
Hi. My name is Annalise Manson. I am 7 years old. I am in second grade, but I haven’t been to school in awhile, and my mom makes it seem like I’m not going back this year because of some kind of sickness. She’s making me stay inside because she’s scared of this sickness. I don’t know what it is but my mom must know what’s best for me. My three siblings are all older and seem like they know why everyone is panicking, but I just don’t get it. We live in a big house so I run around and play with my puppy Cooper all day. Today, I was running up the stairs with Cooper when he jumped in front of me and tripped me. I fell head first into the wall, and wailed in pain. My mom came rushing up the stairs and held me in her arms. I couldn’t help but notice the wall where I had hit my head seemed to cave in a bit. Later, after I had iced my head and took some medicine, I went back to the spot where I fell. I pushed the wall a little and as I did, it fell open. No way did my house have a secret passage! I crawled inside, barely fitting through the hole in the wall, and closed the door behind me. I stood up, my head almost touching the ceiling, and as I look around I see thousands and thousands of wads of cash. I walk over and pick one up and flip through the cash. All of them were hundred dollar bills. That’s a big number! I ran back to the door where I entered this place and tried to open it, but the door was jammed. I yell through the crack for help, but I guess no one could hear me. I walk around to try to look for another door, but it appears to be the only one. I tried and tried to pry the door open but it wouldn’t budge. I shrink to the ground and cry because I don’t know what else to do. A few minutes later I can hear footsteps coming up the stairs, probably my mom looking for me. I hear her calling my name and I try to yell back at her to let her know I was there, but she doesn’t seem to hear me. Her footsteps and voice shrink until I can’t hear her anymore. I feel hopeless. All this money, but what’s the point to be excited over it if I’m gonna die here anyways? Suddenly the sickness that my mom talks about doesn’t seem so bad compared to this loneliness. I continued to look around for something to break down the door or another door, but there doesn’t seem to be anything in here except for the piles of money covering the floor. All I want to do right now is play with Cooper and be with my mom. She must be getting worried by now.It feels like it’s been hours, but there’s no clock in here so I have no way of knowing. My tummy rumbles as my hunger grows, and my eyes start closing. Must be getting close to nap time. I crawl into a ball and drift off to sleep pretty quickly. I don’t know how much later, but I am awakened by my mom on her knees overtop of me. She looks worried but happy to see me. It doesn’t seem like she’s noticed the piles of money behind me, but I’m okay with her attention on me. I glance out the small hole in the wall and see a few pairs of feet. Must be my siblings. My mom carries me back inside our house and tells my siblings to go get me water and a sandwich. I think she noticed the money but doesn’t want to make it obvious that she’s happy about it. Richy, my older brother, comes back with my water and sandwich a few minutes later after my mom carried me to my bed upstairs. I feel fine. I don’t know why my mom is so worried about me right now. Why isn’t she getting the money out of the wall? Like I just found a whole room full of money and she doesn’t even care? Crazy how her mind works like that. My siblings are all standing outside my door whispering about something, probably the money. I better get most of it though considering I found it. It’s not like we really need the money. In fact, I already know what I’m going to buy with my money. I want the new American Girl doll, a puppy friend for Cooper, and to go shop at Justice, maybe for some nail polish and shoes. My mom seems to be calmed down now-finally. I think she;s figuring out what she’s going to do with this money now. My dad just got home from work, and they’re talking in the corner of my room. I decide to speak up and voice my opinion on how I should get a good lot of the money. They kind of ignore me which I think is rude because I’m the one that found the money. My mom tries to tell me that the money might not even be real and how she doesn’t know how it got there. Well, why wouldn’t it be real? It’s money! Free money! Now go buy me a puppy! What’s so difficult about this situation? All I want is for everyone to leave me alone now and get me a new doll to play with. Apparently that’s so hard though. Everyone finally stops asking me questions and leaves my room to get all of the money out of the room. They’re acting like it’s not a big deal. Isn’t that a lot of money? My family is confusing. Anyways, we’re rich now! Now I'm gonna go get my puppy. Mom!

March 25, 2020 03:18

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21:44 Apr 01, 2020

This is an interesting story and easy to read.


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21:41 Apr 01, 2020

This story has such an easy flow with it, it brings you into it as a reader.


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