
"I vow to love and care for you for the rest of my life," I told Bexley. My mind was blown. Just a year before, she was my arch-nemesis. I hated her. No, despised her. I'm not sure why. I guess we just had similar talents and always competed.

"You sure?" she joked. "You don't look like it."

I rolled my eyes at her remark and pecked her on the cheek.

"Ew!" she said. I was done with her jokes, but only a little bit. I guess she just plays around a lot.

"Do you want to go shopping or not?" That was enough for her to shush. If we tried to tell anyone we were madly in love, we would get told we were lying or a chuckle in response.

"Love you, Bex."

"Not baby?" she said, looking offended.

"Love you, baby," I smirked. "Is that better?"

"Very much," she said, giving me a long, soft smooch on the lips.

As we walked through the mall, she ran into the Apple store without saying a word to me. I knew I couldn't get her to leave unless I bought her something, so I just followed her, already seeing my wallet flying to heaven.

"Oh my gosh! Baby! Please can I get the iPhone 12? Pretty please?" I groaned.

"No. It's too expensive." I said stubbornly.

"Ugh! You never get me anything!"

"Not with that attitude, no. Plus, I buy you everything. Do you know how many times my card got declined when you weren't there?"

"...No, but-" she stopped herself. "I'm sorry baby." She used her puppy eyes on me! Argh!

"Hmm... Okay, fine. I'll get it. But nothing else after we leave, got it?" I said, a smile forming on my face. I love it when she uses her puppy eyes.

"I don't care! You're the best!" she said, running up to me and squeezing me so tightly I thought my organs were going to ooze out of my mouth.

"Well of course I am, I buy you everything," I muttered, barely joking.

We walked out of the mall, her in a peppy mood while I was thinking about the ring in my sock drawer. Do I really want to propose?

"I can't wait for our date tonight!" she screamed. I couldn't help but laugh. For some apparent reason, I love it when she's excited. Maybe it really is true love.

"Me too! You're paying, right?" I played around with her.

"Um-" she looked a little guilty.

"Okay, I'll pay." I smiled.

I decided to get her a drink from Starbucks since tonight is the night I'm going to propose to her.

"Aw! You didn't have to baby!" she said. "But you did, so thank you!"

On the ride home, I was forced to slam the brakes because of a butthead cutting me off, so it forced Bexley forward and her drink backward.

"Ahh! Sorry!" I said, handing her napkins from the middle console.

"It's okay! Just try to get home quick so I can shower and get ready." I was actually surprised she didn't lose her temper on me, which unfortunately happens a lot.

When we arrived at our home, Bexley ran to our room to get ready. She took so long, I think I fell asleep on the couch! Okay, maybe I'm just over-exaggerating. But I almost fell asleep!

"Hey, baby, how do I look?" she whispered in my ear. I yawned. She was wearing a blue sundress with daisies on it and a floppy sunhat. And you can't forget the full face of makeup.

"Oh, wow! Perfect! Let me go get ready, then we can leave." I rushed to the bedroom, threw on a blue polo that matched the color of her dress, some khakis, and put on some cologne and gel in my hair, and I was ready to go.

"Ooh! My handsome man!" She squeezed my cheeks like a little baby. I love it when she does that, even if it might hurt a little.

"Stop! You're gonna mess up my makeup!" I teased, pretending to be her and re-applying invisible makeup.

"Oh no! Sorry!" she giggled playing along with me and 'helped' put it back on. I opened the door to my off-black convertible and gestured for Bexley to hop in.

"Hold onto your hat!" I said, stepping in. She showed me the strap under her chin that secured the hat.

The wind blew Bexley's hair back, but she didn't seem to care. She just enjoyed riding in the sunset.

"Enjoying yourself?" I asked her.

"No." she joked. "Yes! What does it look like?" I laughed.

We drove to the beach and stepped onto the soft white sand. Bexley kicked off her flip-flops and ran into the waves, the water barely surrounding her ankles. I ran after her and secretly prepared the ring.

"This view is incredible, but not as incredible as you," I told her.

"Aww! You're so sweet!" she smiled.

"But baby, I need to tell you something..." I started. My hands trembled and I looked across the ocean, lightly holding both of her hands, my grasp getting tighter and tighter with each breath I took.

"Sure, what is it?" Her words sounded steady, but her face looked alarmed, scared almost.

"I-I've loved you for eight months now, and I still do. We went from enemies to a more-than-friends relationship, and I think it might last." I said, squeezing both of her hands tightly.

"Go on," she said as if waiting for more praise. I laughed. I guess I didn't come prepared.

"I want to grow old with you, and love you for all of eternity. I couldn't have ever asked for anything more, and I love you to the moon and back." I realized I kept rambling on and on, so I just got to the point.

"And so... Please tell me if it's too early, and we're too young and all that jazz, because I mean we are only eighteen, but..." I pulled the ring out of my back pocket and bent down on one knee. "Will you marry me?"

"I-Baby..." I was sweating bullets, but I was expecting a yes considering how much in love we were.

"Well..." My stomach tightened. She stood there in thought.

And that is where story one of "The Matter of Wife and Debt" ends! Stay tuned for story two!

January 04, 2021 20:33

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Madison Smith
06:54 Jan 15, 2021

Great story and nice cliffhanger! I can't tell if I want them to work it out (and perhaps get some couples counseling) or if this would be a good emotional stepping stone for character development/ a different relationship lol. Would you mind carrying on the chain? Here's how I found you, and your stories<3 So if you can go to 10 new/different accounts that you haven't followed yet, follow them, read 1 story(at least), and pass it on. By pass it on I mean tell them to do it! Kind of like a chain. Don't be the weakest link :) You guys are a...


Thanks for the comment! I will be sure to carry on the chain! Make sure to stay tuned if you want to see the rest of it! I will not be writing from this series for a little bit, I want to try something new.


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