Sad Middle School Drama

Authors note/TW: I don't know if this counts as a trigger warning, but school shooting plays a somewhat big factor in this story, so if you're sensitive to those topics, this is not the story for you:)

You nudge my shoulder and point to the window, snow flurrying past.

I grin and jump up, running over.

More kids follow and we crowd around the smudged glass, ignoring Ms. Wrights’s lesson completely.

She reins us in and we sit down, but I can’t take my eyes off of the snow. 

Each snowflake looks exactly the same and I can't imagine seeing the tiny differences between each one. It just seems so, magical. 

I drown out Ms. Wright’s words and don't take my eyes away from the window, the snow sticking to the grass below and creating a clean sheet of white. 


Your voice pulls me out of my thoughts and I snap back to reality, stories of snow fleeing my brain. 

You raise an eyebrow and I shrug, following you out of the classroom and to our lockers. 

β€œYou could have warned me before the bell rang,” I say, looking at my watch. 

We were already seven minutes late for lunch. 

You laugh and shake your head, shoving your science books into your locker. 

β€œYou seemed very preoccupied with staring out the window?” 


β€œLike it was your job.” 

I laugh and grab my lunch, heading towards the cafeteria. 

β€œDid you even listen to the lesson?” 

I roll my eyes as I sit down in one of the chairs, and you plop down next to me. 


β€œWhen’s the test?” 

I bite my lip and you grin. 

β€œNext week?” 

You shake your head and pull out your sandwich. 

β€œIn two days.” 

I almost choke on my chips and start to wish I had paid attention. You laugh louder and I make a face. 

β€œC’mon Gray, cut me some slack. You gotta admit snow is absolutely wonderful.” 

β€œAbsolutely wonderful, huh? Must be some snow.”

I stick my tongue out at you and you shake your head again. 

You fiddle with a strand of your black hair that falls over your eyes, neither of us care to say anything else. 

This is the usual lunch. 

By third grade we’d run out of things to talk about, considering we’d been best friends for like, ever. So every lunch now, we just end up saying nothing, but the silence feels...comfortable?

Lunch flies by, even though we say nothing. 

We race each other back to class, the first one to history getting your last oreo. 

I win, leaping through the door with a giant grin plastered on my face

You frown at my victory, but reluctantly hand over your oreo, and I make sure to shove it in my mouth right in front of you. 

We make our way to the back of the classroom and I drag us all the way to the corner, right next to the window. 

You sigh and shrug, sitting next to me as I start to stare out the window.

Mr. Curran’s voice fills my head and I pull myself away from the snow, deciding I don't want to fail another class. 

I bury my head in notes and scribble down every word Mr. Curran says. 

My eyes snap up at a loud announcement from our principal. 

β€œStaff this is a lockdown. Initiate your lockdown procedures immediately. Be advised that law enforcement has been notified. If you are a visitor outside the building, please leave the property immediately, and call 911.” 

A lump forms in my throat as everyone rushes to the back of the classroom. We had drills before, but I can pick out the fear in Mr. Smith’s voice. I can see the pure shock and terror in Mr. Curran’s eyes as he flips off the lights. I can feel my heart pick up as I slowly realize I can't find you. 

I try to shake it off as I make my way to the back of the classroom, and I can feel my stomach churning with worries as I crawl under the table in the back. 

I watch as Mr. Curran covers the windows and doors with black paper and comes to the back with us.

I can hear footsteps from the floor above us and nerves rise higher in my throat. 

I look for you among the row of kids next to me. But I’m unable to pick you out in the dark. I lean my head against the wall and bite my lip, tears springing to my eyes. 

The footsteps become louder and I can hear them clambering down the hall, the sound bouncing off the walls and echoing into our classroom.

Panic causes my hands to shake as I tuck my knees into my chest and swallow down tears. 

I sit there, wishing you were next to me, and I can't control the fear of where you are, and where you could be. 

All in a few seconds, the knowledge hits me, as a heavy, powerful wave of realization. 

I can pick out your voice, from anywhere. And when I hear your horrified voice from across the hall, immediately followed by gunshots, my heart sinks to my stomach. 

A hand goes over my mouth as I open my mouth to scream. 

I close it and blink, staring blankly into the darkness. 

Heavy tears roll down my cheeks and every emotion in my body crushed. 

It feels like I can see my world shattering around me as more gunshots ring through the halls. My world crumbling beneath my feet as sirens and loud voices add to the chaos. 

I wipe my face dry and straighten my back, the numbness taking over.

You couldn't be gone.

You wouldn't leave me like this.

You wouldn't leave me. 









Weeks later and the dark blue forget-me-nots gripped in my hands as I shake in front of your grave cant make up for the gaping hole in my heart. 

I have no words to describe how it feels, for I am numb inside and have nothing left to give. 

Nothing left to say.

I persist with my life only because you would've wanted me to. 

I stand here, my legs shaking on this frozen grass to tell you that I love you. 

That I miss you. 

That this isn’t your end. 

This can’t be your end. 

You had so much left. 

I will hold in my anger, I will embrace this grief, and I will do all that I can to carry on your love towards others. 

But I don't think I will ever be able to accept that you’re truly gone. 

For I’ve lost all feeling, all trust, and all love. 

I don't know how to be me again. 

Because I honestly don't know how to be me, without you. 

January 21, 2021 03:07

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Welp! I'm back!! Super, supeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr short break, but I felt that I didn't need to take one any longer for it had served its purpose. A few notes, as always! 1. I'm sorryyyyyyyy. Idk if this is as sad as I tried to make it, but this is legitimately the only story I've ever cried while writing cuz THESE ARE REAL FEARS. Real fears people have to go through and it's honestly so awful:c 2. Never written like this before where it's present tense first person, but almost second person? Idk what it's called, but it was a lot of fun, and ...


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Maya -
03:30 Jan 21, 2021

Hey, Luna! This was such a well-written story and so sad. I agree, it's awful this is a real thing that has happened to so many. The way you showed their sweet friendship at the beginning then the loss after she died, made both parts contrast and made it an emotional read. You showed her fear when she couldn't find her friend during the lockdown so well I could imagine exactly how she felt. The cursive words and the portrayal of her thoughts at the end also added well to the tone. Wonderful job! -Maya


Maya -
03:31 Jan 21, 2021

Also, I like your new name! :)


Thank you so much Maya! And yeah I agree with what you said at the beginning with how awful it is that it actually happens:c And thanks! I like your name too:)


Maya -
03:44 Jan 21, 2021

No problem! Yeah it's so sad :( Lol fruit gang :)


Yessss:) If you check Banana Bellatrix's(Celeste) account she has all of the fruit gang listed in her bio:)


Maya -
03:49 Jan 21, 2021

Yessss :) I'll go look :D


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16:45 Apr 16, 2021

Question. Is this story technically considered 2nd point of view? If it is I have no clue how you pulled through. This story was so delicate that it felt like I was really there in the moment. Personally, I think maybe this wasn't the best POV to go but I understand what you were trying to do. OMG I LEFT!!! WHERE DID I GO??? HOW COULD I DO THAT TO YOU???


I think it is. 2nd point of view is you, your, etc. For feedback purposes, which pov would you suggest for this instead? huh??


19:18 Apr 16, 2021

I think maybe third person and refrain from using you while speaking to the readers. Like just create another character all together.


Could you give me an example of when you was used while speaking to the readers? Sorry I keep carrying this out, just trying to get an idea of what you mean :)


19:26 Apr 16, 2021

No problem! At the very beginning you say: "You nudge my shoulder and point to the window, snow flurrying past. I grin and jump up, running over." What I would do here is replace 'You' with another character instead of the actual reader. Let's just say our character's name is Melanie. You would possibly say: "Melanie nudges my shoulder and points to the window. Snowflakes flurried in rapid whirlwinds, collecting to form snow on the ground. I grin, jumping up to run to the window." Of course this would be my interpretation of how I would rew...


ooh ok, that makes sense. I think I've been wrong about what 2nd pov is, but i get what you mean. Thank you so much for the feedback and taking the time to explain!<3


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Riya 🌺
05:48 Mar 27, 2021

Ohmygod That was so heartbreaking! I had tears in my eyes after reading this! Also, I love your stories! Keep up the good work!


Thank you so much!!<333


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20:23 Feb 03, 2021

Me: reads this. Me: tears in eyes. My brother: CAN I BORROW YOUR COMPUTER TO TRY OUT THIS CHEAT CODE FOR ROBLOX??????


omg that's the best thing everXD Glad you liked itXDD


20:27 Feb 03, 2021

Yeah. This is my life


lol yup. That's what siblings doXD


20:29 Feb 03, 2021



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Jay DMer
15:11 Jan 26, 2021

Omg Luna Colon this was amazing! So cute, happy friendship, a sense of love deeper than those towards friends, and sadness. Even though It was quite short and fast (who cares), I really liked it. Great job!! :)




Jay DMer
15:17 Jan 26, 2021

You also changed your name from Carrot Claire to Luna Colon (still a really nice name) It confused me because I was looking for your old name and thought wait I never added a Luna Colon lol


lol yeah, the food names got a bit confusing at one point where I couldn't figure out who anyone wasXD


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Nyla N
21:19 Jan 25, 2021

Awwww that was so sweet and really nice! There was great emotion throughout. 2 really small things, With this, "You nudge my shoulder and point to the window, snow flurrying past. I grin and jump up, running to the window. More kids follow and we crowd around the window, ignoring Ms. Wrights’s lesson completely. " You say 'window' 3 times in 3 sentences, so it's a bit repetitive. Maybe you could rewrite it like, "You nudge my shoulder and point to the window, snow flurrying past. I grin and jump up, running over. More kids follow and we...


Thank you so much Janey!! I totally didn't realize either of those things, so thanks! I'll go fix those! And really? I'm glad it was powerful and a bit unpredictable:) Thanks so much for your feedback!! It means a lot that you would take the time to comment!!


Nyla N
21:54 Jan 25, 2021

Aww, of course! I'm glad you liked the feedback! Also, don't worry, I never notice things like that in my writing either. It always takes other people to point them out, because when you've poured your whole heart into writing something, you think it's so perfect that you couldn't possibly imagine changing anything... until someone mentions it! XD


haha so trueeeee!!!!


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Lia Nina
07:03 Jan 24, 2021

This was heartbreaking and wonderfully written. Really reminds me how much I truly do care for my friends and how much I’d miss them if they were taken from me.


Yes, totally agree. I can't imagine how I would feel if my best friend was missing from my life. Thanks for reading!


Lia Nina
22:42 Jan 25, 2021

No problem, I really enjoyed it!


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03:03 Jan 22, 2021

Wow, Luna. This story was so amazing, you made it all so real. I felt all of the characters sorrow and pain. It's sad that this is a real thing that happens, I can't imagine losing my best friend, but you made me feel like I did.


Aw, thank you, Eleanor! Yeah, I agree, idk how I would even react to losing someone like that. Sad that this is what actually happens:( Thanks for reading!


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Nancy Drayce
18:50 Jan 21, 2021

Wow... your story left me speechless... I love it from the start to the end. Everything was amazing, from the writing it self to the descriptions. I could feel how your main character must have felt and that shows you how well you managed to capture the feelings! Amazing πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’œπŸŒŸ


Thank you so much! I'm glad the emotion translated!!


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TJ Squared
16:00 May 23, 2021

woahhhhhhhhhh straight away I was like 'I love how it's written in second and first person, that was so creative!' and tis :) even tho it's a bit sad at the end, it is still good. It's good to spread awareness about these things because it does happen more often than it should. I like the little detail about the flowers, forget-me-nots, and how they were ironic to the story, twas a nice touch :) L.W.


thank youuuu!!! I rly liked writing in second and first person, idk it was something fun to try XD thx for reading!


TJ Squared
00:42 May 24, 2021

mhm, second person is always fun lol np :) twas a pleasure :)


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Echo Sundar
16:26 May 11, 2021

Wow. This story is amazing! It really touches your heart. I love the plot and the title and the last line was stunning. Absolutely amazing!


thank you so much!! I'm so glad you liked it! <3


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Sunny 🌼
20:33 Jan 21, 2021

Awwww, this was so sad!


Thanks! I always end up writing sad storiesXD


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