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Sad Friendship

“C’mon it’ll be fun!” Aster smiled, his eyes glinting with mischievousness as they always did. 

“It’s 6 in the morning and freezing outside. How is that fun at all?” Luna leaned more into her blanket, shivering. “It’s really not fair that you're always so warm, are you a human or a heater?” Aster laughed, throwing his head back and closing his brown eyes.

“I believe I may be a heater but I’m not completely sure yet.” He grinned, his one dimple showing. He looked near where the sun started to rise and his large brown eyes widened. “We are going to be late for the surprise hurry up!”

“What are you talking about?” Although part of Luna did not want to move, she instinctively did it, walking at a faster pace, still shivering. 

“Are you trying to race me?” Aster said, easily catching up with his long legs, and even walking backwards to show how “great” he could be. 

“No I just figured if we hurry this up then I can go back to my warm, comfortable, amazing bed.” Luna sighed just thinking about it, joy filling her mind thinking of all that warmth. However, the harsh cold brought her back.

“It’s not even that cold! In Antartica its way colder!”

“Wow, you're right. Just thinking about how cold it is in the South Pole is making me so much warmer.” Though her voice was laced with sarcasm, Aster played innocent, like he always did.

“Oh really? I’m glad to hear that!” Finally, they arrived at Asters destination, and apparently at the time he wanted to. Luna looked up, her eyebrows raising with the beautiful sight of the sunrise.. Aster smirked, looking at her amazed face, then turning to the beautiful sight himself, not wanting to miss out on it. The sky was a bright shade of pink mixing with dark reds and light purples, the clouds on each side of the rising sun. The lake reflected the beautiful view, making little waves as the breeze flew past them, the ducks quacking and swimming around.

“I have declared this to be the best spot to look at the sky!” He beamed. After a moment, he was shocked when he didn’t get a sarcastic response and turned to Luna, who was still amazed and just nodding along in agreement. Aster held his finger to his chin.

“Oh Aster you genius! You’re so smart and amazing and incredibly hands-” He was stopped mid sentence by Luna smacking him. He snickered at her glare.

“I’m trying to enjoy the view-” She protested.

“Yeah you are.” His sentence was followed by another smack as Luna stormed away. He instantly attempted to follow her, falling several times in the process. “Agh! Wait wait! I’m sorry please forgive me oh great and amazing Master!” He begged, grabbing the edge of the blanket. Luna rolled her eyes, snatching the blanket back.

“Look at the time idiot.” He quickly checked his watch and frowned. 

“It’s 6:45?” He questioned, tilting his head as to what her point was.

“Yes. And do you know what you did wrong?” Aster backed up, sweating a bit as he laughed, debating what his next words should be.

“Ah... I got you up-”

“At six in the morning to stare at the sun. The dang sun. Do you know how long the walk is? Fifteen minutes. And when, may I ask, do I get up for school?” Aster backed away some more, understanding that this was a rhetorical question but that she would be more mad if he did not answer. 

“Um… seven…”

“I get up at seven in the morning to make sure I am ready for school. And guess what? By the time I get back it’ll be seven and I can not go back to sleep because I have to get ready.”

“Sorry… Can I buy you food to make for it?” Luna inhaled, and Aster quietly exhaled. Food was her weakness after all. Luna silently turned around and continued walking. Aster grinned, jumping up in the air and running to walk next to her. After all, as her best and only friend, it was his responsibility to make sure he was forgiven so that she would not be lonely again.


Luna faintly smiled at the moon in the sky, alone this time on the hill. It was still as beautiful as ever though, the grass lit in the light of the moon, the color a dark shade of green. The lake was still reflecting, although this time it was the bright moon and the dark sky. She exhaled as she got ready to talk to the stone in front of her. She had to prepare her thoughts and what she would say. She was always mean because she never knew what to say. Aster understood that and would help her get her real words through. 

“It’s hard to believe a year has passed without you.” Fudge.. Her voice cracked and the tears were already coming out. She didn’t want to cry, she always hated how she cried. It’s like everyone learned how to be beautiful when they cried except her. Although the only reference she had was TV, she could barely remember the times Aster cried in front of her. Memory was annoying like that. Not like she could have soothed him anyway, she always hesitated. She pulled out her notebook and started writing, tears threatening to spill as she continued. But it was better than speaking, and easier too. If she ever had to apologize she would hand Aster a piece of paper with her very formal apology. He would always keep them in his drawers saying how they should be considered works of literature. She wrote page upon page, depending on the moons light to help her see. Aster had passed away because of fatal injuries in a car crash. He suffered for three days before dying. During those three days, Luna was speechless. He kept trying to say goodbye but she refused his acceptance of death. He couldn’t die, he was too perfect. Too amazing. Luna sighed, wiping her tears and blowing her nose with the tissues she brought. She exhaled, making sure she’d hold it in, and after a moment decided she was fine. Her thoughts gathered, she decided to put the notebook aside and speak.

“Hey Aster. So it’s been a pretty weird year. Don’t worry though because, although I thought I would, I didn’t act like Bella did without Edward and sit around depressed. In fact, it was just a weird sensation not having you to keep me going. But I guess I still managed because, annoyingly enough, that’s how life works. It didn’t rain like it was supposed to, in fact, it was actually really hot, as it usually is here. I know you always wanted a party for your funeral, because you wanted to put the “fun in funeral'' but there weren't a lot of people on your friend list to my suprise. It was really awkward when it’s just me and the funeral people doing their jobs. I still tried though, and I had some chocolate milk, like you would’ve wanted. At least I hope that’s what you wanted, because I want you to get what you wanted. Although what is even worse is how terrible my memory is. I hate how I’m forgetting more and more of you everyday, and I feel that instead of me remembering you as a person, I’ll remember you as more of a picture instead. And honestly, that scares me. I don’t want to ever let your memory go to your waste, the joy that you spread, that weird dimple that you had, I don’t want to forget it. And I’m sorry if I sound selfish but I don't want to be alone. Ever since we were kids in 5th Grade, you just kind of appeared next to me and never left, no matter how petty or rude I was. I got used to you but now… you’re gone. It’s been a year and I’m still as awkward as a teenager going through puberty even though I’m 30.” She stopped herself, pausing and muttering “dang it” under her breath. She chuckled a bit, continuing. “Sorry I didn’t mean to rant again, that’s all I ever do now. It’s crazy how it’s been 15 years since you showed me this place, it’s still as beautiful as it was, and I assumed you would want to be buried here so I did all I could to make sure you could. Yeesh, it was really cold and you were fine, you mean heater.” Her eyes got bright again as she grinned in remembrance of the conversation they had. “I’m sure you spent at least one thousand dollars on food for me. It’s weird because everyone thought we were dating but our relationship was never like that. I never felt that for you and I bet you didn’t feel that way to me. But now that I think about it, you helped me get over myself and all the hate I gave myself, even if I still do it sometimes. It’s so hard to be nice to myself and others when I leave this place and get back to work. I’ll miss you forever but I’m going to live my life, no matter how terrible it gets. How did I close my letters again? Oh yeah, not that sincerely but still slightly sincere, your best friend Luna.” She stopped speaking, glancing up at the big crescent moon. She then looked down into the lake, with the reflection of the moon. She looked closer, seeing a star glowing brightly near the moon. She bit her lip, tearing up a bit, forcing a smile. “Aster, your name, was taken from the Greek word Astéri, which means star. My name, taken from the Spanish word Luna, means moon. Seems like someones sending a sign from heaven and you know what? I think I’ll ignore it.” She grinned, pretty much seeing Aster’s spirit slump over and fake cry to her about how mean she was. Though it was possible she was just thinking way too much, she kept her eyes on the reflections of the star and the moon as they moved slightly in the nice breeze.

November 21, 2020 00:48

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Sunny 🌼
23:25 Nov 24, 2020

That was so freaking sweet! I feel like crying after reading this!


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