
What a pleasant weather! Spring has casted it's spell to the nature. Everything is looking so joyful. The slight breeze is giving a pleasant vibe. And the fragrance of flowers is soothing the heart. This season is like a healer to every wounded.

Suddenly Chris's heart beats increased. He started to feel uneasy. He hasn't feel something like this in this 5 years. But he knows the cause of this feeling. It's Miley. She just crossed him.

It all started 7 years ago. Chris was in school then. On that year a cute girl joined their class. That was the first time they met. Miley's father is a business man. For some reason they shifted to Chris's city. Chris was really mesmerised by her beauty and fell for her instant. After her joining in the class i spend 4 months without talking her. Everyone in the class made her their friend except chris. He tried many times to go and talk to her, but he couldn't make it. He always used to become nervous in front of her. But maybe he was lucky. Miley and he shared the same seat in the exam. In a certain exam he became helpless. But that time Miley helped him. He really felt guilty that time. After the exam, he rushed to her and thanked her.. That was the very first conversation they shared. After that they became quite good friends. He was able to break the barrier. But he never showed the nerve and confessed to her, how he feels. He always thought it may ruin their friendship. Soon they finished their school and chose their path. And now Chris met her again after long 5 years.

Meanwhile Miley.......

"Wasn't that Chris? " Said Miley to Rita.

Rita, "so you still remember your high school crush! How cute!! "

Miley, "oh please! Don't tease me. By the way he became quiet handsome. But where was he in this years? "

Rita , " He was in abroad for studies."

Miley,"so, what is he doing now? "

Rita," I heard that he is a writer and a cofounder of a company. "

Miley, " I see! "

Rita, " To be honest, if you weren't my bestie, I would surely proposed him"

Miley, " How rude Rita! You know that he always gave me a different vibe. "

Rita, " How romantic! If you still feel for him, why don't you tell him? You have already lost the first chance. Don't ruin the second one."

Miley, " I always feared that it will make things worse. So I never approached. I also don't know how he feels. "

Rita, " Ok fine, I have to go, bye"

Miley, " Ok bye, see ya! "

After returning home Chris contacted Ricky.

Chris, " Hey bro! Guess whom I saw today? "

Ricky, " Of course Miley. "

Chris, "you just ruined my mood. But how did you guess? "

Ricky, " I know you since childhood. Miley is the only person who can excited you that much. I'm sending you her insta id, go and enjoy. Lol"

Chris, " Thanx bro! "

Chris hung up the phone and send Miley a request. Soon Miley accepted the request, and that's how they united again. Now they both chat with each other on free times, go on a weekend plan together. But still no one approached.

One day they met in a park.

Chris, " You're late, I was just leaving"

Miley looked quite dull.

Miley, " I want to tell you something Chris. We are changing our residence."

Chris, "oh! Where? "

Miley, "we are shifting to the capital. My dad made his new office there. We will leave after new year. "

Chris, " But you can stay here, right? "

Miley, " Do I have any reason to stay here? "

That cold reply hit hard.

Chris, " Yeah! You're right. So what about a last new year night out? "

Miley agreed and went home.

After that incident they didn't talk to each other.

Finally the day came. Chris came to pick Miley at 6. Miley was looking so beautiful that day. Chris felt that if it is possible, he would stare at her forever. After that they crushed at many places and enjoyed.

At around 11....

Miley, "so where are we going now? "

Chris, " I've found a quite place. From there we can enjoy the fireworks pleasantly. "

After 10 minutes...

Chris, " We are here, let's go. "

It is a little mountain a bit far from the city. They climbed to the top. The view from here is spectacular.

Miley, " This calmness is so good. I'm feeling relaxed.

Chris, " Isn't it? I found this place a long time ago. "

30 minutes left to new year...

Chris suddenly said with a heavy tone, " Miley? "

Miley, " Yes? "

Chris, " I want to tell you something. Actually I was trying to say this for a long time. "

Chris's words were trembling.

" Do you remember the first day of your school? Actually..... I have a..... Crush on you since then. After school I tried to stay in touch with you, but I couldn't make it. And after 5 years I met you in the park. Then I felt it's not just liking. And the time we spent are really precious to me. I... I.... Am so addicted to you. But when you said you don't have any reason to stay here, that hit me so pathetically. I'm saying all this cause I can't hold it anymore. And I'm not seeking for your answer. I'm just telling you how I feel. And it's true that........ I LOVE YOU. "

Miley was shedding tears. She turned to Chris and kissed him slightly.

Miley, " Are you a dummy? I also like you. But I couldn't tell you. I thought it would ruin our friendship. I also love you Chris. I didn't mean to hurt you, please forgive me. I haven't had a proper sleep after that day. I love you Chris.... I love you. "

Chris was also crying..

Chris, " So you're not going right? "

Miley, " How can I? "

They kissed passionately.

It's 12 now. Firecrackers are bursting. In the city people are celebrating the new year. And here, Miley and Chris are shedding tears of happiness. After some time they wiped each other's tears.

Everything is quite in the hill. The two soul mates are drowning deep into love.

August 15, 2020 00:49

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Rambling Beth
19:38 Aug 20, 2020

Your writing style is lovely, I really enjoyed reading this. For the last sentence (which I loved) it should read 'quiet' instead of 'quite'. There are a few small errors like that, but nothing that can't be easily fixed. I really liked it. :)


Sahil Islam
00:56 Aug 21, 2020

Thank you so much,hope you liked it, and also thanks for telling me about the errors. It means a lot.


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