Fiction Fantasy Drama

Rubi Isle adjoins the kingdom of Zygos (located on planet tellus, earth’s twin, 800 years behind, evolving). A well known woman of RI was Marini who owned a brewery and ran a tavern near the sea port. Marini was about 30 and always had a pleasant smiling face which drew many women patrons to the tavern. They would often gossip and share their problems. Marini’s husband was a sailor and would often be on the sea.

That evening it was raining and Marini rightly expected fewer patrons. The first to enter was her close friend Reema. She was about the same age as Marini and the two were likeminded. Reema was a widow. She ran her business of stocking and selling vegetables and fruits. Seeing Reema coming in Marini said “Nice to see you again. You didn’t come here for a week.”

“Marini, I’ve been very busy. Bymi one of the two girls who assist me has joined the travelling culture show run by Violi. I’ve to help the other girl in the operation.”

Marini said “I hate to even hear the name Violi! She is so arrogant. She thinks she is the only greatest beauty alive.”

Reema laughed and said “You’re right. She is so arrogant that she rejected our king’s brother who fell in love with her. She said he was short.”

A couple of customers now came in and Marini seated them in a far corner and ordered the barman to attend to them. She rejoined Reema and said “Reema we were discussing Violi.”

At this time Ciski, a mutual friend came in and joined Reema. Ciski was tall and not bad looking. She owned a diary farm and was managing it with her husband. Marini arranged for drinks to be served to them.

Marini sat near them and said “Ciski, Reema and I were talking about Violi.”

Ciski said “That arrogant bitch! What has she got that other women don’t have? These men are mad to be so impressed with her. I’m sure they all want to lay her. But to tell the truth if I were a man I would say to hell with beauty and choose a well upholstered woman.”

Marini and Reema laughed.

Sipping her drink Ciski asked “Have you heard of Goff?”

Marini said “I’ve heard he is a big shot in Zygos. It is also said he is after Violi.”

Reema said “I’ve also heard that talk.”

Ciski said “Wrong! Do you think that arrogant woman will allow a man – whoever he is – to get her so easily? Bymi told me that Goff is madly in love with Violi and that he is often in RI even neglecting his business to be near her. It seems he sends her expensive gifts and even costly jewellery. But it seems Violi is unmoved.”

Ciski said “I know more about Goff. He had fallen for Jelly who is said to be a paragon of beauty in Zygos. But I was told that Jelly has accepted Flex who works for Goff.”

  At this stage Ciski said “Here comes Branf! Hello Branf! Come and join me and my friends.”

Branf joined in.  Ciski said “Marini I’m sure you haven’t met Branf. He is a dealer in medicinal herbs and plants from Zygos. He sells his products here.” She asked “Branf, when did you arrive? And what tidings from Zygos?”

“I came in this morning. The only news from Zygos is that of the investigation into Dago’s death. They say it was suicide. But people refuse to believe it. They feel he isn’t a type who would commit suicide. Popular opinion is that somebody killed him and made it appear to be suicide.”

Reema asked “Who is Dago?”

Ciski said “He was a nobleman of Zygos. There was some trouble with a man who wanted to exploit him and Dago killed him. He was exiled and lived in the woods beyond Zygos as he cannot enter the area where he normally lived.”

Ciski said “I was told he was after Jelly, said to be a paragon of beauty, in Zygos. He had been exiled and so they said he would kidnap her and take her away to his forest abode.”

Branf said “Yes, that was the rumour. Instead he committed suicide outside Flex’s residence. It is believed that Dago chose the place to implicate his rival Flex.”

Reema said “What is the use of committing suicide? He should have shown his courage by eliminating Flex and carrying Jelly away.”

Branf laughed and said “The investigation was in the hands of Velcro the mediator. Velcro believed that Flex was guilty in driving Dago to take his own life. There was also talk that Dago was blackmailed: He had trespassed into the town contravening the terms of his exile. Someone could’ve identified him and probably threatened to expose him unless a ransom was paid. Dago could have refused to pay up and the mafia could have forced him to commit suicide. But there was no evidence of third parties having gone to Flex’s place.”

 Marini said “Flex could’ve used musclemen to hang Dago and make it appear as a case of suicide.”

Branf again laughed and said “It is all speculation. Velcro has concluded that Dago in a moment of temporary insanity after rejection by Jelly had taken the extreme step. He had surely done it in Flex’s place to make the public aware of his frustration in losing Jelly to Flex.”

Marini said “Ok we understand Flex getting Jelly. But what happened between Goff and Violi?”

Reema said “I told you that Blymi the girl who was in my employ has joined Violi’s culture show. She whispered to me about the goings on there: Violi has attached herself to Jumbo the male lead actor in her troupe and they are to wed shortly. I was told that the disappointed Goff has gone back to Zygos.”

Ciski laughed and said “May be he will also get a spell of temporary insanity and kill himself!”

Marini asked “Will Goff retain Flex in his service?”

Branf said “That remains to be seen. It is known that Goff’s success in business is due to the wise decisions taken by Flex. Given the circumstances one can’t guess what can happen.”

Marini said “I’m giving you all a free drink of your favourite ‘Marini’s special’ for enlivening a dull, wet evening. Reema, Cisko we must meet more often.”


July 27, 2022 11:20

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