I dare you

Submitted into Contest #94 in response to: Start your story with someone accepting a dare.... view prompt


Fiction Horror Teens & Young Adult


TW: murder

Callum turned to Chloe and stated "your turn truth or dare" Chloe answered "dare" Callum told her her dare was to try and summon a spirit from the Ouija board set out on the coffee table in front of the sofa in witch they were sitting on. Chloe looked at Callum for a few seconds trying to decide if this was a good idea before deciding to take the dare and summon the spirits who may have died in that house before Chloe and her family moved in. Chloe put two fingers on the board forgetting that one of the rules of a Ouija board is never play alone and asked "hey is there any spirits in this house wanting to talk" but nothing happened so she tried again "hello anyone there" at this point the lights started flickering and the Ouija board came flying off the table smashing against the wall, Chloe jumped back and turned round to the empty spot were Callum was sitting. she tried running for the door but there were was nothing more than a brick wall on the other side and there were no windows in the room she was trapped, she did not know what to do she just stood there in front of the door watching a red pen levitate over to the mirror and spell out the words "yes" about a second after she had read it the mirror smashed and a girl wearing a black nightgown came out from were the mirror used to hang she looked young late teens maybe, she had black hair and brown eyes, and there was blood coming from the two large cuts on both her wrists. she looked up at Chloe and she was crying. Chloe looked terrified and picked up the knife beside her to defend her self. witch made the women angry she started walking towards her repeating the words "he made me do it" Chloe started swinging the knife but it did nothing and as the women become face to face with her now shouting "HE MADE ME DO IT" Chloe remembered one of the rules of playing with an Ouija board you must say goodbye so that's what she tried, in a shaky tone she said "goodbye" the women stopped talking and reaped the word back "goodbye" a day after Callum was in the police station getting questioned. he looked away from the detective in anger "i already told you what happened i dared her to play a Ouija board and i stepped outside for a smoke" the detective looked unconvinced "i understand you knew the pervious owner of the house because you bullied her and drove her to suicide is this what you did to Chloe" Callum looked offended "what no Chloe was my friend and i did not do anything to Hanna" the detective went to speak again but was interrupted with the door opening revelling a fellow officer who told him "some guy was here to repo his car" the detective just sighed and looked at Callum "pls excuse me i have to deal with this" ten minutes past and Callum just sat there when the light starred flickering Callum looked up in a panic to the mirror revelling a women with a black nightdress and the were words on the mirror written in blood saying "you made me do it" Callum stood up from his seat and ran for the door but it was locked, he looked back at the mirror at the women only she was now in the room walking towards him repeating the words "it was your fault, you killed me" they were now face to face and they only words Callum kept saying "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry i didn't mean for this" the women just looked at him now in silence, this made Cullum pull a knife to defend himself, this made the women angry. the detective walked outside to the man reposing his car "hey i need this car you cant just... ah forget it" the man drove away with his car and the detective put his hand on his head "shit why today" he then walked back inside the police station and sat at his desk he sat the there for about five minutes before remembering the boy he was questioning he then got back up and proceeded to walk back to the interrogation room. he had just reached two feet away before hearing a women shout "i dare you" he ran towards the room and burst in. Callum was laying on the floor with both his wrists cut and a knife laying beside him. the detective covered his nose and muttered "fuck" when he looked back there was a note on the interrogation table, he walked over to it and read it, it read out "he made me do it, he got what he deserved" he looked up and standing at the other side of the table was a young women wearing a black nightdress who just stood there staring at him, she was holding a knife and she started singing " Ring-a-ring-a-roses

A pocket full of posies

A tissue, a tissue

We all fall down

The king has sent his daughter

To fetch a pail of water

A tissue, a tissue

We all fall down

The robin on the steeple

Is singing to the people

A tissue, a tissue

We all fall down

The wedding bells are ringing

The boys and girls are singing

A tissue, a tissue

We all fall down


and then she ran towards him with the knife shouting "he made me do it"


the deaths were put down to suicide and the ghost of Hanna was never seen again, no one knows what Callum did to her to make her spirit so angry but one can only imagine the horrible things he did to her and yes this may be fiction but that does not mean all of it is fake, ghosts are real and they can get revenge, so maybe the next time you see someone in pain don't make it worse by bullying them try talking to them, try helping them because you never know they might just come back to get there revenge. so try being nice, traying saying hi to someone who is having a bad day, or even if you know someone who is being bullied try calling them to see how there feeling go on i dare you.

May 16, 2021 17:47

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