
The stars blurred with her tears as they twinkled merrily mocking her. Diamond had just experienced the most devastating event of her entire life, Two months to her wedding, She caught her groom the one and only Jason Black in between her younger sister's thighs.

They were so intent on the activity, that her presence went unnoticed. The shock was so much that for a while, she saw nothing but darkness, her heart ached and even the process of drawing a breath hurt.

Instead of a bloody and messy confrontation like any one else would, or making her presence known, she shut the door quietly and ran off, shaking from the rage and bitter betrayal. You see, Diamond was a gentle soul, moreover the people who had hurt her this way were her little sister and the love of her life, the man she had wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

What hurt more wasn't even the fact that he cheated but the fact that he did it with her little sister in their home and her sister let him.

Once she had gotten into her car and slammed the door shut, her tears fell like a torrent, her family was a happy one. Her sister had been unhappy since her breakup with Mike her college boyfriend but that didn't give her the licence in any way to cheat with her groom.

The thought of looking her sister or Jason in the eyes filled her with choking hatred and anger such that she let out a pained whimper.

Of course the wedding was off, she would feel tainted letting him touch her, not after everything she had seen and witnessed, the thought of having anything remotely sexual with him made bile rise in her throat.

Diamond planned to end things quietly without causing a scene, her sister may have hurt her terribly, probably scarred her for life but she also saved her from marrying a cheating jerk and at the same time proved what a horrible whore her sister really was.

 Thalia was still family no matter what and her family had been close since she was little they are also very influential. She wouldn't want to be the cause of a scandal in the perfect family her parents had fought to build. She wouldn't want it all falling into chaos. She would never forgive herself if she caused that, but that didn't mean she would ever forget by any chance. She would never mention it, this was a tough decision but a sacrifice she was willing to make for her family's well being.

The thought of going back home to look at her home wrecking sister,made her nervous she may have chosen to never reveal what she had seen earlier,that didn't mean she wasn't hurting she needed a break before she could face everything.

Starting her car she decided to go to her best friends house Samson, he was the only person other than her parents she could talk to and her parents were off limits at the moment, they would only make the whole situation confrontational and escalate it beyond proportion,but Samson was cool headed he did know how to soothe her without getting overly emotional .

They had practically grown up together and knew how to check and balance each others emotion.On her way there she took off her engagement ring ,a pretty little thing that had probably cost a fortune.She never usually took it off but now she had, she planned on never putting it on again.

 Diamond slipped the ring into her hand bag,she planned on returning it to Jason whenever she could face him.

When she got to Samson's house,he took one look at her tear stained face and hands bare of an engagement ring and Samson knew everything was not okay ,he also knew his Diamond she may be really soft but once she made up her mind and resolved to do something,the decision made was final.

He embraced his still crying friend but that only seemed to increase the torrent and make her cry harder, instead of all those sounds of reassurance and consolation,he just held her while she cried.

You see Diamond was such a gentle and peaceful soul,the more you tried to speak words of reassurances to console her,the harder she cried.

When he felt she was calm enough,he went ahead to offer her a mug of chocolate her favourite with a dash of whiskey to it and watched her drink .

He didn't press her for information,it wasn't necessary moreover, it would just cause another bout of tears and hysteria.

He sat beside her on the love seat and watched her,even with her tear streaked face and messy hair, she was still very beautiful and so very little.He would have loved to beat up whoever made his princess cry.

Her red hair was a tangled mess and her black dress clung perfectly to her shapely figure,he dipped a towel into a bowl of water and proceeded to gently wipe her face with it,he also ran a comb through her tangled locks.

While she just clung to him,she was usually incredibly clingy and quiet when she was in an unbalanced emotional state.He knew just what to make his little princess talk after all they had been best friends since forever.

He went to set up a picnic in his neatly trimmed garden with a bottle of wine and her favourite chocolate cake.

The security light outside cast a faint rosy glow in the corner of the garden he had chosen,the scent of roses were enchanting given out a heady scent,the combination of it all gave an almost magical aura.

When he was all done,he picked her up gently from the couch and led her to their favourite spot placing her on the blancket.A few glasses of wine later,Diamond returned to her usual giggle free spirited self although he could still see the hint of sadness in her eyes but he ignored it,She lay back on the blanket he had laid her on earlier,gazing at the star,he said something that made her laugh but what he said last made her look into warm brown eyes. she had known him forever her prince charming ,she felt she was drowning in the chocolate depth of his eyes,her guardian angel,he was coming to her rescue again,his next words caused her heart to pause for a second.

"I want to be the reason for your smile and laughter each and every single day little one".A blush coloured her cheek and he leaned in to kiss her just as he had always wanted to and she let him, returning the kiss with equal fervor .

"I have loved you since i first met you in preschool and am so sorry i let you get hurt,am also sorry i waited this long to ask you this". "Diamond Mary Shane ,will you marry me?".

He was the one person that had been there for her and she couldn't imagine a better person to give her heart to or protect her."Yes!",Was her whispered answer and she lay back snuggly in his arms and those warm arms encircled her and she finally felt safe.

The star that once seemed dull,blurred and lifeless seemed to sparkle,gleaming and winking merrily as his lip sought hers once again and his hands trailed lower grazing her skin.what happens under the stars stay under the stars and all right?.

April 29, 2020 10:04

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07:30 May 08, 2020

A nice simple story with a deep message in it .we always make decision in a hurry or in confused state .I give suggestion that if we want to make big decision go outside of your schedule plan remember only you alone to some favourite picnic spot stay one or two day and try to think of your decision the answer would be right .I have theory why samson did not ask first? because he was nervous and more carefully not to hurt her in any when he that she is hurt too by somebody he picked up his chance


03:37 May 31, 2020

Thankyou so much prathamesh chavan for the amazing comment and insightful comment.You really did make my day.And your theory is correct.


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09:58 Sep 21, 2020

Hey, Princess Tori would you be kind to watch the first video it's on Harry potter. https://youtu.be/KxfnREWgN14 Sorry for asking your time, I would read your story


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