
There was a new guy in Olivia’s class.

Nobody knew where he came from or who he was. He just appeared on Wednesday followed by Mrs. Stevens who introduced him as Andrew. Andrew Collins.

Andrew Collins had short brown hair and hazel eyes, and seemed a bit too muscular for an average teenage boy of 16. He was also talkative. Andrew didn’t shy away from other students, like Olivia expected him to at first. It was quite the opposite. He asked and asked, and talked as if trying to learn as much on his first day about their small town as it was even possible.

That didn’t save him from standing awkwardly with his tray in the middle of school cafeteria.

“You can sit with us if you want,” Olivia said, pointing to their table to the right. “We have a free sit.”

“Sure your friends won’t mind me?”

“Of course.”

Andrew sent her a bright smile. “Thanks.” 

When he was too far away to eavesdrop, a voice whispered angrily in her ear, “What are you doing?”

Olivia jumped, clutching at her chest. “Jesus Christ, Liza, what the hell? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

“Sorry,” Liza said without any regret in her voice. She folded her arms. “Why did you invite him?”

Olivia raised an eyebrow. “Uh, I was being polite?”

“You don’t even know him.”

“That’s exactly the reason. He doesn’t know anyone here and seems nice. Remember how you felt on your first day.” Liza still looked tense. “What’s the matter?”

“I just… don’t trust him, that’s all. He gives me bad vibes.”

“’Bad vibes’,” Olivia repeated slowly, and then face broke into a grin. “Aw, don’t tell me you’re jealous.”

Liza gave her a look. “I’m not.”

“You totally are.”

“You wish.”

Olivia laughed before wrapping an arm around Liza’s waist and kissing her on the cheek.

“I swear I’m only being polite, nothing more. And if he gets this the wrong way, I’ll be quick to explain everything. Unless Nick gets ahead of me.”

“Kiss me for real and then we’ll talk.”

“Do you want the whole school to see?” Before Liza had a chance to answer, Olivia continued: “Don’t bother. I already know your answer.” She kissed her cheek once more and let Liza go. “Later. I promise. Just be nice.”

“I’ll remember this.” She sighed. “He has his chance then. I guess. But I still don’t like it.”

Turned out they were living close to each other. Andrew was staying at his uncle’s house with his other two older siblings. When Olivia asked him about his parents, his face changed.

“It’s a nice town, isn’t it?” Andrew asked instead. “Have you been living here your whole life?”

“Yeah,” Olivia said and changed the subject.

Unsurprisingly Nick was quick to take Andrew under his wing. One lunch turned into a second and third, and by the end of the week Andrew was another constant to their little group. Together they went to see a movie on Friday. On Sunday they all went to Olivia’s to play videogames.

On Saturday Oliver was found dead.

The police said someone cut his throat. Olivia could find no peace for the rest of the day. They had a small town; everyone knew each other. She couldn’t imagine someone being able to do such a thing. Someone she knew.

Andrew was acting strange as well. He barely said anything at school, instead watching everybody with suspicion. But could you really blame him? He just moved into a town and suddenly there was a murder. Everyone was scared.

Then a few days later another one happened.

"Don't you find this suspicious how he just moved here and now people are dying like flies?” Liza asked.

"Don't be ridiculous," Olivia puffed. "It's just a coincidence."

"So two people dead in less than a week is now ‘just a coincidence’? Funny. Well, if you say so. But remember my words."

Olivia remembered them again on Tuesday when she saw Andrew and Liza in the corridor. They were standing alone. Olivia couldn’t see Liza’s face, but Andrew’s was tense, and he looked like he was ready to jump at any moment.

"What's going on?" Olivia asked, looking between them. Liza immediately plastered herself to Olivia’s back. Andrew moved as if to take a step towards them but stopped.

"Just talking," he said, trying for a smile. Olivia wasn't buying it.

"Looks more like you were having an argument or something. Everything's fine?"

"Yes, babe, everything's fine," Liza said. She intertwined her fingers with Olivia’s and started pulling her away.

“Wait!” Andrew reached for Olivia, but she quickly moved sideways, accidentally bumping into Liza. Her face probably told volumes because Andrew froze with his hand midair. “Wait. Let… Uh, let me walk you home. It’s dangerous.” He sent a quick look at Liza and then looked back at Olivia.

“We’ll be fine. Bye,” Olivia said before turning and quickly walking away. Liza was right beside her. They didn’t stop until they reached Olivia’s house.

The next day Andrew wasn't at school. Nether the day after that. Liza kept humming a song. It sounded familiar but Olivia couldn't put a name to it.

"Have you seen Andrew?" Nick asked. "I called him yesterday but he didn't pick up."

"Not a word," Liza said. "Maybe it's for the better, the guy's a creep."

Nick frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"He followed me a few days ago and was super aggressive."

"What?” Nick let out a surprised laugh. “It can't be him. Are you sure?"

"Yes," Olivia said. She still couldn’t wrap her head around what had happened that day. "He was acting strange. Real strange. Maybe it's best we don't talk to him anymore."

Nick watched her a few moments before nodding. They didn’t mention Andrew’s name again for the rest of the day.

Later, Liza asked, "You still wanna come over tonight?"

Olivia frowned. "Still?"

"Yeah," Liza said. "We’ve been planning this sleepover for weeks. Have you forgotten?"

Olivia couldn't remember anything about a sleepover.

"I... Yes, I’m sorry. It's been a crazy couple of days."

"I agree. I feel like it's been a year instead of a week." Liza shook her head, then smiled, elbowing Olivia. "Even more reasons for a girl's night. My parents are out, by the way." She sent Olivia a mischievous smile.

Olivia laughed. "You know how to convince a girl."

"Of course I do."

Liza’s house was pale yellow. In some places, the paint had long peeled off. Her front yard was overgrown with grass; Liza wasn’t that fond of plants and nature in general, and her parents were away most of the time.

Olivia knocked; few seconds later Liza opened the door. Her left hand was bandaged.

“Oh my god, what happened?” Olivia reached out for her hand but then stopped. “Does it hurt?”

“A bit,” Liza moved her fingers and flinched. “Had a fight with Allison.”


“My sister. Came here yesterday. Uninvited as usual. We had a fight.”

"Wait. You have a sister?"

Liza rolled her eyes. "Does it really matter right now? She's not here anymore."

“I’m sorry,” Olivia took Liza’s good hand and gently squeezed it. “It's just... unexpected I guess. Is there something I can do?”

“Oh definitely,” Liza’s lips curled into a smile. She let go of Olivia’s hand and cupped her neck instead. “I have an idea or two.”

Before Olivia could say anything, Liza rose to her tiptoes and kissed her. Her lips were soft as they slid against Olivia’s. Up close her hair smelled of early summer apples; Olivia’s favorite.

“We can continue here or move somewhere more pleasant,” Liza whispered in her ear. Her breath tickled Olivia’s neck and sent shivers through her body. “My bedroom, for example. Your choice.”

“Bedroom sounds nice.”

“Good. Let’s go.”

Liza took her hand and pulled her towards the stairs. It was getting dark outside, yet not a single lamp was on. If it wasn’t for Liza guiding her, Olivia would have surely gotten lost.

The lights in Liza’s room were also off, but the setting sun and street lamps were shining through her window. A big spider web was hanging from one corner on the ceiling. The floor was covered in small clumps of dust.

“Jesus Christ, when was the last time you cleaned your room?”

"Stop attacking me," Liza whinnied.

“I’m serious. Just look at your table.” Olivia ran her finger across the dust on the table, leaving a line. She made a face. “Didn’t you use to have a house cleaner?”

“She’s sick.”

“Has she been sick for months?”

“Are we here to talk about my cleaning habits or have fun?”

“It’s just… a bit disturbing.”

“Then we need to find something to distract you.”

This time the kiss was deeper. Liza placed her hands on Olivia’s hips to guide her towards the bed. She pushed her when they got closer, and Olivia landed on it with a squeal. A cloud of dust rose, but before Olivia could complain, Liza was already on top of her.

Liza cupped Olivia’s face with both of her hands and kissed her again. And again, and again, until Olivia was breathless. Her head began to spin. Liza leaned down and trailed her nose on Olivia’s neck. She kissed behind her ear, trailing down to her collarbone. Olivia yelped in surprise when Liza bit her.

“What the hell was that?” she asked.

Liza giggled. “You’ll like it, don’t worry.”

She bit her again, hard enough to draw blood. Olivia cried out in pain and pushed at Liza’s shoulders, but Liza didn’t budge an inch. She sucked on the blood, slipping her hand under Olivia’s shirt.

“Liza, stop.” Olivia pushed her again, but Liza’s body was as hard as a wall.

“Stop? But why? We’re having so much fun together. Do you want to ruin it?” She got closer to her ear and whispered: “You should have listened to that hunter boy.”

It took Olivia a few seconds to understand what she was talking about.

“Hunter boy? You mean Andrew?”

“Mhm, yes. Him. He started sneaking around with his stupid family. Asking. Talking. Even came here uninvited. Can you believe this? But I guess you can’t expect any manners for the likes of him. So I had to teach him some.”

“Teach him so—“Olivia’s eyes widened. “Is this why he’s missing?” Liza hummed in approval. “What did you do to him? Why?”

“’Cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead," Liza singsonged and laughed.

Olivia gulped. “Is he… Is he dead?”

“Unfortunately, no,” Liza pouted. “Just… busy. Rethinking his choices, I hope. Perhaps next time he’ll know better than telling other people’s secrets. But enough about him.” She smiled, but instead of human teeth she had fangs. “The real question is… Can you keep a secret?”

August 21, 2020 15:31

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Lynn Penny
14:02 Aug 25, 2020

That went on a direction I totally wasn’t expecting, I loved it! Awesome job!


Yuliia Burlaka
14:13 Aug 25, 2020

Thank you! This was exactly my plan ahah, to go for something not entirely expected. I'm glad you like it!


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