
The house stood vacant for 5 years. At least vacant in a physical sense. Since the death of Mrs. Jacqualyn White. Real Estate Agents had not been able to sell it. And since it was on the historical society's list, it had been maintained until a new owner could be found. And every Real Estate Agency in that area had the listing hoping one day someone would be found to buy and occupy the home once again.

Jessica Morgan from Con-Roy Reality was the current agent to have the listing. So when she scheduled a home showing, she sent out an email to all the agencies so there wouldn't be double bookings. In her email she also added that she hoped they would wish upon a star that night that a buyer would be found. Because it was such a small community, there were only a few real estate agencies in town and every one of them guarded the property as their own.

When the news of Mrs. Whites death spread on the news, every Real Estate office in the surrounding county bid for the opportunity to be the agent to sell the home. But the historical society said because it was such a beautiful home and so embedded in the community it was in, only the agencies in that area could list it. When asked it was more than just profit that caused the society to make that decision. They had no idea who the woman was or what a great loss it would be to the area and to those who knew the woman.

As Jessica stood on her balcony the night before the showing she looked up at the stars. It was unlike anything she had seen before. The blackness of night made the stars shimmer brighter than Jessica had ever remembered. For a moment she drifted to when she had met the woman and her family herself growing up. The family was well known because they had in a sense built the town.

The home was built first in a field which had been cleared by the family generations ago. And a home built for his family. And before long it had stood the test of time against other makeshift homes in the area. Before long from that one home a town was born. And registered with the historical society, giving it protection for as long as the home stands years later.

When it was released by police, and real estate agents were allowed to walk through and take pictures to post on their sight for prospective buyers, Jessica fell in love with it all over again. Just moving through the home and rooms brought back great memories.

After CSI went through it collected evidence and a cause of death had been determined the scene was released and the home was free to resale. When the real estate agents got the listing they all hoped a buy would want the home when they saw the place.

As Jessica was wishing upon a star across town a breeze blew on the little house time forgot. The swing on the porch gently moved back and forth as the houses fate awaited it.

Greg and Jacqualyn sat on the swing on the front porch, looking up at the stars. There were tons of them out that night and bound to be a shooting star somewhere in the galaxy.

“Make a wish.” Greg said as he pointed to one of them. Then they saw a flash across the sky. “A falling star make a wish.”

“Does that really work?

“Absolutely, all you have to do is believe.” Greg said.

There was silence for a minute as Greg continued. “You wanna find someone to right one to live here again don't you.”

“Absolutely, this is such a beautiful home” she said smiling at him.

“ Then let's try it.” And with that they wished upon that star.

In that moment wishes from three people drifted skyward entangling with each other as it dissipated in the night sky.

~~~~~~~ The Next morning~~~~~~

The sun rose that morning as rays of sunshine moved across the street that the white house sat on. If you looked long enough it was as if the clouds were opening on just that home giving it front and center attention for the day. Every resident in the homes on the block seemed to know the house was being shown that day and were outside watching as the Realtor and potential buys pulled up and parked. It was as if everyone held their breath watching, hoping, that this time someone would make an offer.

Two cars pulled into the drive way at about 9:00 and three people got out and began walking up to the door. “Now I just want to make sure you are aware that the place is reported to be haunted.” Jessica said as she resented mentioning it again. She was so close to making the sale, but she did not want any thing coming back to bite her because she did not tell them.

“Yes we are aware.” The man said touching the woman next to him on her lower back.

“Good, I just wanted to make sure you knew.”

“How long has the place been empty?” The woman asked Jessica again as they mounted the stairs.

“Five years.”

“And how many people have actually lived here since?”

“Nobody. They get chased away by the ghosts that are still here.”

“Oh ghosts really don't bother me, as long as you respect them they tend to respect you. But there are those spirits who want nobody in their space and are harmful.”

“There are those spirits of those who lived here who just don't like some people. They seem to know if new owners will take care of their home. Because as long as they are here it is their home.” The man added.

Jessica looked at her paperwork again to refresh her memory of their names. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Taylor.

“Well Mr. Taylor, I sincerely hope they like you two.”

“Oh please it's Sam and Becky. So do I, I have missed coming here to this home.” he said.

“Me too, she had such great parties for kids during the holidays.” Becky smiled.


Now unlocking the door Jessica smiled as she turned the knob. With a soft push the door opened stopping gently thanks to the stopper on the bottom. She then stepped aside allowing Sam and Becky to enter.

“At one time the doors had stained glass panes. But when they remodeled the home after the police were done, they replaced them with these wooded doors. If you want it reverted back to the stained glass look, we can help with that. Quite frankly it was much prettier with the glass.” Jessica said as they entered the foyer.

“Yes it was. But I can understand the reason for safety against others vandalizing the home.”

Becky stood there looking at the interior lovingly. Like she was coming back home after a long time away. But in a way she was. She and her friends had spent a lot of time here. What a lot of people didn't know or may have forgot was Mrs. White opened her home to children after school who would otherwise go home to an empty home. She was the community after school safe haven. And because of that, there were a lot of children who went on to great things because of her influence and support. While a few things had changed over the years, the restoration people did a nice job recreating the home the way it was when she and her husband were alive.

“This is absolutely beautiful.” Becky finally said continuing walking into the front entry. “Where was Mrs. White found?”

“In the library” Jessica answered softly.

“Of course the place she loved the most,” Becky said as both Sam and Jessica just followed her lead. “May I see it?” Becky said knowing that it would be there that Mrs. White's spirit would be the strongest.

“It's right this way.” Jessica said extending her hand toward the stairs. “They moved it upstairs because it was a better location they said.” As the three walked upstairs Sam watched Becky's reaction. She was falling in love with the home. And remembering her past.

Entering the library for the first time was like coming home, the smell of redwood and books enveloped them. The interior was a soft blue now instead of the deep red it had been.

“Mrs. White are you still here?” Becky asked looking around. Everyone was silent waiting to see if there was an answer. “Do you remember me? It's Becky Stevens” Becky said knowing the woman would know that name.

Suddenly the curtains began moving as if there was a wind ruffling them.

“There's no wind.” Jessica said.

“She's here.” Becky smiled as she looked around the room. “Mrs. White this is my husband Sam. We met thanks to you.”

“Sam.” came a whispered voice somewhere in the room. Suddenly everyone began looking around.

“Yes its me, Mrs. White. If you hadn't opened your home, I wouldn't be here.” He said walking around the room. “You not only saved me but my mother as well.” He continued knowing he would be sharing apart of his past nobody knew. Not even Becky.

Suddenly the room fell silent as Sam continued. “ You see when I came into your home we were on the verge of being homeless. We almost lost our home but the day we were to move out, some unknown source paid the mortgage. And we never knew who. Nobody would tell us, until after you died.”

Sam continued as Becky and Jessica just listened. “ I never got to thank you,” he said solemnly. “It may be too late now but thank you. For all you did for me and Becky,” he said now looking back and reaching for her hand. “And all the kids who passed through your doors. I don't know what happened to a lot of those kids, but for the ones I have stayed in contact with I know we wouldn't be the successful adults we are now if it weren't for you and Mr. white. So thank you. Thank you both.”

Becky just smiled as she gave his hand a squeeze, “ And it's because of that success that we would love to buy your home to honor you and the home that kept us safe.”

Jessica felt out of place as she just looked on. She had never seen a potential buyer connect with a home more than these two did. She hoped Mrs. and Mr. White would give this couple their blessing and allow them to buy the home and keep their memories alive.

Within minutes of Sam and Becky talking there was a huge gust of wind and the Real Estate sign outside blew over.

“I take it that was a yes.” Jessica now said as they looked out and saw the sign.

“I think your right Sam said looking from Jessica back to Becky hugging her. And with that the Realtor went back to the office, drew up the papers, and Sam and Becky signed them. As Sam handed the pen back to Jessica, she handed him they keys. “I wish you well and I can't wait to see Mrs White's memory continue for many more years to come.” Jessica said before the couple turned and walked out of the office and headed to their new home.

Not wanting to clutter the house with boxes, Sam and Becky only brought a few boxes at a time and unpacked them discarded them then went to get more. They did this several times that day and when it became dusk they stopped for the night fixed dinner and ate under the stars..

It was then Becky spoke … “I can honestly say I finally feel I am back home,” she then looked up and seeing a shooting star made another wish.

The End

July 23, 2020 22:19

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Mustang Patty
23:31 Jul 27, 2020

Hi there, This was an enjoyable tale and a good storyline. I did notice some issues with sentence and paragraph structure, but those are things we all strive to improve with more practice. One of the things I can suggest is for you to incorporate reading the piece OUT LOUD as the first step in your editing process. It helps to identify weak words, as well as missing and misused words. I also recommend a good style guide to help with grammatical issues. My favorite is 'Elements of Style.' KEEP WRITING, ~MP~


Debra Johnson
23:44 Jul 27, 2020

MP, would you or could you help me with this story and show me what you are referring to? Thank you for reading . I have Elements of Style and will read it. Guess I get too eager to share it I miss a few things.


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