
She once told me that the stars were guardian angels watching over us, it was a warm Friday night and instead of hanging with friends I'm here sitting on my ruff top looking at the stars. My mother died two years ago of cancer she was all I had and cancer took her from me with no warning, why GOD why my mother? I know I shouldn't question him but he knew I needed her. My father was an abusive drunk who left my life when I was three and that was the end of that. My grandparents got custody of me when she passed because I was still underaged, I graduate in a couple of weeks and then off to college. Tears flooded my eyelids as I cried silently to myself for the next hour, Destiny are you ok? my grandmother asked, sticking her head out my window. Drying my eyes I headed back in the house for the night, I woke up to something wet and slimy on my face my dog buttercup was licking my face trying to get me to play with her.  It's too early for that I said pushing her off of me,checking my phone for the time I quickly jumped up realizing I slept two hours past my alarm, and my grandparents were going to kill me.I rushed to the bathroom to take a shower and change while saying a quick prayer that I wasn't too late for the church program we were putting on for the community today. After that the weeks went by quickly and soon it was graduation day, staring at the mirror I barely recognized my own face. At this moment I should have been happy and excited after all this is why I worked so hard, my grandparents tried their best to shelter me from pain. The fact that they were out of my mother's life for years made them cling on to me. The story my mom told me when I asked about them was they were upset she chose to move in with my dad. They knew he was bad news so they gave her an ultimatum thinking she was going to choose them but she didn't she left with my dad. For years they didn't speak until she was on her death bed asking the nurse to call them. They got there in less than an hour the sadness on their faces was heartbreaking their Red swollen eyelids told me they cried the whole way here. My mother made amends with them as we all sat by her bed watching as she took her last breath. Ok Destiny no more reminiscing or you just may not walk across that stage I turned my emotions off and walked out the door towards my future. As the days got shorter it was finally time for me to leave for college. My grandparents walked me to my car sobbing the whole time boy was this going to be hard. Hugging them both I shedded a couple of tears myself, darling we are so proud of the women you are becoming your mother would be so proud of you  remember to keep GOD first in everything you do. I got in my car and blew the horn as I drove off to my destiny. Duke University was four hours away I turned my music up and relaxed my body for this long ride that was ahead of me. I walked in my dorm to see my roommate doing a handstand the room was colorful with candles everywhere if I had to guess I would say she was a hippie. She wasted no time telling me about all the cool parties as if I cared my focus was strictly on becoming an Oncologist. That's a Cancer doctor but that wasn't always what I wanted to do I wanted to major in Sports Medicine. When I found out about my Mother cancer that's when I wanted to learn more on how I could help Cancer patients so I switched my major. So here I am trying to do the whole college thing I close my eyes to prepare myself for what tomorrow would bring. Over the next couple of months I bury myself in my work, no parties, no guys just me and my studies. I'm pretty sure my roommate thought I was a square because she practically dragged me out the room one night to go to the Alpha Delta Pi party with her. Finally given in we walked down the block where the party was. Smoke filled my nostrils as we entered the house Vicky my roommate quickly walked off to go be with a guy she knew leaving me standing there all alone. Trying to compose myself I walked around the huge house feeling like a tiny creature, not being about to take the large crowd I prepared myself to leave. But then fate bumped into me and it had the prettiest baby blue eyes. Are you ok? he asked, extending his hand out I'm Justin Mackey. In return I shook it hey I'm Destiny Moore well Destiny I apologise for not paying attention and just like that I knew we would become good friends. He led me out the door so we could talk and actually hear each other. We talked about everything I normally don't open up to people but it felt so right with him. My roommate came out the door wobbling across the grass I'm ready to go she said, ok let's go Justin understood and asked if he could get my numbers and with no hesitation I gave it to him things were starting to look up. The days flew by pretty quickly after that, my grades were good me and Justin were dating and I finally let myself have some fun. My first year of college was over so I headed to my grandparents house for the summer. I tried calling them before I left but no answer I hope everythings ok I thought. I took a deep breath feeling the warm sun raise beat on my face. Turning the door knob slowly I opened the door and flicked on the lights. "Surprise" everybody screamed and my spirit ran out my body in down the street. At least that's what it felt like at the moment, soon people were clearing out and  I was thankful for the quietness. Climbing to the top of the ruff I was ready to tell her everything mother I don't know if you can hear me but if you can I want to tell you about my new life. I talked to her for hours laughing and crying feeling a sudden peace calm over my body. I hate to end our conversation but I need sleep, love you so much and thanks for listening. Looking at the stars one more time there she was shining the brightest I smiled as tears slid down my face thank you for listening my guardian angel.

April 29, 2020 02:44

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Lilith Clark
21:59 May 06, 2020

This was good! I think one thing I would recommend is maybe breaking it up into more paragraphs?


Ashley Patterson
01:21 May 07, 2020

Thank you very much and I definitely will take your advice


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