
The tears smeared the doodle of what looked like a giant fire engulfed by undenying pure and true dark that brina's pencil created or more like her thoughts did as she sat in last bench of her class while every one else went out in the grounds to play games not with any ball or disk but with their eyes it was high school after all who wasnt taking a dig at flirting as they saw in the movies but not maddy he was out there to cherish and celebrate beauty , he was an admirer of the perfect shape colour and caste too while maddy called out her crush's name twice as she walked past her all his friends started cheering him as she turned her face towards them her smooth hairs flowing through the air and her perfect sculpt bod strutting about with her friends regrettebly away from him. as brina heard the hootings she came out of the class from the back door in hopes to see her "maddy" telling something about her to his friends crushed her soul as she recognised maddy's crush even from behind, she returned back to her doodle and drawing vigorously tearing the page in half and then scribbling away the other she was lost in irrelevant thoughts trying to unsee what she just saw and she heard a penetrating voice "brina are you even listening to me? your son just came down the school bus hide his gifts now you" brina suddenly realised her fingers were marked with the shape of the pen she was holdin to scribble giant circles and almost scratching the whole page while brina's sister in law kept speaking faintly in a low distant voice about something brina could care less about but her anxities had anxities that day as her husband showered her with a sarcastic falsetto earlier that morning which concluded in a tiff ,and kiara's cackle dint help at all.

It was her son's birthday but all the memories came pouring down on her she recalled how aptly maddy would come and convince her that he dint had bad intentions and only had eyes for her which continued to be the concocted words that came out of maddy' mouth for 12 long years..Brina was a bonafide stallion who would go to lengths to teach him how to show his love to her which maddy thought was the problem in their relationship after continuously deceiving her trust for 6 years now she was down for it because his love is all that she cared about in this whole world whereas he only cared about the materialistic things in life having belonged to a conservative and an besetting mother he was always spoon fed even the things he should care about were justified by his puppy eyes and ablazing his family morals and she would quickly melt .

she couldnt stop herself but watch maddy's message in her twitter handle for the umpteenth time,it was 10 years now that they dint saw or heard each other since the last time she boarded the train to "see her sister" brina knew he wouldnt let her go if she even begged for her sanity. he wrote "hey" ," whatsup" those two little words stung her like a python as it slowly consumed her, it was as if you heard an old forlorn song of your teens, twas funny really how she still expected him to come across her like the old lovers did in old movies but it was 2030 no one really cared to show up as everyone was meeting up online taking real care of their dear one virtually expressing their emotions via intricate animations. nevertheless she replied "hey" "you remember me now"? surprise surprise..!" maddy: always the tone of surprise ,how can one forget you? brina: nice to hear that you know its my son's birthday today

m: oh how i wish to meet him i have two daughters of my own b: oh careful not to break their little hearts maddy m: typing...

b: typing..

m: i am sorry you know my intentions were never to hurt you i thought you had moved on from that

b: i have maddy..! its just that little girl who just cant seem to find the answers she always knew.

m: if i was such a monster then why did you kept up with me ?

b: typing..


b: its a shame you still ask me that .anyways my dear maddy when i looked at you i dint see who you are and what you can give me i only looked through the eyes of love

brina was on tenterhooks as she quickly blocked him from her handle and threw her phone on her bed and went on to take a long shower to clear her head.

later as she was dozing off to sleep because of all the mental drainage that emptied her she felt soft kisses of her feet and then big large hands caressing her thighs she turned and asked unwillingly you were angry with me earlier in the morning ..! her husband gripped her tightly and asked what do u see when you look at me ? she said your iris with a smirk on her face he swiftly came over her and said yes and in those iris there is only love for you baby and i cant hurt you in any way

brina smiled and all her energy came back and she hovered him back and carressed his neck and kissed her deep and lovingly till her quest for true loves kiss was over till she felt like her thirst was quenched and they made love in the most passionate and exquisite feeling taking over them and as she felt him inside her she let out a tear or two for the love that was lost an found not in anybody but her self . as she drew her morning coffee she could see 12 missed calls from an unknown number and she called back and hear her name meshua ? only one person called her that.

August 14, 2020 18:30

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RBE | Illustrated Short Stories | 2024-06

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