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As she enters the taxi, she yells, "Follow that car!" The cab driver looks back at her and says, "As you wish!" As they zip down the street after the white Honda Civic, she holds on tight to the seat belt strap across her chest. Angela yells please go faster my baby is in that car! The cab driver looks at her through the rear view mirror and seems more determined than before to catch up with the vehicle. Angela frantically dials on her phone to alert the authorities as the line open up..."911 what is your emergency?"

Angela states, "Yes...yes! My name is Angela Thornton and my son has just been abducted by some lunatic at the book store off 38th and Lennox! I am in a cab now and we are following the vehicle. It is a white Honda Civic and I'm trying to get a good read on the license plate!"

The dispatcher states, "Ok Angela, you said that your son has just been abducted is that correct?"

Yes, that is right! Please help, he took my baby!"

The dispatcher attempts to soothe Angela, "Angela it is alright, I just need some information from you. What is your son's name and how old is he?"

His name is Luther Thornton and he is 5 years old.

Thank you Angela. Now can you tell me what he was wearing? He was wearing a red & black Falcons hat with black jeans, a red hoodie, black and grey rain coat with red firetruck rain boots.

Thank you Angela.

The cab driver yells out the license plate number,"WRT23V! WRT23V, that's the license plate!"

Angela asks, "Did you hear him?"

The dispatcher replies. "Yes!" The dispatcher begins to relay the message to police in the surrounding area with the license plate # and the description of Luther.

The driver in the vehicle that they are following begins to put the car in reverse. The cab driver swings the cab around causing them slide due to the rain.

The driver in the Honda quickly turns down a street in reverse.

Angela yells, "He turned the car around and is going down E. Washington street! Where are police?"

The dispatcher notifies the authorities of the new direction.

"I can see Luther! He's crying! My baby! Please speed up!"

The cab driver accelerates toward the white vehicle and pulls up to the side of the car. Angela quickly rolls down her window, "Pull the damn car over!" The driver accelerates and red and blue flashing lights are seen up a head.

Angela exclaims, "The police are coming towards us I can see the lights!"

The dispatcher follows up with the authorities, "You are close! The mother can see the lights up ahead!"

The police vehicles quickly block in the white Honda Civic and the driver stops the vehicle.

The cab stops and Angela quickly rushes out of the vehicle. The police yell over the intercom, "Turn off the vehicle and come out with your hands raised!" The driver exits the vehicle and yells, "She doesn't deserve him! I can take better care of him!"

The police command the driver to get down on the ground face down with their hands crossed over the back of the head. The driver complies and an officer opens the back door to let Luther out of the vehicle.

Angela yells, "Luther! I'm here baby!" Luther runs to Angela and she doesn't let go of his little frame.

The cab driver smiles and follows up with the dispatcher, "He's safe! He's with his mother!"

Luther looks up at Angela, "Mommy I want to go home!" Angela scoops Luther up in her arms and carries him towards the cab. The cab driver opens the door for her, and a police officer flags her down.  

"Ma'am we will need a statement from you. Would you like to come down to the precinct tonight or come in tomorrow?"  

"I'd like to come in tomorrow, Luther has been through quite a bit tonight."  

"Ok. We will have an officer take you home." The officer bends down to look at Luther, "You probably would like to have the peace of mind tonight, we can have a car take watch if you'd like."  

"That's not necessary officer. If someone can take us home we will go stay at my father's tonight."

The officer looks down at Luther as he clings and hides behind his mother's leg.

Angela looks over at the cab driver. “How much do I owe you for the fare sir?”  

The cab driver replies, “Nothing ma’am! I’m glad you got your son back!”

Thank you for helping me get my son back!

The officer, opens the door a little more and Angela and Luther follow him to a police vehicle.  

This is officer Samuels, and he will give you a ride home. He hands her a card and says, “We will see you tomorrow for the statement.” He tips his hat at Luther and walks away.  

Luther and Angela look at officer Samuels as he opens the back seat of the police car and says, “I’m sorry you’ll have to ride in the back but I will get you home asap. I know you’ve had a long night.” 

Angela fastens Luther and herself in the safety belts and Luther tightly grips her hand and places his head in her lap. Angela caresses his head as he begins to fall asleep. Officer Samuels approaches their house and Angela unfastens their seatbelts, thanks the officer and carries Luther towards the house. As she opens the door, she quickly closes the door, locks it and carries Luther up to her room and places him on her bed. She pulls out a duffle bag from underneath her bed and begins to pack her items and quickly grabs some items for Luther. As she comes back towards her room, she can hear Luther on the phone.  

“Papa, we are coming over. I had a scary night! Mama got me but someone took me away from her!” 

Angela can hear her father on the other end, “Who took you Luther? Where Is mommy?” 

She’s right here. She’s packing so we can come over Papa! 

Let me talk to mommy Luther.  

Luther hands Angela the phone. “Hey Daddy, I’m here.”

Baby what happened? What is Luther talking about? Did someone kidnap him? I’m coming over to get you two right now!  

No Daddy we are coming over.  

I’m already on the road. Just keep packing and I will pick you and Luther up. I’m almost there. Stay on the phone with me.  

Headlights are seen at the front of the house.  

Daddy are you here already?

No, I’m almost there! Someone is pulling up to the house.  

Are you expecting someone?  


Stay away from the windows and the door and I am less than a minute away! Stay on the phone!

Luther runs to Angela, “Mommy it’s Papa!” Angela quickly grabs Luther’s hand.  

No baby, that’s not Papa! Stay here with me!  

Angela picks Luther up and races to her room and grabs the hand gun out of her closet. She heads toward the hallway and pulls down the attic door and directs Luther to go up into the attic. Luther begins to cry, “Mommy come with me please!”  

I’m coming Luther, give me one sec. Don’t come down ok!

Daddy I have to make sure they don’t get in. Daddy? Daddy…

Angela hears her father outside the house.  

What are you doing here?  

As he responds, it sounds like the officer from earlier that told her to come down to the precinct.  

I’m officer Thompson and I am here to speak to Ms. Thornton about the incident today. Angela rushes over to the attic to check on Luther. She walks up to the attic and Luther is seen in a corner crying.

Mommy it’s him!  He was on the phone with the man in the car!  

January 28, 2023 01:03

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1 comment

Wendy Kaminski
01:26 Feb 01, 2023

Oh wow, I did not see that coming! How terrifying! Really action-packed story with a twist! Thanks for sharing it this week, and welcome to Reedsy!


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