The finding

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about a person who collects superhero comics.... view prompt



As i rounded the corner i knew it would be there . It has not moved in years from the back of Mr. Kaysons book store. I have been drooling over it since my brother first allowed me to join him on his visits to the book store. There it is the first issue of Barbarian Jack. It was amazing in perfect condition .So worth the fifty dollars Mr.Kayson was asking and today was the day it was mine. I worked all weekend for Mr.Kayson dusting shelves sorting books and my least favorite labeling .Now i finally have it ! Kyle did you find it yet ? My brother Jason asked . Ya its right here .Jason look at it gaze upon this greatness i said as i waved my hands in front of it as if was some nice new sports car .He chuckled at me and rolled his eyes .For real man its so awesome i said with a cheesy grin on my face .Jason knew i have wanted this comic book for so long now and i knew he was exited for me . Have you seen Mr.Kayson he asked while glancing behind him as if the old

man would suddenly sneak up on us. He is most likely in the back looking for his labeler gun that mysteriously went missing the sunday morning i said while intentionally looking anywhere else but at Jason .Ill go find him i said quickly before he could give me a look that means there will be oncoming lecture . I did not have to look long he was walking out of the storage room labeler in hand . Hay Mr.Kayson i see you found it i said pointing at the lable gun . Yes it was behind the boxes in there very mysterious wouldn't you think Kyle ? He said dripping sarcasm with every word .Yes sir totally preposterous i said straight faced trying not to let my grin show . So what can i help you with today he asked . Sir you know exactly why i am here i said finally letting my smile show . Oh you can not mean my first issue of Barbarian Jack do you i was thinking of keeping that you know he said to me with an all to pleased with himself look on face . He knew it was killing me procrastinating like this but i knew he was doing it on purpose. i just need that comic in my hand already i thought to myself .As we walked back to the glass cabinet i asked Mr.Kayson if i was going to get a employee discount he just gave me the side eye and kept walking . I knew that was a longshot i thought in my head but worth a try .We got to the cabinet and both my brother Jason and Mr.Kayson where smiling at me as if waiting for me to do something. Come on please stop making me wait i said with a pleading tone .Well what do you want us to do Mr.Kayson asked .Sell me the comic what are you talking about you know why i am here i said. Oh well i have already sold it he told me .my eyes went wide and i looked at the comic that was right there in front of me .What do you mean you sold it i know nobody came it after we closed last night and purchased it and i was standing outside waiting on you to open the store this morning so no one could have gotten it before me i said with a suspicious tone .He looked at me and smiled . Yes he told me i sold it to your brother friday evening . I looked at Jason with a are you serious look on my face while i crossed my arms . He just stood there staring at me with a curious look . Come on jason why are you torturing me you know i wanted that comic book. Its the first ever Barbarian Jack and here you are just dangling it in front of me .Please tell me you didn't buy it i asked hoping against all hope Mr.Kayson was just getting back at me for hiding his labeler gun . I got it for you he told me and i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding . Well ok then that is freaking awesome i said totally relieved .Wait do i owe you fifty bucks i asked giving him my best investigator face . He laughed at me and shook his head no bud it is all yours you earned it he said putting a hand on my shoulder . Another breath of relief left me even though i was about to give up the fifty dollars anyway for the comic book .Withed seemed crazy to me maybe it was a sibling thing i guess i thought to myself . As Mr.Kayson took the comic book out of the cabinet and handed it to me i nearly melted . It was amazing just to hold it . I had a plastic cover to put it in when i got done reading it witch was going to happen the second we sat down in the car . I stuck my hand out to shake Mr.Kaysons hand he shook my hand firmly and said you take care of that comic book ok i really did want to keep it . Oh this comic will not leave my sight sir i have a plastic case and a spot cleared out on top of my dresser just for it . He smiled at me and said perfect because i might want to read it again sometime here in the future .I nodded my head vigorously yes sir anytime you just let me know i said shuffling from foot to foot just ready to get in the car . Ok Mr.Kayson we better get this guy home he is so exited he is doing the pee pee dance jason said grabbing his keys from his pocket . Yes yes yes ok cool awesome lets go i said walking towards the door . I waved Mr.Kayson goodbye and i got in the car about to finally start reading my comic book .

July 03, 2020 03:01

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