Fantasy Fiction Drama

(This story is set on earth’s twin planet GAIA2  800 years behind us and is evolving)

Zol was a resident of Rubi Isle and lived with his wife. He was a farm hand, and being very lazy had problems balancing his family budget. That evening he sat talking to his wife. He said “I’ve serious money problems. I have even borrowed.”

She said “Our family consists of just the 2 of us and you still face financial problems. That is because you’re lazy and gamble a lot.”

“That’s the only way I see to make both ends meet. Sometimes I win.”

“I told my father about your money problem and he has been sending us farm produce for our consumption. Even my grandpa has provided us with food items he grows.”

He said “Your uncle is a rich fellow. He has never sent you anything.”

“How can I ask him saying you’re unable to manage? The normal answer would be you shouldn’t have got married.”

“That’s wrong. I told you I was thinking of taking a second wife from an affluent family so that our money problems are over once for all.”

She said “By doing so you’ll face more problems particularly if she gets pregnant. I doubt that as you seem more interested in gambling than tumbling the wife. We’ve been married 6 months but I remain without sign of a child arriving. It’s your fault. You know I cooperate with you and even take the initiative many times but you don’t capitalize on it. You’re lazy even to do it.”

“Don’t go on finding fault with me. My problem is money. I’m determined to find a way out. I won’t get rich as a farm hand.”

“What else can you do?”

“Wait and see. Now let us get to bed. I’m sick of your not tumbling charge.”

“Okay. I’m game. It’s the result which matters.”

The next day Zol went to the man who owned ships. Zol said “Pico, we’ve been friends since childhood. Now you must do me a favour.”

“I suppose you’re short of money.”

“Does everyone know?”

“Almost. You’re known to be a lavish gambler. Money won’t stick to you.”

Zol was silent a silent little while. Then he said “Okay. I’ll give up gambling. Show me a way to make money.”

“Only hard work will fetch you money. I’m fairly well off as I slog sending ships, repairing them, hiring the right crew and so on.” He paused and the said “Zol, have you heard of Stap?”

“Yes. It’s a distant place on our planet but nobody lives there as it seems there is only coal to be found there.”

“You’re partially right.  Coal is abundant on Stap. Coal is needed everywhere and money is to be made exploiting the coal deposits. The whole operation at Stap is run by Balkan. I can recommend you to him. You would’ve to work very hard there to earn money.”

“I’m willing to do it. How do I go to Stap?”

“As I told you it’s far away. I can send you there by ship provided you’re willing to pay the fare. My ship may leave in 3 or 4 days depending on the weather.”

Zol said “I’ll arrange the money for the fare.”

Back home Zol said to his wife “I’ve found a way out of money problems.”

He told her about his talk with Pico and said “I’ve decided to go to Stap and will very work hard.”

She said “Going there will be easy, but I doubt if you’ll work hard. You lack the tendency to do it.”

“Don’t under estimate me. Find me money for the fare and then see what happens.”

“I know what will happen. You’ll go there and return without earning any money.”

“Please find me the money for the fare.”

“Alright. I’ll ask my uncle for a loan. I know he doesn’t consider you a hard and diligent worker. I don’t even know if he will give me the loan.”

“Do your best.”

His wife went to her uncle and he said “I won’t loan you the amount. I’ll give it as a grant. I hope he does well and improves his standing. And tell him not to gamble.”

She announced the uncle’s decision to Zol and said “You’ll be again gone for what length of time you won’t say. Meantime I’ll be sitting here without chance of producing a child. You could’ve at least made me conceive.”

“From now on till I leave I’m not going to do anything else except that.”

She was skeptical and said “You know I’ve never held back. Again it is you who have failed.”

“Don’t waste time. Every minute is valuable. Pico has told me the ship may leave for Stap in 3 or 4 days.”

“I’m still not convinced about your capacity to create the child.”

“Wait and watch. I’m now a new man!”

Zol sailed and reached Stap port. He reported to Balkan about Pico having arranged his trip. They discussed many issues starting from salary to hours of duty and the nature of work.

Balkan said “I’ll allot you white collar work. You must keep counting the number of bags of coal brought from the mine and see those are stacked in the store. You’d have to work from 8 in the morning till 7 in the evening even if it rains.”

“Where can I stay?”

“In the migrant shed which will be shown to you. Start work tomorrow.”

Zol saw he was to be paid well but he knew he would be charged even for drinking water as it had to be brought from the river some distance away. And he would be given the same food as given to other migrants.  He spoke to a couple of migrants that evening. They said the work was hard. There were no off days unless one became sick. And they said the food was middling at best and would be served in the shed.

One worker said “If you feel like you know, you know, lacking the wife, there’s an instant wife available just across this shed. Balkan also maintains women workers - that is what they are called. You choose one to be your wife. You’ll be provided with a hut for temporary use. You can’t run a family together.”

The next morning Zol was positioned near the store and had to keep count of the bags of coal coming in. There was an incentive for the number of bags brought in and every few minutes a worker would arrive with a bag.  Zol had also to check if each bag delivered was  full. Zol was a man who was accustomed to a life of ease and he found the work very hard. As he was working he saw a young woman come along supervising the operations. He was told her name was Galema and that she was practically the chief of operations. She watched Zol working and went her way.

After two days of work Zol wondered if he could get an instant wife as it was called, but then put it off as he would’ve to pay for her expenses once he was recognized. After 3 days he introduced himself to Galema and said “It’s hard work and I’m coping.”

Galema said “That is why we’re paying you well.”

“I’m a bit disappointed as I had thought that I would go home with a big sum of money but here everything has to be purchased even drinking water. It would take years for me to make enough money to take home.”

She said “I’ve one suggestion. We need workers as more have left than have joined. If you can get back home and send us 50 workers you’ll be rewarded with money equal to 2 years pay. Think of doing it.”

At once Zol decided to take up on the offer. He asked “Who will pay me after I send the workers?”

“I’ll give you details of a man named Cato on RI. He will pay you.” She added “Subsequently for every worker you send Cato will give you a fixed sum.”

“To attract people to come here I would’ve to show that I had made much money in a short interval.”

Galema laughed and said “That can be done. Your return fare will be picked up by us. We’ll give you a few costly items as luggage which you’ll return to Cato. Only then will you get the reward. Don’t think you can run away with those items as Cato will arrange to murder you if that happens.”

The next ship home was another week away and Zol lazed around. He took the ship and returned home. It was almost 2 weeks after he had left RI that he was getting back. He carried some packages home to show his prosperity. When he reached home he found it locked. A neighbour said “Only two days after you went, your wife left with a man named Briz.”

Zol opened his house and found his wife had decamped with Briz. He recalled that Briz had worked for her uncle. He guessed she wouldn’t come back and set about actively arranging to send 50 workers to Stap. He made public his visit to Stap and how they had rewarded him with money and gifts in a short while. He said Stap was a land of milk and honey with high wages given to workers. In a matter of a month he had sent 50 workers to Stap and collected the reward from Cato.

Zol now realised that it wouldn’t be safe to be home any more as the workers he had sent could come back and assault him for sending to them to Stap citing false prospects. With his wife leaving him he knew there was no purpose in staying on in RI. He spoke to the ship owner Pico and learnt of a few destinations where he would be safe and suddenly sailed away from RI in secret. He knew he cannot return home.


June 12, 2021 10:48

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14:46 Jun 25, 2021

Hi there. Interesting setting and the feel of sci-fi is built in the story effortlessly. The choice to do a story with mostly dialogue is a bold one and it works in most places. I'm curious about your choice to fill in the reader with the closing details in prose at the end... In terms of challenges, there were some issues with verb tense (could vs. did happen) and dialog tags where commas were missing (ie. The two made it up the hill and she said, "Look at the scene from here!") RK


16:09 Jun 25, 2021

Many thanks for your comments after critically reading my blog. I know there might be shortfalls and will be more careful in future. Regards.


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