Memories in endless circles

Submitted into Contest #98 in response to: Write a story involving a character who cannot return home.... view prompt

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Fantasy Horror Mystery

Blink, something so usual and simple that is present in everyday of our mundane lives. It was in a blink indeed that I ended up appearing in a purple rock-based land, I have no idea where I am or even why such fate have met my until now calm sleep feeling the cold breeze of a summer wind on the small river behind my house. 

I walked a lot since I arrived here, indeed when I got up from my unexpected fall, I looked I around me in a despair that made sure to cover every single drop of my blood and my most deep and personal senses. Purple sky, purple ground of a material that seemed like dust, I tried to take a bit of it but it became solid as I touch, solid like a stone. I tried to throw it on the ground, but it had no impact for it became dust almost immediatly when I threw the stone. I tried more times until eventually decided to go on this journey I am now to explore this strange and different land trying to find a reason or a purpouse why I am here. 

 Days have gone, I think it was days, I am not sure of anything anymore. My sense were surprised by a nostalgic smell that triggered my inner most secret feelings, feelings that only that thing I smelled could trigger. The sweet perfume of my mother that she wore every saturday, mixed with the smell of chicken that she did every saturday. I noticed it came from a house down the hill I was, I went running for that similar smell, the closest I had from home here even if haven't talked or lived with my mother since the day she died. My excitement was crushed when I came to see that the woman who from the back looked like my mother even in her red saturday dress, wasn't in fact her. I tremble and fear when remembering the event. She turned her face to me and no human face there was, but a single purple circle made of a metal-like purple thing. I ran horrified not just for the scene I just saw but for the apparent smile that thing gave me. 

  I kept running, after some time and the night fell, I fell to the ground, thirsty, hungry and tired of all purple around me and didn't notice when I passed out.

 I woke up in a city like place, reminded me of a park I visited when I was a child, I remember the ground was orange and the fountain in the center of it was grey, here though, everything was purple. Purple again! By the gods! Please take such purple devil away. I run and run and in despair I look all around me searching for na exit but none I could find. The grass around the place was more of a wall I couldn’t trepass, yet looked like a real living garden with butterflies and bees flying all around. These on the other hand, were not purple and just like the figure with my mother's red dress, this was a relief of purple, yet not a comfortable feeling. I looked and walked all around the place until I realized and fell to the ground in despair and wept for that place was a circle with no exit.

 - Please, I beg you whoever did this. Please I implore! I cried out loud as my words full of tears broke the sound of the water coming out of that fountain.

 The level of the fountain's water got higher and higher, I stopped crying and looked behind me, from the water grey-like color the water of the fountain became purple. My crying comes again, as I move still sitting on the ground, not looking to where I was going and only facing that fountain with purple water. I cried and laughed in a nervous laughter. 

 I brought my hands to my head, trying to suppress the annoying sound of that fountain, screaming and yelling the loudest I could to help me not hearing that, to help me keep the few drops of sanity I had and not fall into an unstoppable madness. I closed my eyes as I scream the loudest I could but the fountain sound seemed louder than my screams of despair, and again I didn't notice when I passed out.

  I woke up once again, I still felt hungry and thirsty, but felt no effect of any of these absences of basic human needs. I felt tiredness for running and walking before, but now didn't feel those as if I spent a night resting. This time i was in some kind of long road made of stone, there was no thing outside of the road, just clouds in grey and a purple sky above me. I got up and tried to look down on the edge of that grey metal-like road, trying to find answers or something at all, but obviously I failed to do so.

 Why? I asked myself, why this place brings me memories of home, why I keep seeing things and places even smells and sounds I loved in the past, even if they are never those, this place takes my deepest desires of places and moments I ever felt at home. I realized all these questions were in vain if I never try to get an answer. I started to walk, I walked and walked, curves and straight lines that lead to more curves, a long road I could never see the curve in the end until I finally got close enough to see it and after the blinding mist of grey disturbing clouds came off my sight. 

 I walked everything, never saw an end, I was once again tired for walking, and fell again on my knees. – Please, tell me an answer, please SOMEBODY!. I claimed the skies, hoping for a force or whoever brought me here to answer me. When I thought my hopes were in vain, I saw a figure coming from the sun above me, a human like figure with some kind of helmet that I have never seen in any kind of human clothing or costume. I couldn't even identify it was a helmet until the thing took it off. The helmet was shaped in a strange way, but what scared me was the face of the thing that took the helmet off. It was my mother's face, gods.. How can it be? When I was ready to scream again, it changed to the fountain I just saw, its purple water formed a circle, it changed and changed among figures of people, pets, places and events I lived in the past, all of them good memories that seemed to be made fun of by that disgusting mysterious creature. It finally stopped the changes when I was near insanity. A circle, a circle once again it was. My eyes expanded and in despair I got up and started to throw loads of histeric nervous laughters separated by small and low screams. I asked once again, looking at the creature - Why?. The creature drew something, a circle of course, a circle made of the same material this road I was. I looked the circle laughing in despair. I realized I was in a circle, and so I was when the park I was previously where the fountain was. All this place is a circle, everything is a circle, there is no back home, I screamed, yelled, cried and swear all in minutes. Fell again on my knees and crying asked the creature when I could get back home, how would I get back home and when I could have those memories once again. The creature looked at me, smiled in a terrific smile of its circle face. Started to fly in the direction of the sun. When its figure disappeared and I layed my face on the ground I heard as if from the skies the cold and terrific word in a dead sadistic voice. - “Nevermore".

June 18, 2021 03:25

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1 comment

Kathleen March
02:19 Jun 24, 2021

Nice effort, but I think the ending does not come together as it should. Repetition can be used effectively, so some revision might be helpful. Also, there are a number of spots where the English needs correction. Proofreaders can help. With a good base like this, surely you can continue to improve your wriring.


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