Submitted to: Contest #292

Melanie's Hit Single

Written in response to: "Write a story inspired by your favourite colour."

American Contemporary Happy

Melanie Shaw, dubbed “Rattle Rocker,” stood at the crossroads of aspiration and reality, her heart beat in time with the strum of guitar strings. Though the bright lights of fame beckoned her, they were still miles away, and flickered like distant stars in the vast night sky. Though pursuing her musical dream, doubts about a more lucrative career plagued her.

Known for her stubborn spirit; Melanie battled to juggle her love for music with the harsh truths of financial necessity. She shared laughter and dreams, her close bandmates were oblivious to the turmoil within her. She hid her concerns, trusting their camaraderie to implicitly convey her unspoken anxieties. A delicate balance was necessary—a predictable dance, every step destined.

In the world of melodies and dreams, no one was more intimate with the band's adventures than Melanie and Wayne, the charismatic lead guitarist and shared vocalist. Together, they had founded the band in the vibrant chaos of high school halls, their ambitions soaring like rockets fueled by youthful naivety. “When you ride that wave, you never want to fall off,” Melanie wrote another lyric line. Recalling once, Wayne mused, his eyes gleaming with passion after a thrilling night where they sold out, their merchandise vanishing as if by magic. 

“Yeah, I’m with you. I see how it’s addictive,” Melanie replied, the thrill reverberating within her. She felt the weight of their shared ambition.

“Deal,” Melanie had agreed when Wayne vowed his unwavering support during the stormy seas of their musical journey.

As steaming water cascaded over her, Melanie crooned to herself, the vibrant hue of pink swirling in her mind like a dream yet to be realized. Pink is my favourite colour/never judge the look by the lover.

Today’s inspiration flowed through her like a rivulet of creativity, her song lyrics emerging while she bathed. The more she let her thoughts wander, the more they crystallized, turning fragments of ideas into concrete verses.

After her shower, the aroma of toast filled the air as she threw two pieces of bread into the toaster, the rhythmic tapping of her fingers creating a wild beat on the counter. Her kitchen transformed into a sanctuary of artistic expression as she channeled her thoughts into lyrics that danced on the tip of her tongue. With a flick of her wrist, she grabbed a pen, the ink flowing across the napkin like a painter on a blank canvas:

Pink is my favourite colour/never judge a book by its cover

Getting pink with a lover/doesn't mean to smother

Colours are nothing to smirk about/ People always know where they float  

Pink always works undercover, especially when your eyes meet your lover's...

A vibrant picture of love and identity emerged from the flowing words, a burst of color in a world of gray.

Weeks later, excitement electrified the air as Melanie gathered with her bandmates in the dimly lit recording studio, the walls vibrating with the energy of creativity. She unveiled her rhythm and beat, a whirlwind of sound that captivated her bandmates. They refined her vision, creating a flawless gem ready for global exposure. Confident and inspired, she felt it in her bones—this would be a number one hit.

The vinyl and CD release of the record label's creation ignited a firestorm of excitement. Within just two days, her melody soared, entrancing listeners of all ages, echoing from the airwaves of radio stations spanning the nation. Melanie’s heart danced with joy, the news a sweet symphony to her ears, lifting her spirit to new heights.

With each passing week, a perpetual smile graced her lips as her song clung to the top ten charts for an astounding 32 weeks; a melody embraced by the LGBTQ community and celebrated at pride parades. It became an anthem, one that resonated in stadiums, inspiring college football teams and uniting fans to its spirited tune.

Melanie’s rise to superstardom was meteoric, and as she shared the news with her bandmates about invitations to perform at events like the Super Bowl halftime show and the Oscars, it felt unreal yet vivid, like a dream coming to life.

As the evening unfolded, Wayne emerged, on time at 5:30, as always. Dressed in a glamorous black sequined dress with heels that sparkled under every light, Melanie waited. The clock ticked and her heart fluttered to the same beat with anticipation. She paced, the thrill of the evening’s adventure wrapped around her like the soft fabric of her favourite jacket.

At ‘The Cook Shop,’ the ambiance embraced them as they entered, the tantalizing aroma of garlic wafting through the warm, inviting space. The lively music filled the air, creating an atmosphere brimming with excitement and laughter. They settled at their table and Melanie felt a flutter of nerves mixed with sheer delight. Her senses alive with the whispers of the night ahead and the unpredictable yet thrilling nature of what lay before them.

Fans interrupted their cozy dinner for two for autographs and selfies with the Rattle Rocker. After they ate, they sang a capella for the diners who remained in the restaurant. A good time for all!

In the back of Melanie's mind, she wondered if she had another hit with her noggin. What would she do if she was a one hit wonder? How could she face her friends? Not to mention her bandmates?

Wayne observed Melanie was uncomfortable. Before discovering its identity, they posed for a photo and then performed a song. Wayne wanted to know Melanie's mental health was fine. He had his doubts because superstars doubt their worth after they make it big. He noted a recurring, similar expression in Melanie's eyes in recent times. 

The couple's knowledge of Melanie's future success remained uncertain. On their way home, a T-bone collision killed them. 

Posted Mar 03, 2025

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14 likes 7 comments

Tommy Goround
16:58 Mar 24, 2025

Yo. Quick call please. Plot stuck. It's you or the warlock


13:04 Mar 10, 2025

Her getting her ideas in the shower is so real


Lily Finch
16:23 Mar 10, 2025

Thanks. I thought so too. I get tons of ideas in bed without a pen and paper and in the shower without same.
Thanks for reading and commenting.


Olivia Granger
13:54 Mar 09, 2025

Great story, really made me feel for her mainly because we all experience dellima in life.


Lily Finch
17:31 Mar 09, 2025

Hi Olivia, Thank you for reading and commenting. I'm glad you felt something. LF6


Sandra Moody
05:17 Mar 09, 2025

That ending was an unexpected gut punch. Enjoyed the read!


Lily Finch
17:27 Mar 09, 2025

Hi Sandra, thank you for reading and commenting. I'm glad you liked it.



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