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Friendship High School Kids

I really did not think it would be any different, Anna coming to school with me that day. I’d always thought that everyone would understand her the way I always understood her, the way our best friend Katie always understood her.

Everyone always wondered why my twin sister didn’t come to school with me, I just said she had some issues going on and everyone just acted as if they knew exactly what I was talking about.

Yet when Anna finally turned up for her first day at my school why did they behave so differently than what I had expected?

Such an exciting day it was for us, I braided Anna’s hair and we had breakfast together, then Katie came to walk to school with us as she usually did.

“You excited Annabelle?” Katie asked my sister, Annabelle nodded in reply. Katie, Anna and I had always been the best of friends, all born on Christmas eve!

So why were people nudging each other, whispering and keeping a distance from us when we first went to school that day?

Why did Amelia not want to sit next to me as usual during our science class?

“Hi!” I said to my good friend Carla, “Hey Chloe!” Answered Carla and left so quickly that I could hardly ask her what she’d been up to that weekend.

I could not understand why everyone was being so stupid! Was it because of Anna? Poor Anna had been so excited! Why did those people need to do that to her?! Why did they need to ruin her first day at school when she had been so enthusiastic?!

Anna was crying, Katie and I, comforted her and tried to stop her from being so upset, telling her that they were always like that when new people came (which was a lie).

That day we went home, our faces gloomy with despair, Mum was not at our house yet.

“Tell you what!” I began, “Katie, get some ingredients ready to make s’mores and hot chocolate, I’ll help Katie out of her wheelchair and into some crutches.

We made hot chocolate and s’mores and even popcorn and started watching our favourite movie.

A while later the doorbell rang, it was Mum. “Mum?” I asked.

“Hello darling! There is someone here to see you!” She answered.

Carla came into the living room in a track suit, looking a bit embarrassed, “Hey!” She said.

She sat down on the couch and started munching my popcorn. “I wanted to say sorry!” She babbled, “For running of . . . I should have been more friendly what with it being Anna’s first day! I just felt nervous and didn’t know what to say or do! I might not have been tactful enough! Sorry Anabelle!” She said.

Annabelle nodded, Carla hugged her and said she’d like to be friends with her.

Katie looked at me and rolled her eyes, she’d never really been a fan of Carla as she used to be a bully to us when we were in year five, I say she’s changed now we’re nearly in year eight but she disagrees.

The next day we again went to school, Anna started chatting with Carla who chatted back like they’d known each other forever!

“Oh Carla I don’t think much of your taste!” sneered Skye, “First Amanda and now Anabelle!” Emily continued. Skye and Annabelle were the most liked people in our class, Amanda on the other hand was the least favourite. Even the teachers had Emily and Skye as their favourites and Amanda as their least favourite.

Carla shrugged and walked off with Anna, still chatting as if she were a radio. As we approached our form room everyone dodged us, as if we had a deadly virus!

My lips quivered, as even Hannah (the nicest person in our class) dodged me, as if we were playing dodgeball, and I were the ball!

Suddenly I saw Emily and Skye racing forwards like rockets! Skye fell down, her face was white, she looked dead! Everyone thought she was!!

“Skye?” I asked, but no reply came.

“Lower me!” Anna commanded strictly.

“Wha . . .?” I asked.

“No arguing!” She demanded.

I lowered her and she lay there, on the floor. Anna put her head next to Skye’s head,

SHE’S NOT BREATHING!” Anna shouted as she put her back up and lay down on Skye, her tummy on Skye’s, her hands holding her up from the floor. “Someone call the emergency service and get us an ambulance whilst someone else please call a teacher!” Two students ran off to get a teacher, as Emily dialled for an ambulance.

Anna took her hands and started pumping Skye’s chest, once, twice three times, all the way up to twenty! Then Anna put her ear back on Skye’s mouth! “She’s breathing!” Anna said relieved.

“Skye” She asked, but no answer came. Anna started squeezing Skye’s shoulder as Skye turned and finally opened her eyes . . .

“Get of me you squirt!” She squealed, when she saw Anna.

I helped Anna back into her wheelchair as she looked loathingly at Skye, who didn’t actually know what had happened. Skye tried to get up, but she was too weak, her face was still so pale, her lips so blue, her body so lifeless.

“Well done, Ann!” I told my twin sister and gave her a hug, she hugged me back and smiled.

“Thanks sis!” She answered.

Mrs Hans stomping down the corridor looking very flushed, she asked what had happened and thanked Anna for saving Skye!

Skye, who was very shocked, got taken to the hospital by some ambulance workers and we went home.

Carla and Katie came with us to have a movie night and sleepover. While Katie, Carla, and I chatted, Anna just stared into space, lost in thought.

The next day when we went to school, nobody dodged away from us. Nobody whispered behind our backs. Nobody was rude.

We saw Emily, she smiled at us and when she saw Anna her smile widened, “Hey guys! How are you doing?!” She gabbled in a jolly tone.

Anna smiled, Katie smiled, Carla smiled and I smiled.

A week later, Skye came back to school, she hung out with us and thanked Anna for saving her.

For the first time in a while I was happy! People finally knew the truth! My sister, she is amazing, being a wheelchair doesn’t stop that!

July 03, 2021 17:18

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1 comment

Haw Alu
15:44 Jul 11, 2021

Improved Version (enjoy)- I really did not think it would be any different, Anna coming to school with me that day. I’d always thought that everyone would understand her the way I always understood her, the way our best friend Katie always understood her. Everyone always wondered why my twin sister didn’t come to school with me, I just said she had some issues going on and everyone just acted as if they knew exactly what I was talking about. Yet when Anna finally turned up for her first day at my school why did they behave so differently ...


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