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As I step out from the office, ready to head home, a coworker I don’t remember the name of runs up and calls out to me, surprising me. In his hand, he holds a cheap, but unique watch where the owner can have their signature engraved. This particular one was engraved with the name Suzanne Smith.

“Thanks, I nearly forgot about it. I just got it recently, and I can’t get used to wearing it.”

“No problem, hey, be careful on your way home, I hear the streets have been dangerous lately.”

At times like this, the company uniform’s nametag is my saving grace. “Thanks, you take care too Jim.”

“Uh… I’m not Jim, I’m Bob.”

That’s right, Jim was a tall skinny guy, like he was named to be an advertisement for a certain meat snack. So why is he wearing Jim’s shirt, anyways? I decide that’s something I’m best off not knowing and awkwardly excuse myself before quickly walking off into the streets. I don’t live near my workplace, but I enjoy walking around the city so I tend to meander down various streets and alleys on my way home. My path changes every day, and I take different paths too and from work, so I have something new to look forward to all the time. Sometimes this can get me in a bit of trouble, but there are many unexpected opportunities and encounters that can be found like this. Today, I decided to go through a popular public square before heading into a set of alleyways that lead to an area about half a mile from my house before taking the main streets the rest of the way. However, as soon as I enter the square, I heard the whispers.

“Hey have you heard the news? That murderer struck again in an alley near here.”

“I heard! They’ve been really active lately, haven’t they? I wonder what kind of person would do something like that?”

I tuned out the rest of their conversation, as they began talking about what kinds of people they thought would be the most likely suspect. Really, they were just a bunch of petty people spreading rumors about some hot topic in the city to get a sense of thrill out of a terrible situation. Well, perhaps everyone seeks thrills to escape the mundaneness of their lives, and I suppose my walks aren’t much different in that sense. Either way, I had no intention of listening to any more of these biased gossipmongers, so I continued heading on my way. Nonetheless, as I reached the other side of the square, I couldn’t help but hesitate before entering the alleyways. I gaze into the inviting black shadows that obscured the path ahead, hiding anything or anyone who would go in or come out. There probably wasn’t even any danger waiting for me in the dark path forward. Nonetheless it was better to be safe than sorry. As a result, I ended up changing my path and followed the main roads back home.

As I follow the roads home, I ponder over my decision. Certainly, everyone might dip their toes into something potentially dangerous for a bit of a thrill, but I suppose nobody truly wants to end up in harms way. A television in an electronics store distracts my attention for a moment, showing news about the murderer’s activities. The news lady relays that the murderer kills their victims in alleyways in the mornings and evenings and takes something from them, usually a piece of jewelry, and that they ignore their victims’ wallets and don’t seem to care about the money. She then starts talking about how the police are putting their all into searching for the killer, and my attention quickly goes back to walking.

It's the same as well, I suppose. Killing for the thrill of the dangerous action. Nonetheless, everybody needs a sense of safety, or some kind of safe space. The news lady doesn’t mention anything like one, but for the gossipmongers, I suppose it would be how they don’t actually get involved in anything dangerous and only talk about it. For me, it would be getting home. Of course, there’s no such thing as a place that is totally safe, as there is no way someone like a wanted murderer in it for the fun would worry about whether you meant to get yourself into something dangerous or any laws about breaking and entry. Speaking of which…

I glance at my watch, and head home a little bit faster.

As I reach my house, I quickly collect the mail and head inside. There, quickly glance at all of the marketing schemes addressed to Victor Johnson and groan before I toss the mail on the table and turn on the television. The news appears to be following up on what I saw earlier at the electronics store. In an interview with the police taking place in the square I passed though earlier, the police admit that despite their best efforts and a thorough search, they didn’t find anyone suspicious in the nearby alleys. After thinking about it for a moment, I lift up a floorboard and put my watch in the jewelry box below. As expected, playing it as safe as possible is the right choice here, no matter how much I yearn for the thrills. I’ve been a bit too popular lately, so it would be best to lay low for a while and hope everything dies down. I eat dinner and shower quickly before playing some music in the living room and making a racket with my attempt at singing. There’s no need to worry about bothering anyone despite the late hour, after all, I live alone. Ultimately, I head to bed early, knowing I have to go to work tomorrow, and dreading the day ahead where even the walk to work ahead of me will be mundane. I might be tempted by the alleys, but I’ll probably make the same choice I did today.

After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry. 

September 14, 2024 03:58

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1 comment

David Sweet
01:13 Sep 16, 2024

Welcome to Reedsy. I could sort of see where this one was going. You might want to disguise it a little more. The main character seemed to have little fear, which led me to believe she was the killer. She also seemed to have little awareness or concern for others. Keep submitting. Good luck to you and your writing.


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