The Magic of Communication

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a family game night.... view prompt



I wouldn't have believed it, she thought to herself as she walked to her room, if it didn't happen right in front of my face. The slender girl continued walking. She was still very much in awe of what just happened.

Her champagne blonde flowing locks bounced as she glided along the hallways towards her room. Slightly squinting emerald eyes were the only hint that she was thinking about it. Who could have guessed that something so simple would be the highlight of this night and probably the rest of our lives? Reaching her room, she got ready for bed.

Sixteen-year-old Chloe Windsor was a normal teen living a normal life. Nothing extraordinary happened to her. The only thing which set her apart from her friends and people she knew was that her family wasn't like other families.

All around her many families seemed "so nice" - the way they shared a moment and laughed together or the way they just talked and told each other about their day or something which happened to them. Those small, simple things matter the most, right? She admired those types of families. As she watched them from a distance, a soft smile would unconsciously form on her lips.

Her family was the totally opposite. She didn't know why mom, dad and her older brother, Eric, were so distant. Since they weren't close, she assumed that was just normal, like any family. As a kid, she never thought about it or noticed it.

While growing up, she became more aware of her surroundings. Then she was quick to spot the difference. The things she lacked in her life compared to her friends and relatives was family time, communication and the special bond she saw with others. She observed this with strangers as well.

Chloe wasn't naive. She knew that all families didn't have a bond and closeness, but her idea of an 'ideal family' was that they should. Not perfect, of course. She knew better than to seek perfection. Whenever she saw other families, she wondered what it would be like if her family was like that too. It warmed her heart and set it aglow when she thought about it.


As she lay in bed, she thought about every detail of the incident. Could this night have made a small difference? Do I dare to hope even a little? It was all thanks to mom. I guess she'd been thinking the same as me.



A few hours earlier after dinner...

Lauren Windsor was deep in thought. Over the years she'd been deeply troubled by her family's lack of communication and interest in each other. She tried many times to fix it. Unfortunately, each time she came up with something for them to do as a family, she would always hear: "Sorry mom, I have dance practice," or "Sorry mom, I'm hanging out with the guys." Her children had their own full schedules when they weren't studying or attending classes.

Her husband, Ben, was always too busy with work to focus on anything else. The only thing he did with everyone was eat dinner, if he was available. Lauren's chest rose and fell visibly as a deep sigh escaped her lips. A moment later, a light bulb went off in her head. She thought of a solution and decided that it's a great idea. This night will be different. I'll make sure of it! A slow smile spread across her face when she thought about her idea. Oh it's going be interesting indeed!


For the first time the Windsor family were at home together. Lauren saw it as the perfect opportunity for them. What if we spend some time playing a game? She thought. Her mind raced with the opportunities this could open up.

That night they didn't watch TV. They didn't use their phones. They played the board game called Life. I think this is going to be interesting and they won't get bored. It was the first time the family played anything together. Chloe and Eric helped their mom to set up the board while their father watched and waited. He fidgeted a lot. Ben was there only because his wife insisted.

"Okay everyone. Let me explain this," Lauren began as she picked up a token. "We place a token car on the starting position. Put a pink peg inside the car if you're female and a blue peg if you're male. The pegs represent you inside the car." She did this as she spoke. Then she waited for them to do it too.

When all token cars were at the starting position on the board, Lauren continued, "Now each of us will choose either a career or go to college." After each family member did that they were ready to begin playing. Lauren and Chloe chose to go to college while Eric and his father chose to start a career immediately.

Lauren explained the rest of the rules and played first to show them how it's done. While waiting for his turn, Ben spoke up suddenly. "Eric, Chloe, what do you want to study after school?" Lauren raised her eyebrows slightly. Oh! Did he just...? She placed her hand on her cheek while giving her husband a sidelong glance secretly. Wow! Maybe this game is giving Ben topics to talk about. Good job Lauren! She mentally thanked herself for insisting that they all play.

Chloe and Eric blinked and exchanged glances. They were not sure how to answer their father. It was the first time he asked them anything about themselves. Is he really talking to us? Eric wondered. Lauren cleared her throat and smiled. "Kids?" She prompted.

"I want to study photography. My dream is to become a great photographer. I love taking photos of things which interest me like nature, food and fashion." This was from Chloe. Swiftly catching her mom's hint, she seemed to glow as she spoke. Her father's unblinking eyes didn't leave her until she was finished. With a slight nod he said, "Interesting Chloe."

Eric fidgeted with his token as all eyes fell on him. He was surprised when his sister gave her reply almost instantly. What is this? Some kind of scrutiny? Mom's idea.... Unable to delay any longer he cleared his throat. "Uh.. well... I haven't decided yet, dad." He averted his eyes. "But I like sports."

Ben played his turn and said, "I see, son. You'll be going to college in a few months so I hope you'll choose soon. I like sports too, though." Eric just nodded. The atmosphere became a bit tense after his reply. They played silently for a while. No one even breathed loudly.

Finally an opportunity came to break the ice which hovered thickly over them. It was Eric's turn to play. He spun the wheel and landed on a space where he had to buy a house. Lauren jumped at the opportunity. "So guys, what's your dream house?"

"I want a house with a view of the beach. The dining room should have large double sliding doors which open onto a spacious balcony where we can see the beach. There should be a beautiful garden too with a rock pool. I would love that!" Chloe's eyes lit up and she counted on her fingers everything she wants in her dream house. Her parents listened and smiled as they watched her.

"You know exactly what you want Chloe," giggled Mom.

"You've got it all figured out huh?" Dad smiled. "Sounds beautiful."

Chloe couldn't believe it. Her father actually smiled and complimented her for her taste in houses. Could the game be a key to our connection? Or is this just a passing moment in our lives? She wondered as the game continued.

Chloe observed her family as the game progressed. The winner would be determined after all players have retired. The one with the most money and life cards would win. Who will it be? This game is interesting and fun and gives us so many things to talk about. Wow!

As the game continued, the Windsors found that they really could communicate with each other well enough. They found many topics about the different aspects of life to talk about. By the end of it, each member of the family had pleasant thoughts about their game night and things to ponder too.


Lying in her bed, Chloe closed her eyes. Her last thoughts were of how good it turned out to be. Now we know a little more about each other. Maybe we even understand each other a bit more. It's awkward for dad and Eric. They looked confused haha. But I could tell that they enjoyed it too, more than they would show. Who would have thought playing a game together would actually bring us closer? A little closer. It's a good start anyway. I loved it! It was much fun. All thanks to mom! I'm so happy that we'll be having more game nights from now on. Yay!

A satisfied smiled graced her lips as she fell into a deep sleep.

March 27, 2020 20:05

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