

Using his shirt to wipe the sweat from his brow, Jake Decker's lip curled slightly as he looked at his handiwork. His smile grew as he slowly gazed around the newly furbished Tiki Island Resort and Spa. From the sleek two-story hotel complex to the ivory-colored stucco villas that overlooked the emerald waters of Galveston Bay, it was magnificent.

Running a hand over his sweaty face, he felt a tinge of sadness now that the project was completed. He had come to Tiki Island, a peninsula outside of Galveston, Texas two years ago. Back then he had been a broken man. A widower and father, he had walked away from the Marines, the only job he had ever known. His family had thought he was crazy when he had packed up his two-year-old daughter Eve, and left his hometown of Virginia. A part of him agreed. It would have been so much easier for him to go back to the Marines and leave his daughter to be raised by her grandparents. At only twenty-one-years old he had no idea how to raise a child that had been the result of a drunken one-night stand.

He thought back to that night when his world had turned upside down. He had been on leave and still heartbroken about his high school sweetheart that had decided quite abruptly that he no longer fit in with her future. He had joined the Marines hoping that being far away his heart would heal but thought of her haunted him which was why on his first leave after a grueling tour in the Middle East he had tried to drink away his pain. When the attractive brunette approached him, he had used the last of his cash to buy a bottle of tequila. When the bottle was empty they had stumbled back to her place.

The next day he dragged his hungover ass onto the flight for his next tour, forgetting about his one-night stand until he received the letter that had changed his life. He married Kelly on his next leave and he was somewhere in the scorching desert when his daughter was born. By the time he had his next leave, Eve was almost a year old and things with his wife, who still felt like a stranger were so bad that he could not wait until he was deployed again. He had already planned on reenlisting when he got the call that Kelly had been killed in a car accident. Something in him shifted that day as he thanked the universe his daughter had not been in the car with Kelly. He knew he had to become a better man. He had to step up and be the father his daughter needed, so here he was.

Walking down the shady cobblestoned pathway, he realized that he had come a long way. He had originally had thought about settling down in Galveston, but a road trip to Tiki Island had sold him on settling down here. A bustling tourist spot in the summer months, the year-round residents were a close-knit bunch. He had bought a rundown waterfront cottage and worked his ass off to make it a home. His transformation of the dingy property had caught the eye of his neighbors and he soon had a new career in carpentry. His next-door neighbor, Rose had gotten him his current job which was the big break he had needed as it paid enough money that would secure Eve's future. It would also allow him some time to take a break, something he had not had a chance to do for a long time.

Turning the corner, he laughed as Eve waved to him from the top of the slide. Another plus of this job was that they allowed Eve to stay at the resort's children camp while he worked.

"Daddy, look," squealed Eve as she raced through the large wooden playset.

He waved at her and then his body rushed forward as he saw her lose her balance and fall off the side of the slide. His long legs scaled the fence in one leap, but he was too late as she hit the ground with a thud. At her side, he knelt in the sand, his body shaking.

"It's okay baby," he said trying to keep his voice steady as he wiped at her bloodied face with his bandana.

Within seconds, all hell broke loose as the counselors rushed over, but when they made a motion to lift her up, he stopped them. He knew from his training that she could have a spinal injury and told them to call 911. Talking softly to Eve, he got her to quiet down somewhat as he quickly assessed her. When she was able to wiggle all her fingers and toes, he sighed in relief.

As the sounds of sirens filled the air, he watched over his daughter until the paramedics rushed onto the scene. Still holding her hand, he maneuvered his body away enough so they could work. He watched as they once again assessed her and bandaged her head. Though he hated losing touch with his daughter, he released her hand as the paramedics loaded her onto the stretcher. Pulling himself upright, he was so focused on his daughter that he thought he was dreaming when he heard a familiar voice. It was only when he heard his name that he turned from his daughter and looked into the eyes of the woman that had broken his heart but still longed for.


Sophia gazed up at Jake, the boy she had never forgotten. He looked so different, his hair longer and his prominent chin now hidden by a bushy beard, but his dark brown eyes still had the power to make her knees go weak. Biting her lip, she fought the urge to throw herself into arms and beg his forgiveness but the soft whine of the child on the stretcher calling out for her daddy brought her back to reality. Looking down at little girl she froze as she saw the resemblance. This was Jake's daughter. Her heart which she had thought could no longer feel any more pain, shattered as she watched Jake comfort his daughter. He was still that amazingly kind man, the one she had foolishly walked away from. Though she had tried, she had never moved on from Jake, but sadly realized he had. Pushing away her disappointment, she got back to doing her job.

"It's going to be fine," she said as she motioned for her partner to help get the stretcher into the ambulance.

Jumping in, she took a seat next to the stretcher and began working. She took another set of vitals and hearing the child moan in pain, she administered a slight sedative and radioed the hospital that they were ten minutes out. It was only when she heard the bang that she looked up and saw that Jake had climbed into the back with them, his 6'5 stature no match for the cramped quarters. She watched as he sat on the bench across from her and rubbed his head. Grabbing an icepack, she handed it to him.

"Thanks," he stammered as he held the icepack to his head. Wincing, he looked over at her, his lip curling slightly as he muttered, "Thank God, I have a hard head."

It was just too much for her to see that grin and her eyes filled with tears.

"I'm so sorry Jake," she whispered and was surprised when he leaned forward, his hand reaching out to wipe at the tears trickling down her cheeks. His touch made her heart beat faster and covering his hand with hers, she stared into his eyes. She had envisioned this moment for years hoping that he no longer hated her and she was rewarded when his gaze turned soft.

As the ambulance came to a quick stop, she jerked back her hand as she remembered he now belonged to someone else. Stiffening she pushed away her heartache knowing the least she could do for him was to make sure his daughter got the best care.

She and her partner quickly wheeled the stretcher into the Emergency Room. The doctor and nurse quickly took over as they got Eve settled into one of the curtained rooms. Helping to transfer Eve to the bed, her partner went to fill out the paperwork. Gathering her things, she listened as the doctor told Jake that Eve would be out for a while and that they were going to do a CT scan as a precaution, though he believed she was perfectly fine.

As the nurse and doctor left, leaving them alone, she gripped the stretcher and managed to stammer, "It was great seeing you again Jake. I am sure your daughter is going to be fine." Her eyes watered and she knew she had to get out of the room. She could not be here when Jake's wife walked in, so giving the stretcher a shove, she began to walk out when Jake grabbed her arm.

"That's it? I don't see you for years and you are just going to walk away from me again," he growled as he glared at her.

Turning, she pulled her arm from his grip and felt a rush of rage. The last thing she wanted to do was walk away from him. From the moment she had seen him all she wanted to do was throw herself in his arms and stay there forever, but it was too late for them. She had lost him to someone else. Blinking back her tears, she looked up at him.

"I'm so sorry Jake. I know I hurt you but apparently, you moved on. You are married with a child and I know it is selfish of me but I can't stay here seeing you with someone else when I still love you," she said, choking on the words as she grabbed the stretcher. Pushing it, she needed to get out of this room when he stepped in front of her.

"You still love me?"

"I never stopped loving you Jake," she said turning her back to him so he could not see her tears. "I need to go. You need to be with your daughter and your wife," she sobbed.

"My wife is gone," he said.

Her head snapped around and looking at him, she saw the sadness and regret in his eyes. She had so many questions she wanted to ask him, but as he walked towards her and pulled her into his arms, she realized that right now it did not matter. All that mattered was that by some crazy coincidence they had found each other again. As her head rested against his chest, their hearts beating in unison, she realized how lucky they were to be getting a second chance at love.

August 13, 2020 18:35

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