned. Emily Acker was the love of his life. She was a sweet and lovely girl from the neighbouring village. One day, a few months ago, Jason met Emily while he was out with the sheep on the fields. The sheep were grazing a little further than usual that day. They found a field where they liked the grass more. Emily was picking berries and flowers there.

When Jason saw Emily he was captivated by her beauty and grace. She was friendly too and they talked a little. Eventually they became friends and enjoyed each other's company. Soon they fell in love and both were happy with each other. However, their love was forbidden. The people from the two villages didn't get along well because of an old feud. Jason and Emily knew this well but they couldn't stop the feelings in their hearts. They met secretly whenever they could.

Jason caught his sister and tickled her playfully. “Let me taste your soup then I'll tell you what I think.” He gave her his most charming smile.

Ella laughed and let her brother have it. Ethan watched them while eating and he laughed. “I ate some already. It's really good. Just like mama’s cooking.”

Ella beamed with pride and the three siblings teased each other and laughed together while enjoying their dinner. The parents smiled at them. They loved all three but when Emily’s name was mentioned it reminded them of Jason’s situation. They were worried about what might happen if everyone in both villages knew about Jason and Emily.

Mr. and Mrs. Croft didn't have any problem with it. They wanted their children to be happy. They couldn't stop Jason from loving Emily and they also thought that everyone should let go of old feuds and move on. After dinner the family cleaned up and talked before going to sleep. They were a close family and had a special bond.

As the days passed, Ethan became more bored and lost interest in his usual tasks. Everyday he talked to his family and friends about adventure and his wish for something interesting. They smiled at him while Ella told him to focus on his chores and life. “Maybe you should try to learn a useful trade, Ethan. It will keep you busy if you're bored of farm life and chores.”

“I would like to be a knight and go on adventures!” Thinking about it made Ethan feel excited. Ella rolled her eyes and giggled while continuing with her tasks. Both children knew that it was just a fantasy. They were villagers and no one went looking for villagers to train as knights.

Ethan loved to hear about knights and their adventures. He imagined himself as a hero saving people the way knights do.

When he went with Jason to the fields and helped him watch over the sheep, he loved playing with the lambs and listening to stories his older brother told him. He told Jason how he felt and his wish to be a knight.

Jason smiled and said to him, “It's normal for you to feel like that, little brother. I used to feel it too. When you grow up it will be different. One day you’ll realize that we are fortunate to have a good and peaceful life which makes us happy. Everyone in the village works very hard to keep life good.”

“You're right, Jason. It's just that… I don't know… It feels so boring to me. We do the same things everyday. I'm tired of it and I feel restless.” Ethan was frustrated.

Jason watched him and simply said, “Remember my words. One day you will understand what I have said to you today, little brother.”

After that, the two brothers spent their time together. They talked and played while watching the sheep. As time passed Jason and Emily met each other more often. They had their happiest moments together and couldn't stay without each other. During these secret meetings they didn't know that they were being watched. Someone watched them emotionlessly. A pair of cold black eyes gave a hint of the hate that person felt towards the couple.

A few days ago, Jason and one of his former friends, Daniel, had an argument about some work. Since Jason was good and did very well he was loved dearly by everyone in the village. Daniel was jealous and wanted revenge. He found out about Jason and Emily and sent a note to her parents about the secret meeting. Emily's parents read the letter and followed her when she went out. In this way they found out about the relationship. They were furious and interrupted Jason and Emily after watching them for a while. Mr. Acker warned Jason aggressively to stay away from his daughter. Both parents pulled Emily away with them and forbid her to see Ethan again.

Jason became sad and heartbroken. He hoped that Emily's parents could accept their relationship. He and Emily decided that he would see her parents and speak to them in a proper manner about it. One night, feeling pleased with himself, Daniel told Jason what he had done. Jason became so angry. They fought violently until, bruised and beaten, they were separated by the other men. Jason told his father what Daniel did. Mr. Croft warned him to stay away from Jason.

At home, Mr. Croft told his wife what had happened with Jason and Daniel. Mrs. Croft was worried and she hoped that there won't be anymore trouble. She treated Jason’s wounds and said to him, “Oh Jason… my son… you are lucky to be alive! From now on, you must be more careful. I know it's hard for you. Think about Emily. The poor girl is suffering just like you. Imagine how devastated she would be if anything happened to you. We all would be. So don't do anything foolish, alright?”

Jason nodded as his father brought the village doctor to examine his wounds. He felt empty without Emily by his side although he was happy and grateful to have his family with him.

When Ethan and Ella found out what happened they were upset. Ethan wanted to ‘teach Daniel and Emily’s father a lesson’. Ella cried when she saw Jason hurt. She told him to recover soon and that nothing is more important than his health and safety. Mr. and Mrs. Croft went to meet Mr. and Mrs. Acker to talk about Jason and Emily. They hoped that Emily's parents would accept it. However, they were treated rudely and ignored by the Ackers.

When Jason was healed, he resumed his responsibilities as a shepherd. While out on the pasture, Jason wrote a note to Emily on a rock. “Wait for me. I'll come for you soon. We’ll find a way.” He hoped she would read it if she passed by that way.

That evening, Jason never went back home. His family waited for him. He was never late before. When he didn't come, they became very anxious and worried. Mr. Croft went to search for him with the village men. They called for him. There was no answer. As they went deeper into the pastures, they found the sheep all scattered. It was chaos. Mr. Croft blinked and wondered where his son was. Jason would never leave the sheep like that. They kept searching and calling for Jason. Finally, as they reached the middle of the field where the grass was longer, Mr. Croft saw something on the ground. It was partly hidden by the grass.

Anxiety filled him as he thought about what this might be. He was afraid to go closer, yet he had to. He felt like he already knew the answer. Some of the village men reached the object before Mr. Croft and they moved the grass out of the way. It was a body lying face down on the ground. When the men turned the body over to see who it was, Mr. Croft froze in horror. It was Jason. His beloved son was dead. Jason’s handsome features were twisted in a painful expression. Parts of his face and body were swollen and his skin was burned away in some places. It was horrifying to see. Jason’s father was paralyzed with shock.

He couldn't touch his son or look at him. He couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. How would he tell the rest of the family? How would he show them?

Some of the men carried Jason’s body back to the village while others helped to bring Mr. Carter's sheep home. They covered the body and the news of Jason’s death spread throughout the whole village. Everyone was shocked. No one could believe it. Mrs. Croft fainted. Ethan and Ella didn't want to believe it. The village erupted in chaos and confusion. People mourned uncontrollably. When Emily heard about it she collapsed and didn’t want to live anymore. She blamed herself for Jason's death. After reading Jason’s note on the rock, she was more heartbroken.

The funeral was very sad. People couldn't stop mourning, especially the Croft family. They were in shock. The villagers took care of them until they were comforted enough to live again. When the villagers calmed a little, they started questioning what happened to Jason that night. It was obvious that he was murdered. But why? They wondered about this. People started whispering to each other that it was Daniel because he hated Jason and they fought previously. Some blamed Emily’s father because he was aggressive towards Jason and his parents.

Daniel was questioned. The Carters wanted him to be punished severely. They thought that he attacked Jason with a poisoned blade. However, the village doctor pointed out that there wasn't any stab wound on the body when he examined it. Next, they suspected Emily's father and accused him. This led to more trouble between the two villages. Before the fighting became uncontrollable, it was proven that Mr. Acker wasn't the murderer either. Everyone was confused. If the two people who hated Jason the most didn’t kill him, then who could it be? It was a mystery and they couldn't think of anyone else.

Life went on with this mystery unsolved, but everyone always remembered it. One day Ethan and Ella visited Jason’s grave. Someone stood by the grave wearing a hood and a cloak. The mysterious person was either talking to herself or to ‘Jason’. The voice was female and sounded familiar. The twins heard her words and they were shocked and upset. One of them stepped on a twig and she heard them. They had to run away quickly as she chased after them. She reached them and caught them.

“If you say anything to anyone about what you heard, I will kill you both!”

Ethan nodded swiftly. He had never been so scared in his whole life. The mysterious woman pressed a knife to Ethan’s throat to prove her point. Ella was afraid too. “We won't tell anyone! We promise! Let us go!”

Other villagers were near and heard the shouts. They rushed on the scene to see what happened. The woman used Ethan as a hostage to escape while a villager saved Ella. Ethan wondered if he would die too like his brother. Fear gripped him tightly and in his panic he tried to escape. The woman hit him. “Stay still, little brat, or I'll kill you right now!”

Mr. Croft appeared behind the woman and pressed his rifle to her back. “Let my son go if you don't want to die.” He said in a dangerously low voice.

The mysterious woman was caught. She was from the same village. Ethan and Ella were relieved to be free and safe. They told their father what the woman said while standing by Jason’s grave. Everyone was shocked and questioned her. The truth of Jason’s murder was finally solved. The woman was in love with Jason but he rejected her many times. She became obsessed with him. When he fell in love with Emily, this woman was the first to find out because she always followed him. She watched them when they met secretly and she resented them.

“I didn't want Jason to be with anyone except me. So I planned to separate them.” She told them how she used Daniel to tell Emily’s parents about the couple. She hoped that they would forget about each other.

“They didn't forget each other but I still went to him. I told him to be realistic since he's forbidden to see Emily anymore. I thought I would have a chance. But Jason had eyes only for Emily. He rejected me again. We argued and I became very resentful. I pretended that I accepted it and invited him to drink a little wine with me. I was prepared. The wine was poisoned. He didn't suspect anything until after he drank it. Then the terrible symptoms started taking effect. He suffered a lot while I watched,” she continued, “My last words to him were, ‘You belong only to me.’ “

Everyone gasped. It was such a horrifying tale. She didn't even look ashamed or guilty. The crazy woman seemed to be satisfied with what she did. She had to be punished or she might do the same to others. They decided to hang her the next morning.

It was done early and the whole village watched It. People couldn't believe what happened in their peaceful, happy village.

Ethan remembered Jason’s words to him. He understood how precious their lives are and how everyone contributed to the whole. He learned to be grateful for everyone and everything around him. He was just sad that it took his brother's death for him to understand. Jason always believed in him. Ethan didn't feel bored anymore. He didn't complain. He realized how much Jason valued and appreciated everyone and everything. His brother was his true role model and Ethan found peace at last.

February 08, 2020 04:34

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