One Mile of my Life

Submitted into Contest #8 in response to: Write a story about an adventure in a small town.... view prompt



Oct. 22

A bead of sweat drips from my forehead as I run. I wonder how I’m still going. A small breeze is blowing now. A small mercy. I just have to take one more step. Just one more. Don’t stop yet. The sun is beating down on me as I run. I wonder how the prehistoric men did this kind of stuff. I don't know why I signed up for this.


It is a surprisingly hot day to be fall. The air smells richly of fallen leaves and cut grass. I am wearing a bright yellow t-shirt and blue jeans. I zone out trying to remember what I had for lunch today. “Earth to Rielly!” I jump being drawn from my thoughts. My BFF Katie is walking beside me “what” I grumble, tired from the long school day.

“I just thought that you would like to sign up for this race.”

“ oh yes, I would love it if I could go outside and run around in the sun sweating to death wearing tank tops and short-shorts.” I say in a high-pitched sarcastic voice. We both break down laughing at that knowing that I would never wear short shorts with a tank top in public much less even own any pairs of shorts shorts.

“Yeah, well I can't go to it because I will be busy that day. Plus if you go,” she says it was a stupid looking grin, “You might just get a giant trophy for your effort.” I laugh as if a trophy can sway me.

“ it would look perfect on my empty walls trophies.” I answer showing out how likely I would be to actually get the trophy.

“ well if you wanted to sign up it is in the gym after school tomorrow.” She says as we go in opposite directions. once I get home I decide I would contemplate signing up for the race knowing Katie wouldn't be there so I just might be able to do it. I decided I might as well while trying to fall asleep in bed.

 Oct. 21

It's 8th period right Now and I'm so hungry I’m surprised my ribs aren't showing. I think I'm hallucinating because it smells like pizza rolls in here. I’m in math. My favorite class if only it wasn't at the end of the day. I struggle with my 8's in multiplication and I I just don't feel like doing math right now so I just fiddle with my pencil. Finally I hear a loud annoying high-pitched tone showing the end of class. I get up and leave happily. I meet up with Katie at my locker. “So, you going to the gym?” she askes me when she gets to my locker. I start to wonder what she means but after a minute I remember.

“ lead the way Madam.” I say bowing to her. After I finished shoving my books in my backpack I follow Katie to where she leads. We enter the large poorly lit room we call the gym. There is a line leading to a paper taped to the wall. The line is very short. As expected. There is only 5 people in front of me. I’m the 6th to sign up. Looking at the other names I might just have a chance at winning.

When I get home I searched the cupboards for a plastic water bottle. The race is tomorrow so I might as well prepare. I stick my water bottle now full with light blue Gatorade ( my favorite flavor) in the fridge door. I lay out a pair of clothes for the next day, a pink T-shirt and black Caprice. I get ready for bed and soon fall asleep.


 I feel groggy getting up. I get dressed for the day and in the process almost fell asleep. I hastily eat breakfast, brush my teeth, do my hair. I tie my hair up into a ponytail. I grabbed my Gatorade and a granola bar for the drive to the race. I jump into the car with my mom.

we arrive soon at the place where the races being held. I get out as I bend and stretch my muscles. There's not much I can do to prepare for a race. It's almost time to start and I make my way to the line. I wait for three little words as everyone lines up with me. Ready. I set my stance ready to Leap Forward. Set. I take one quick but deep breath. Go! I burst into a Sprint.

 I sprint trying to get ahead. I slow a little to be on par with the second place personal the moment. After few minutes I speed up to a semi Sprint till I get a few feet from the person first at the moment. I Pace myself to stay in between first and second. I go between sprinting in jogging every few minutes trying to save my energy. I time my breathing was my steps. I feel my feet hit the ground hard. Already tired I have ran one fourth of a mile. my heart thumps heard in my chest and my back is covered in sweat. I take a swish at my Gatorade gladly. My chest Rises and Falls as I pound my feet to the ground. I made it to the 1/2 of a mile mark. Feels like I've been running for hours. I almost trip and sweat drips into my eyes. It stings but I can't slow down. I speed up to now keep par with the runner in first. There is7 people here racing with me. There would have been more but the cross-country couldn't come for this race because they were busy. Again, I Stumble. My limbs tired I take a drink. I’m at 3/4 of a mile as I Sprint towards the finish line outpacing the person that was at first place keeping a distance of a foot between us as I sprint. I can't let her catch up with me. Again I try to force my self to speed up. A bead of sweat drips down my forehead as I run. I wonder how I'm still going. A small breeze is blowing now. A small Mercy. I just have to take one more step. Just one more. Don't stop yet. The sun is beating down on me. I wonder how the prehistoric men did this kind of stuff. I don't know why I signed up for this.

The Finish Line is only 10ft. away now.9,8,7,6,5. I Sprint towards the Finish Line hoping to leave my opponents in the dust. 4,3,2. I take one more sleep towards the Finish Line. One more foot. I step across the line. Slowing, I feel like I could collapse. The others filters through the gap called me finish line. I won. I actually won. I Collapse to the ground chugging my Gatorade in a heaving pile of sweat. I did it. I smiled goofily but exhausted. I sit up and try to wipe the sweat off my brow. I laugh. “I did it,” I say it in a whisper, “I actually did it.” I earn a gold medal and brag to my family and friends on the way home. The moment I get in bed I actually passed out and peacefully sleep in for the weekend.

September 27, 2019 04:31

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