Coming of Age Fiction Romance

They fit together likes two sides of a matching bracelet. Their thoughts and actions intertwined until it was seemingly impossible to pick them apart. They are a modern-day version of Adam and Eve.

But they weren’t together. 

The charm bracelet dangled aimlessly from each of their wrists and the magnet drew them closer and closer but never quite close enough to repair what had been broken.

There was a time when they would walk together, with their fingers interlocked and their bracelet snapped together. There was a time when their conversations would ebb and flow seamlessly, their laughs would echo around whatever space they were in. There was a time when Adam and Eve was all they were referred to as. 

People wander through life despairing about when or where they might meet the other half of them and sadly people wander through life and never meet the right person for them. You’re told when you find this person that you should grab them and never let go. Most people do but not all can. 

She would stand laughing with her friends and would catch a glimpse of him out of the corner of her eye and the smile running across her face would fall instantaneously. Sometimes she’d make jokes that her friends wouldn’t understand, but he would’ve. Sometimes people didn’t know why she was upset, but he would’ve. 

Sometimes her family didn’t understand why she was so excited, but he would’ve. 

He would sit across the room from her and his heart would ache as her smile fell. 

Sometimes he made her upset, but he didn’t mean to. 

Sometimes his words came across harsh and offended, but he didn’t mean to.

Sometimes his actions would cause an argument, but he didn’t mean to. 

Although they were so beautifully connected, they didn’t always see eye to eye. 

Arguments, disagreements, and fights overcome them. After all, meanness was the downfall of Adam and Eve. 

When separated it was like each was a side of a heart, beating singularly with a weaker pulse as it couldn’t interact with the other side. Together they were a flow of laughter and happiness but separately they were half as energetic and their happiness was weaker under the weight of a lack of support. 

It was as if someone had tied a string to one of each of their fingers, evermore connecting them. As if to show that no matter how far away they were from each other, whether this is a physical distance or emotional distance, they would always find themselves back with each other. 

The night they met was something to be envied. The stars had formed an angelic pattern across the sky and each shone down a beam of soft white light, illuminating the fields below them and casting the admirable shadow of the moon across the sky. She sat under it looking up attempting to gather as much strength as allowed due to her being the singular side of the heart that she was. The stars were reaching out to her as if to put their arms around her. But their efforts were in vain. He got out of his car and walked towards the field. He saw her sitting under the mesmerising display and was drawn to her. He sat down next to her and pulled her head down onto his shoulder. And just like that, their string was formed. She felt a weight lift from her shoulders and strength ran through her veins with a racing, bold pulse that was dissimilar to anything she had felt before. 

They frequently revisited this spot when they forgot why they were together. And with each visit the love between them would increase. 

Until the night it didn’t. 

One night the romance of the place they first met wasn’t enough to keep them together. 

They went through the next months of their lives, connected but distant. Their hearts ached for each other. When you are so entwined with someone to the extent that they were, going about by themselves wasn’t a viable option. They each represented half of the whole that they were meant to be. 

Streams of ‘I miss you’ constantly ran through their minds. But like I said their thoughts were intertwined. They both thought the same thing. 

They drifted aimlessly, each pretending as if they were fine without the other. And whilst they both did well at hiding it from others, they knew each other inside out and could see the pain on each other’s faces.  

Each was prouder than the other and they didn’t mute their personalities to accommodate for the others. They couldn’t admit that they were being pulled together by the invisible string of inevitability. 

It was the same string that kept them missing each other. 

And although they couldn’t bring themselves to tell the other that they needed them. It was known. 

She would come back to the field frequently. She would sit under the stars, head tilted back and hair falling gracefully over her back and just touching the tips of the grass. The light would encase her as if she was a rare monument at a museum, beautiful but just out of reach, protected by her metaphorical boundaries. 

He would come back to the field frequently. He sat across the field under the shadow of the ever-growing oak tree. The darkness shielded him and his ego. He watched on, admiring his monument under the stars. 

Ego was their ultimate downfall, it was disabling them from being able to reunite with their other half. Even though they would each be left wondering about how they other felt, they knew. They didn’t know from words that had been spoken but more from the ones that were unspoken. 

They fit together likes two sides of a matching bracelet. Their thoughts and actions intertwined until it was seemingly impossible to pick them apart. They are a modern-day version of Adam and Eve.

But they weren’t together. 

Their charm bracelets reminded them of each other and allowed them to feel secure in the strength of their string whenever they needed it. 

A string of inevitability connects them and whilst they won’t say they miss each other, the string reassures them.

May 21, 2021 18:07

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